Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ BSSM: Star Kingdom (Arch I: DeathSong) ❯ The New Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1

Hello. My name is Gina Helio. Actually, my name is Regina, but I was registered at school as Gina and I like the nickname. It's better than Regi. Anyway, I'm 17 years old. My birthday is August 17th 1977, and I lived in America until I was forced to move due to my mother's job. I can speak English, Japanese and French.

***** Flashback *****

I was speaking to my French teacher about what it was like to live in America and then to move to Japan. I backed out of her classroom and bumped in to a girl with a funny hair-do, causing me to fall down with her.

I started to say, "I'm sorry" in French then I remembered that not everyone would understand me. I said, "Gomen ne," grabbed my books which I had dropped, then tore off to Geometry class yelling, 'I am going to be so late for Geometry!' in English that is, all the way there.

In Geometry, I saw one of the girls that was with that girl I ran into, sitting across the isle. I passed a note that said, "Hi. I'm new here. Can you help me get to my next class?" At the bottom I had put little boxes with options next to them. One said, "Yes", another said "Maybe", and another said "No". She returned the note with the box next to 'yes' checked.

After class, she met me at the door. We were almost immediately friends. When I asked her whom that was that I crashed into, she said, "*Oh that was just my friend, Usagi-chan. I think she likes it that she found someone nearly as klutzy as herself.*"

We joked and laughed all the way to my Chemistry class. When she turned into the same classroom, I was mildly amazed.

"Of course she'd be in your Chem. Class too. She was in your Geometry class, wasn't she?" I chided myself silently. I asked Ami if I could sit by her. She said that it was fine with her, just ask the teacher. I went and asked the teacher. When she said 'yes', I went to sit by Ami.

I was bored the whole time. I was further along in America than this class so Ami was mildly challenged while I helped her when she was stuck on a problem. At lunch Amy asked me if I wanted to sit with her and her friends. I agreed because I wanted to apologize to Usagi formally. "Maybe I could confuse them and speak in English or French." I thought as I walked to Ami, a girl that could only be Usagi, and a girl I hadn't been introduced to yet.

I said "hi" and Ami introduced me formally to Makoto Kino and Usagi Tsukino. Thankfully, I was well seasoned in speaking and translating Japanese, so I was able to keep up. Then Usagi asked, "*What were you screaming as you ran away from us?*" I chuckled, mildly amused that the subject had come up on its own. "*I was yelling ' I'm going to be so late for Geometry' Usagi-chan, only in English. I forgot that I was in Japan and I spoke my native tongue, which is English. Especially when I'm late for a class.*"

That got laughs from everyone. I had meant it to make them laugh. I always love to hear people laugh. Even if it's at my expense. Usually when it's at my expense, it's something I can laugh at too.

The day went on. I was in Usagi's Study Hall and Phys Ed Class; Mako's Home Economics Class; and Ami's Japanese Literature, and World Geography class. I had been alone in my art class but I didn't mind, because I love art and to work alone in art.

After school, I was really tired. "Figures I may have moved to Japan but I'm still getting extremely tired after school. It's probably the jet lag." I said to myself in French, because I didn't want anyone to understand me that well. I had brought a good book to read so I was reading on my way home. I was heading toward an apartment building where I was staying with my mom.

Luckily, I have a good memory so, when I had walked to school that morning, I remembered the way back with out looking in front of me. That proved fatal about three blocks away from the apartment building when I ran into a guy that looked to be in his early twenties.

Almost immediately I said, "*Gomen ne. I'm new here and I'm still learning my way around.*"

I leaned over to pick up my books. I had told my mom that since school got out at 3:30 and we lived about a mile away, I would be home at 4:30. Since I had lost track of where I was, I looked up.

"*Don't worry about it. I'm used to it.*" the man answered and turned to walk away.

"*Umm… Sir?*" I asked, looking for the man that I had bumped into.

"*Mamoru-san, please.*" he answered.

