Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Changes in the Moon ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Changes in the Moon

Changes in the Moon
A Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon Crossover
Disclaimer: I don't own the shows so don't sue me.
Chapter 5
Serena stared at the clouds whizzing by her head, her long braid flowing behind her as she held onto a terrified Luna. To her right was Gohan and next to him was Piccolo. Goku was to her left and Vegeta next to him. She was surprised to hear that the other scouts were in this dimension. 'I know that Mars and Venus are angry with me but they are also my friends. I have to save them!' She thought as she glanced at Gohan. 'Gohan's a hottie! I'll give him that. But after what happened with that low-life Darien, I don't know what to do.'
Vegeta glanced at the blonde on the nimbus. Right now, her power level was unusually high. She couldn't be human, not with a power level like that. 'Oh well, what do I care. If she's supposed to be a sailor scout, then she can take care of herself." He had heard Bulma telling Gohan all about them. He had scoffed at the idea of females fighting in mini skirts, but here was one, right in front of him; or so she claimed. He wouldn't believe it until he saw it with his own eyes. He would just have to wait for these so called heart-snatchers. 'One thing's for sure. They won't want my heart. It's far from being pure.'
"There it is! That's the waterfall Mercury's near." Luna said as she almost fell out of Serena's arms. Everyone descended to the ground. In front of them was a large waterfall. In front of it was a small lake. In the middle of the lake was a ball. It was large and made up of water and ice. The icicles swirled around and around. Inside was a female. She was standing, ankles crossed, and held a harp close to her. Her head was bent and her eyes hidden from view. Serena gulped as she held Luna up so that they were face to face.
"Tell me how to free her." It wasn't a question. Everyone looked at her; she had been so calm up until now. Luna jumped on the ground. She did the famous back flip. When she landed, in front of her floated a long glittering sword. It was pure white.
"All that I know is that you can use this sword to free all of the scouts. I don't know how to use it though." Luna said as Gohan picked her up. Serena snatched up the sword and headed towards the lake when an arrow flew by her head. Everyone spun around to see a monster made completely of ice. It had short spikes on its wrists and ankles and neck. That's when Serena noticed the all too familiar black star shape on its forehead.
"Heart-snatcher!" She yelled as she held her transformation brooch. "Moon Cosmic Power!" Everyone was blinded for a moment and when they opened their eyes, there stood Sailor Moon. In her hand, was the sword that Luna had given to her. Her eyes blazed with hatred and disgust that rivaled Vegeta.
"Your heart will be mine!" The snatcher said as it fired its ice crystals at Goku. He dodged them easily and stood next to Vegeta. Vegeta was staring behind him and all around him.
They were surrounded by them. Everywhere they turned, another heart-snatcher was readying to attack. Luna's fur had risen on her back as she hissed in Gohan's arms. Suddenly, Sailor Moon made a mad dash towards Mercury. She didn't even feel the bitter cold water touch her legs and arms as she sliced at the prison that held her friend. The icicles stopped swirling and fell in front of her. Mercury's head snapped up as she prepared herself for battle. She lowered to the shore, her harp disappearing. Moon ran up behind her.
"I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice. On behalf of the Moon…"
"And on behalf of the cold planet Mercury…"
"We will destroy you!" The two scouts finished together. Vegeta stared in shock. Piccolo smirked, as did Goku. Gohan was trying so hard not to stare at Moon. Mercury touched her earring to activate her VR Visor.
"According to my calculations, there is only one of them. The rest are simply illusions. The real one is…. that one right there!" Mercury said as she pointed to the one behind Gohan and Goku. The snatcher behind Goku pulled out a large gun. (Like the one that the witches 5 used to force the hearts out of the bodies.) Sailor Moon noticed it out of the corner of her eye. Her eyes widened in fear.
