Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Childhood ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Many yearsbefore Sailor Earth met Sailor Moon, when Terrina was still a little girl, she was hunted down by Freeza's men. This story tells of her past, and her first transformation...and why Android 21 doesn't remember who...or what...she is...

~37 Years ago...~

The blast struck Terrina,and she fell towards the ground. The red bandana around her neck came undone and floated away. The Saiya-jin opened her eyes and became alarmed.

"P...papa..." She whispered. Before she could land, one of her attackers rammed his knee into her back. The pain became to much. She fell limp. No. She had worked so hard. She had run to far. She looked to the side and noticed the cloth laying next to her. Reaching for it, she gently took it. This was all she had left. Her father had died a long time ago, when she had been born. Killed on a mission. He was low-class, it was to be expected. Another Saiya-jin let her into his family. He never really stayed around, always off fighting, but he was as much a father as anything. But he too was dead. Killed by the same cowardly bastard she was fleeing from. What was that Saiya-jin's name?

A new hand lifted her up by her tail. This pain paled in comparreson to what she had just gone through. She formed a small golden Ki blast, and fired it. Golden? Why was it gold? She wasn't dropped, however. Only flung into a large boulder. She tried to get up again. She held the cloth in her hands, tying it to her neck. The hand from earlier lifted her up, holding her close so she couldn't escape again. She felt the wind whip about her back as they flew towards a ship, waiting for them. To the little girl, she was returning to Hell. She hated Freeza. She hated Prince Vegeta. She hated the few remaining Saiya-jin's who hurt her. They all landed in the ship, and she pretended to be unconsious. The cloth dangled freely. The man holding her by the tail now, went to rip it off, when an evil voice stopped him.

"Let her keep it." The voice ordered. The man nodded his head and carried her to the medical wing. She was undressed, and tossed into a healing chamber. This was her favorite place. No one could interrupt her thoughts here. No one came to see her here. No one would bother her. No one...


'She looked into it Majesty...' A male voice admitted. A feminine voice sighed.

'Will she live?'

'I plan to take her to Elysion and pray with Helios. But We aren't sure the temple has enough energy anymore to work the clensing effect...'


'I pray to the guardians of Earth. Do not allow the innocent flame of this child to die.'


'You couldn't be saved.'


'You're not real.'

'Not real?'

'Your body does not have a soul. You're not real.'

' am I in...Elysion?'

'Come back to reclaim yourself.'

'I can't. I'll be hurt. He'll hurt me again.'

'Don't worry. Never worry...' The image of a young man flashed through her mind. She began to wince and move in the tank. The doctors became alarmed, and worked to wake her. But she became aware of her destiny. Return to Elysion.

The tank drained and she opened her large green eyes. One of the doctors helped her out of the tank, and she began to get dressed. She held the cloth in her hands looking at it. This time, she used it to tie her hair back. As she moved her hands up, a faint line of red caught her attention. She pulled her right wrist to her face, and noticed a tear shapped scar there. She found it quite odd. No time for questions, the door began to slide open. She turned her head to the side, and looked to the floor. Light footsteps came in her direction. She began to glare in anger.

"What's wrong? Did you lose again?" A teenaged voice asked. Terrina looked to the ground infront of her, squeezing her fists, and closing her eyes. He ALWAYS knew how to make her angry. She willed herself to keep from trying to attack him. Yes, she became much srtonger from multiple escape battles, but his level was still higher.

"Is the low class gonna cry?" He taunted. Terrina bottled the anger up inside, not wanting to get hurt again. She had to stay alive to get to Elysion. That was what she cared about. She looked into his eyes.

"Leave me alone Vegeta." She growled. Vegeta smirked and crossed his arms in his arrogent way. There were times he felt sorry for her, and this just wasn't one of those times. She knew better than to try and run from Freezia. She always got caught. She hadn't learned to control her energy yet.

"Or what?" He asked. Terrina walked past him. He reached out, and grabbed her armor. She placed her hands on his own in an attempt to escape, yet this was met with a hard slap. She fell out of the older Saiya-jin's grasp, and to the floor. She surpressed the instinct to fight back, bottling that up as well. There were times these two compleatly different classed warriors could be good friends and there were times they could be the worst of enemies. This was one of those times. It was harsh for the little girl to be the only female Saiya-jin alive. The remaining males could be so mean. She had no true friends. They were dead. The kind ones were dead. She picked herself up and walked out of the medical bay and towards her quarters. Vegeta only snorted.

"Damned Low Class warriors..." He mumbled. A guard followed Terrina. Until Freeza got finished with her for running away, they were all placed uder watch. Terrina paid no mind to the large male behind her. She found it...comforting. Which was odd. But the guards kept the other Saiya-jin's from attacking her before Freeza had his say. The automatic door to the tiny room...if you could call it one, it was barely a broom closet...slid open. She stepped in and went to the small bed, just big enough for her. All that would fit into the little room was her armor, her bed, and a dresser. She untied the cloth from her hair and sat down, waiting for the order to proceede to Freeza. She looked into the mirror, and wondered about the Saiya-jin child deployed to another world, minuets before the world was destroyed. Did he make it? Just then the signal came and she left her room to see Freeza...