"*Mamoru-san? You wouldn't happen to know where the Tokyo Downtown apartment building is? Would you?*" I asked politely.

"*Sure I do!*" Mamoru answered, "*I live there.*"

"*Great! Could you help me get there?*" I asked Mamoru.

"*Sure I would. What floor do you live on?*" Mamoru asked.

"*Floor thirteen… Why?*"

"*Just wondering.*"

We were walking and talking casually about important nothings like what life in America was like. Every single one of my new teachers had asked for me to tell the class about what life was like in America, so answering Mamoru's questions was a breeze.

When he asked me about the colleges over seas, I was speechless. Which rarely happens. Believe me! Even ask my mom and she'll tell you that I'm very rarely speechless.

"*Umm…*" I stuttered.

"*Well?*" he pushed for an answer.

"*They're quite good if you ask me but I haven't had time to check out the colleges around here.*" I answered quickly so I could get it out when I could remember it. I may have a good sense of memory when it comes to direction, but when it comes to words… I have to get them out fast otherwise they're lost in my head.

"*Why do you ask, Mamoru-san?*" I asked politely so that I wouldn't seem too nosey.

"*I'm just thinking about going to America for college. That's all.*" Mamoru answered.

"*Oh. Well, since I'm from Minnesota, I'll probably be more enthusiastic about the universities there. It all depends on what you want to do for a job after college. Like if you wanted to be a lawyer or specialize in politics or stuff that involves the law, the best one to go to is Harvard."

"*Cool.*" Mamoru responded.

Mamoru was the kind of guy that was not my type but we could be friends. He was even nice enough to help me find my apartment, but I didn't think of it as a kind of thing Mamoru would do to try and attract my attention. "He's taken." I thought. I had a way of figuring that out before I even knew a person. It was something in their body language that told me. Either that or I was catching their 'I'm taken' vibes.

"Either way, Mako-chan will want you with her when she goes boy-hunting." I thought. When I laughed, my mom came in to see if I was okay after my first day at school in Japan.

"I'm fine! Really!" I said for about the millionth time that day. Unfortunately, my mom knows herself too well for her own good, so she answered, "Well, get used to it. I'm going to be asking that EVERY day so I can annoy you."

"Jeez! You're worse than Mark was!" I exclaimed.

That froze my mother and I. See my brother, Mark, he was my twin, was out playing B-ball with his friends and I, back in America, when our ball rolled out into the street and Mark went after it. What happened next was so awful that I don't remember anymore.

My mom cleared her throat and said, "I am scheduled for the late shift tonight, so go to bed early. I'll know if you stayed up later than nine."

"Mom! I'm eighteen, you know?! I can't have a nine 'o' clock bedtime!"

She just turned her face away from mine. Then when I was done raving about how ridiculous a nine 'o' clock bedtime was for a seventeen year old, she calmly replied, "Would you rather have a eight 'o' clock bedtime?"

That put me into a frustrated silent anger mode. "If I argue, she'll make me go to bed when she leaves! AND give me a seven thirty bedtime like when I was six!" I yelled in my head. I scowled at her then went to my desk to study for tomorrow.

The day that would change my life. Forever.

***** End Flashback *****

Disclaimer & Authoress's Note: My first SM fic. Yes, I know I didn't get any good parts done. I really shouldn't even classify this as a chapter, as a prologue instead but screw it! It's a chapter. I don't care. I roast marshmallows and hot dogs on flames so don't bother sending 'em. Yes, I'm a dubbier but I read the manga when I can and Japanese summaries b/c I wanted to know what happened after BSSMR. I originally started with both Saturn and Sun but I found out that there was a Saturn already so I threw everything into Sun. ^_^ All Sailormoon characters are property of Takeuchi Naoko-sama. I own Gina and Mark Helio and Mrs. Helio. New characters to come later. The soonest being next chapter. Review please. Tah-tah!

~Queen Tessandry de Sanyochisei~