"GOKU! LOOK OUT!" She screamed. Goku turned around just as it fired. A bright glowing crystal forced it's way out of his body as he screamed in pain. The heart crystal radiated brightly as Goku collapsed into a lifeless shell of his former self. Gohan ran towards his father as the snatcher grabbed the crystal. Mercury used this chance to attack.
"Shine Aqua Illusion!" A jettison of ice water flew towards the snatcher, freezing it in place, the heart crystal in its hand, untouched. Sailor Moon ran up and grabbed it as it shook the ice off.
"Hey! Give that back, you thief!" It yelled in rage. Sailor Moon handed it to Piccolo.
"If you want Goku to live, then guard this with your life." She whispered to him as she turned towards the snatcher. "Who are you calling a thief!" She said as she looked towards Mercury, who looked towards her. When Mercury had attacked, all of the other illusions had been disintegrated. Vegeta charged at it and it quickly dodged. Soon, they were in hand to hand combat. Sailor Moon pulled out her moon tier.
The snatcher looked at the smug fighter. She didn't have a chance unless she did something drastic. Vegeta had stopped for a second.
"What's wrong, did you finally figure out that you can't win against the almighty prince of saiyans?" He boasted. Sailor Moon shook her head as the snatcher blew and Vegeta was frozen in place.
"Mercury, could we get some cover?"
"My pleasure. Mercury Bubbles Blast!" She shouted her attack, creating a thick fog. Moon smiled.
"My turn. Moon Spiral Heart Attack!" Moon's attack finished the snatcher, changing it back to three cubes of ice. An egg popped out and released the demon.
Vegeta had managed to break free of the ice and stood off to the side, frowning. Gohan knelt by his dad. He was too pale and lifeless for Gohan's liking. Sailor Moon retrieved the heart crystal from Piccolo, silently thanking him with her eyes. He simply nodded and knelt down next to Gohan. As Sailor Moon knelt down, she held up his crystal. It was glowing brightly, as brightly as hers did.
"This is Goku's heart crystal. Without it, he will die. It is glowing brightly because it is reflecting the pureness of his heart." She quickly placed it back inside of him and he regained consciousness almost immediately. She smiled softly at him as Gohan helped him to his feet. He steadied himself on his feet and placed a hand over his heart.
"That is one thing that I never want to have to go through again." Mercury walked up to Sailor Moon and tapped her shoulder.
"Sailor Moon, what is going on? Where is everyone… and who are they? Are you all right?" Just then, everyone got their first good look at Sailor Mercury. She had short blue hair and blue eyes that beamed with knowledge. She was about the same height as Sailor Moon and held a mini computer with the symbol of Mercury on it. Her uniform was light blue.
"They're friends. Why don't we de-transform and I'll introduce you." Mercury trusted her friend and did so with her. Instead of the Scout of Mercury, there was a young lady.
"I am Amy." She wore blue jeans and a baby blue tank top. She still held her computer. She looked at Piccolo, startled for a moment and then calmed down when Serena put a hand on her shoulder.
"This is Piccolo, Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan. They helped me when I arrived here. But first things first. Do you think that you could find the other scout's key signatures on your Mercury computer?" Amy was startled that Serena was, well, taking control of the situation. She smiled softly.
"I don't see why not. Just give me a second." She popped open her computer and started typing. Everyone stared at her hands. They were going so fast that it was hard to keep up with them. In a matter of seconds…
"All right. They are all in their transformed states, in some sort of suspended animation. There are two in this area. They are Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Uranus. The next ones are Neptune and Mars." She smiled at Serena and then looked a little worried. "None of you're friends are completely human." She studied them. Goku looked at her.
"That's right. Vegeta and me are saiyans. Gohan is half human and saiyan and Piccolo is a namek." She simply smiled and looked toward Serena. She smiled back at her.
"Let's get Uranus and Jupiter. Which direction?"
"Um…west. This way." She said as she pointed past the waterfall. "Jupiter is closest. Only a few minutes walk. In fact, the others are nearby. But Venus, Pluto, and Saturn are no where near here." Serena nodded. She looked at Goku.
