Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos no Ageshio (Tides of Chaos) ❯ Trailer ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What follows is a trailer for my new Sailor Moon story entitled, 'Tides of Chaos.'

Disclaimer: *** I don't own Sailor Moon. Please don't sue me. I'm a poor starving college student and I

wouldn't be able to give you more than a few dollars and a case of Dr. Pepper anyways. ***


Princess Serenity floats in the midst of countless glowing crystals. Star seeds. With her floats

Galaxia, her long golden hair flowing free all around her. Serenity is clothed in naught but a pair of vast

angelic wings attatched to her shoulders, Galaxia in naught but her own hair, and yet neither of them are

truely naked. There is no shame here, in the midst of the glow of the star seeds.

Serenity: "Please lead the star seeds, so they won't go astray."

Galaxia: *smiles* "I will. And... thank you, Sailor Moon. Thank you for everything."

The star seeds gather around Galaxia, and with a flash of light, both Galaxia and the crystals shoot

off into the night, heading out towards the rest of the galaxy.

Suddenly, Sailor Pluto's blood-red eyes open, super-imposed over the image of the departing

senshi-crystals. Their light fades away as Pluto comes fully into being. There she stands, guardian of the

gates of time and daughter of Chronos, wielder of the key of time; a true senshi, her duty placed before all


Pluto: *with a sad, almost... regretful smile upon her face* "But the destiny of stars... had only just begun to

unfold. And when the light of the stars was rekindled, Chaos was also revived."


The scene shifts:

Deep beneath the surface of the earth, there lies a place of brooding darkness, where ancient things

have lain in a fitful slumber for millenia beyond count. Vast beyond the ability of the human mind to

comprehend, it stretches out for what very well may be an eternity. Throughout the darkness of the

nethermost caverns, silence reigns supreme. Here, great holes have been carved when the earth's pores

ought to have sufficed. ... and though it is silent, it is not empty: here, dead thoughts live anew and oddly


Here, things have learned to walk that ought to crawl.

And suddenly, in the midst of the darkness, something stirs. A great eye opens, shining forth its

light; red and undying. It burns there like a bonfire in the midst of that night blacker than night, and yet it

illuminates nothing.

Sailor Pluto's image appears; transparent, watching the eye impassively. Her voice comes then,

seemingingly from a great distance. "And with the revival of Chaos... came the revival of her children.

Now, the time of trials is at hand and the Cataclysm is fast approaching. All that stands in the way of the

End..." She trails off for a moment and smiles faintly, a look of remembrance in her eyes, "... is a Senshi

born from everyone's love, carrying the hope of us all."


The scene shifts once more:

Princess Serenity stands on a rocky outcropping. Before her lies an immense pool of star-lit liquid; an

abyss filled with stars. Little eddies and whirlpools of light shoot off from it every now and then. Behind

her lies the river of memory. This is the Zero Star Saggitarius. The galaxy cauldron.

Serenity: *with a voice filled with sadness* "Minna, I tried my best, but it's hard by myself. I'm not that

strong... and I'm lonely."

The light of the galaxy cauldron begins to fade. Soon, Serenity stands in almost complete darkness. The

only light comes from her. Silence stretches out... and then... another light appears next to her. As the

screen begins to fade to black, we hear the voice of Sailor Mars, speaking in a soft, comforting tone.

"You're not alone, Usagi."

--=- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon -=--

-Tides of Chaos-

coming soon...

(a P.H. Wise fanfic)


Like it? Hate it? Want to burn me at the stake?

C&C is welcome. Flames will be laughed at. Spam will be summarily deleted.

Here is a picture of a pig.





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