Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Changes in the Moon ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z Crossover

Changes in the Moon
A Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon Crossover
Disclaimer: I don't own these two shows but I really wish I did! I would be so rich! Anyway, don't sue me, all you would probably get would be a few gum wrappers anyway! Hope you enjoy my fic! J
In this story, I have taken out Darien and Rini because I tried putting them in and I really don't like the whole jealousy thing that happened so don't take it personally all you Darien and Rini fans! You'll find out what happened between Serena and Darien later. Oh, and Gohan is in that stage where Goten and Trunks are not born yet but he's not a little kid anymore. If anything isn't like the show, remember that they haven't been shown in the US, so don't kill me.
Chapter 1
"Serena! You are a complete ditz! I can't believe that Luna ever made you a scout! You were late and because of that, you almost got us killed!" A very angry Sailor Mars yelled.
"Yeah! You're a real joke Sailor Moon! You almost got the scouts toasted! I think you should leave!" Sailor Venus agreed as she stood next to Mars. The other two scouts looked on sadly.
"So that's how you all feel, huh?" Sailor Moon started, the hurt painfully obvious in her eyes. "You're just assuming that I arrived late on purpose! Well, if you want to know what happened to make me so late, go ask the group of kids I changed back, okay?" Sailor Moon whispered as she detransformed. As she looked at Mars, the pain turning to anger. Sailor Jupiter took a step forward.
"Wait a minute. This isn't..." Jupiter started but was interrupted.
"No! Raye is so right! I'm not cut out to be Sailor Moon. Raye, since you're so perfect, why don't you take over, okay? See you around scouts, I don't plan on coming back so if you need me, -Whoa!" All of a sudden, some kind of portal opened up right under her feet and she fell in. It closed right then, leaving the scouts speechless.
Goku was watching his son swim. The young teen was really growing up to be something else. With Chi-chi pregnant, Gohan and himself had to find somewhere to go to escape her wrath. Actually, he was very proud and in awe of his son. He had improved so much since Piccolo trained him and the battles against Frieza and Garlic Jr. Although he wasn't around a lot, Gohan didn't hold anything against him, and that meant a lot. He was really proud of him. All of a sudden, he saw his son jerk his head up toward the sky.

"Hey Dad! Did you see that?"

Goku looked up. A portal had just opened and a young blonde in a long white dress fell right out of it. Then a deafening thud was heard. That just had to hurt!
"Wow! Uh, maybe we should go see if she's okay." Goku said as Gohan dried himself off and dressed in his traditional 'Piccolo type' gi. Soon, father and son headed off towards the place where the girl had fallen.
"Oh man! That really hurt! What the hell just happened?" Serenity said as she got up. She was no longer in her school attire. She was Princess Serenity. She looked at her surroundings. There was nothing but tall structures and a forest to her right. 'Okay Serena, do not panic! First things first, get rid of the dress.' Serenity pulled out her Luna Pen. It twinkled in her hand.
"Disguise Power! Transform me into an afternoon jogger!" Instantly, she wore white running shorts and a very big, loose, light pink T-shirt. Her hair was braided all the way down to her ankles. Then she proceeded to jog towards the forest, hopefully to find food and shelter.
Goku and Gohan flew over to where they thought they had last seen the girl. Suddenly, Gohan grabbed his father by the belt and pulled him down to the edge of the forest. He then pointed toward the beautiful blonde girl walking towards them.
"Dad, I think that's her! What should we do?" Gohan whispered as the beautiful girl walked closer and closer.
"Well, I guess we could go meet up with her and find out what she's up to. Come on!" Goku said as he flew at lightening speed towards her before Gohan could stop him.
Serena stopped. All of a sudden, she had felt as though she was being watched. She closed her eyes to calm her nerves and took a deep breath. When she opened them, she saw two black eyes in front of hers. She did the only logical thing. She screamed.
"What the heck! Who are you! D-Don't make me hurt you!" Serena said as he pulled out her moon tier and held it out in front of her as she quickly started to back up.
"Wait a second! My name is Goku. I'm not gonna hurt you! We saw you fall from a portal in the sky and wanted to see if you were okay!" Goku said as he held his hands in the air.
"Who's we?" Serenity said, relaxing a little. She didn't sense any bad vibes coming from him. He was definitely very strong too.
"My son and I. Gohan, come on out! She seems to be nice!" Serena looked past Goku to see a handsome young teen with short, spiky, black hair come walking out.
"Umm…I'm Gohan. Are you okay? That fall would have killed any normal human!" Gohan stuttered as he lost himself in her sea blue eyes. She smiled sweetly at him.
"Well, I guess you could say I'm no ordinary human."
And that is all for chapter one! Hope you enjoyed it! Write me and tell me if you liked it and want me to continue, you have any suggestions. And for those of you who are wondering where Darien is, you'll find out what happened. I know I totally screwed up the time line thing so don't kill me.