"Well, lets get going. Jupiter's not far and I just have to see her face when she sees you guys." She giggled. "I'll fill you in on what's happening on our way. Girl, you are going to be surprised!" The two old friends started walking, as Serena told her all that was happening. The guys followed.
Piccolo eyed the two girls as they conversed with each other. Sure, he had heard the legend of the Sailor Soldiers from Gohan but that was only a legend. He couldn't help but feel guilty. The blonde was the Scout of the Moon. He had destroyed the moon in this dimension.
"Hey Kakkarot!" Vegeta asked as he walked next to Goku.
"How did it feel to have your heart crystal snatched?" Goku frowned at the thought.
"I saw my entire life flash before my eyes. It felt like someone had ripped out my soul, my entire being, and set it on fire while tearing it apart. Serena was right. It hurts like hell." He cringed as he put his hand over his heart and sighed with relief. Vegeta frowned. If Kakkarot said that it was like hell, it was.
Gohan stared at the two soldiers. The legends said that Mercury was extremely intelligent. 'Looks like the legends got that one right on the nose.' Suddenly he saw a green glow ahead. Serena and Amy stopped.
"There she is. Sailor Jupiter." Amy said softly. Before them was a force field, similar to Mercury's only leaves and lightning swirled around her. Her hands were crossed over her bow and her ankles crossed as well. Her head was also bowed.
Serena fetched the sword out of her subspace pocket. She carefully approached Jupiter, looking around for heart-snatchers. Then she quickly sliced the sword over the shield. Just like before, the lightning ceased and the leaves fell to the floor.
Jupiter's head snapped up and her eyes opened to reveal her emerald green eyes. She flipped out of her spot in the air and landed in front of Serena.
"Serena? What's going on? Who are these guys? Did they hurt you?" A small, evil little smile appeared on her face as she held up her fist, it sparkling with deadly lightning.
"No! They're my friends." The guys could see the disappointment in her eyes along with relief for Serena's safety.
"If you say so, Serena." Jupiter said as she lowered her fist, eyeing each of them with a very skeptical stare.
"This is Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and Piccolo." Jupiter nodded, as she de-transformed, leaving a tall brunette with black shorts and a green T-shirt.
"I'm Lita, Sailor Jupiter." She said calmly as she looked at Serena. "You okay? If it's about Mars and Venus, they didn't mean what they said. You should have seen them blubbering when you disappeared like that. They wouldn't eat, sleep, or anything!" Serena looked up, startled.
"You mean, they're not mad?"
"Are you kidding? You know Raye has a big mouth and says things that she doesn't mean! Mina just had a very bad day and took it out on you. They were both so sorry and blamed themselves for what happened to you." Serena beamed.
"So they didn't mean what they said! They were just upset!" Serena threw her arms around Lita's neck, causing her to step back. Then she flashed an irresistible smile towards the guys, causing even Vegeta and Piccolo to smile back.
"It's great to see you Lita but right now we have to find Uranus." Amy said as she smiled at the tall brunette. She typed on her data computer for a second. "According to my calculations, Uranus is that way." Amy said, pointing east. "We'll fill you in, Lita." Lita nodded as they all started walking again.
Piccolo noticed how tall she was. She was just a few inches shorter than he was. She seemed to be full of fight. She stuck close to Serena as she explained, once again, what was going on.
Suddenly, there was a rustling in the bushed up ahead. Everyone snapped at attention and fell into battle stance as the bushes opened to reveal another heart-snatcher. She held a heart-stealing gun and was accompanied by a female. The female had short, curly, neon green hair and red eyes. She laughed evilly while staring at Serena. Serena stepped back and bumped into Gohan who blushed and helped her up to her feet. The woman floated up in front and put her hands on her hips.
"The name is Veolia and I'm here to collect some heart-crystals for my master."
That's all I have for today! Keep reading and tell me if I should continue. I love to hear from you guys! Remember to R&R! J