Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Completely Irresistible ❯ Off to a Bad Start ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*I do not own sailor moon but this story is mine

Hi This is my first fanfic. Well actually it is the first one i'm submitting so i hope you enjoy it and please dont hesitate to give me comments. ^_^

Completely Irresistible

By Serenity Star *

PG-13 (rating is a bit harsh but you can never be to careful)

Chapter 1- Off To A Bad Start

Getting off the plane there was already a mass of girls waiting for him. They were all looking from behind the gates since they weren't allowed in (You know its one of those private air strips). Walking down the step Darien Shield gives the girls a wave and gets into his limo.

This is the first time in year that darien has been back. Darien's been living all over Europe the past years. When your rich you can do whatever you want and boy was he rich. Darien had a reputation for being a bit of a playboy. Oh what the hell he was a full blown playboy. Going anywhere without hearing his name was not likely. He was known, desired and irresistable to women. All girls who met him immediatly fell for his charm not to mention his devilishly good looks.

Looking out the window as he passed by all the girls at the gate he could see that America wasn't going to be any different from Europe. It was obvious that he was even know here. Its amazing how gossip travels. He planned to do what he always did : move to a rich classy city, take in all the beauty possible meaning girls, after he was done he would move on to a new city leaving all the girls in the last city still wanting more. He felt somewhat important knowing that he was wanted by so many. He had fun doing this as well.

The place he set his sights on this time was the one and only Millionair's City Spring Hopes (i know it's cheezy but i couldn't think of anything else) Anyone who was anyone knew about this city. It was the city where the famous vacationed, where the people are always beautiful and where everyones wallet was never ending. They had the best shops, the best resaraunts, practically the best everything. Everything had to be five star and top of the line. The city was always buzzing. The city never slept and there was never a day that not at least one person was having a party. The streets could have been paved with gold. This city was rich and so was everyone in it. Everyone in the city was a member of the famous Cresent Heights Country Club ( ya i know corny but hey it'll do) If you weren't a member you didn't even belong in the city in the first place.

Darien decided he wants to see this famous country club. Pulling up in front the manager, servants, everyone was in a frenzy. He gets out of the limo with his gucci sunglasses, versace suit, and flashes his million dollar smile. All the girls could have fainted when they saw him. He was as hot as everyone said he was. Walking up to the manager Darien holds out his hand.

" Darien Shield. I hope you dont mind me looking around your club."

The manager had the biggest smile on his face. Darien was practically a celebrity and not to mention he was filthy rich and people with money pleased him " Oh Mr. Shield It is an honor to have you here."

Darien looks at him and smiles " Yea i know."

"I'm Jeffrey Peterson the manager of Cresent Heights and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. On behalf of the whole club Welcome." He says excitedly.

" Yea thanks." Darien walks in and everyone gasped when they saw him. Whispers went through out the whole room. It that acually him. Oh my god it's Darien Shield. He is so hot. I heard he has so much money that it takes ten banks to hold it all. All the rumors where flying around the room. Every room he walked in he was being followed by a herd of girls. It was such a beautiful day outside that everyone was eating outside. As soon as he walked out he was surrounded by women and their mothers. Any mother would love it if her daughter were married to someone as rich as he was. That was what really mattered in this city. Money. It was their air and they couldn't live without it. At the head fo these girls was the snobbiest and bitchiest of them all Amanda Zigler. She was a wolf in prada.

"Hi Darien." She says all giggily.


"Im GET OUT OF THE WAY" she went from sweet to bitch so quickly " I'm Amanda Zigler and if you ever need anything ." she then gives him a suductive look "and i mean anything you call me ok." She smiles and manages to get out of the crowd.

Watching from afar five girls at a table sat watching all the comotion.

" Geez i wish all the people would move i want to see him." Says and anxious mina. Mina Bellmont that is. Ravishing blonde temptress. She loved guys and couldn't get enough of them.

" Yea i know. I cant believe that he came here though." Lita says trying to peer over the peoples heads. Lita Trimphany the tenacious brunette.

" O come on already move out of the way! O look who just stepped out A-Man-Duh Bitchler " Rei demand wanting to catch only a glipse of this guy. The firey raven haired Rei Connelly.

" I must admit im a bit intrigued myself. Although what you said was very mean rei " Amy adds. Amy Bartlett the intelligent blue haired one of the group.

" Frankly i dont see what the big fuss is about. He just like everyone else." Serena says with a frigid tone. Serena or Serenity Parker the beautiful blonde angel. Well at least she looked like one.She was known as the ice queen. She was hard as rock and couldn't be broken. She was the grounded one of the group. She was never the type get over excited at the arrival of new people. She was always serious. She believed that there was no time to waste on petty little things. She was an actress you would expect her to be different but that's just the way she was.

( I decided that serena was acually going to be you know serious in this story. She's always portrayed as scatter brained but you know she can be smart to. So that explains that. Dont worry she still is a little lack minded but not as much as she usually is )

All the girls look at her. They weren't surprised she would say something like that. They couldn't figure her out. " Of course the ice queen couldn't care less. The world could be coming to an end and it wouldn't matter just as long as her stage is still standing she will be ok." Rei says mockingly. Serena was a musical theatre brat. She lived to perform. Singing and acting were her passion.

" So i dont get excited about dumb things i dont see why that makes me a bad person."

"Your not a bad person but even i think you need to loosen up." Amy adds thinking it might help.

The other girls were to busy staring up a storm. Darien was about to pass out. All these girls crowding around him he could hardly breath. You'd think these girls would be more civilized.Squeezing his way out he saw that there was acually a table of girls that wasn't as enthusiastic as the other girls. He starts to walk over to them and the girls begin to freak. "Oh my god he is coming this way!" Mina shreiks out.

The girls were so excited but hid it very well. Walking over as smoothly as possible it was as if he were trying to temp them. Looking at him the girls noticed that all the talk about him was true. He was so handsom. His midnight black hair combed back with some hair still hanging over his. He had the broad shoulders, the perfect body practically and not to mention how blue his eyes. Standing beside the table darien gives that pearly smile of his and leans forward. " Hello ladies. I dont believe that we met."

All the girls were practically drooling. Serena just shakes her head whispering to herself " O goodness i cant believe i know these people."

Then amy gets her stregth back and introduces eveyone. " Well i'm Amy Bartlett. This is Mina Bellmont, Lita Trimphany, Rei Connelly and Serena Parker." They all smile at him except for serena who just gave him a little smirk. Darien was amazed he has hit the jackpot. It was a table of beautiful targets. The one that especially caught his eye was the lovely golden haird serena.

Darien smiles " Well i'm quite sure you already know who i am."

Serena just smiles and says "No i'm acually not quite sure who you are. Are you the guy who got arrested for getting in the middle of a fight between two strippers?"

Darien just grin smugly " Well that was a while ago and it didn't quite happen that way."

"oh" Serena smiles and looks away from hin holding back her laughter. Everyone just looked at her stunned she acually said that.

" I hope you ladies dont mind if i join you."

All the girls in unison answered yes except serena was anxious to leave. " Well then you guys just have a good time. I have a life to get back to." All the girls just looked at her with their mouths open shaking their heads thinking how could she be so rude. She gets up from her seat and says as she's walking away

" I'll see you guys later at rehearsal."Darien was astonished. That was the first time in his life that a women was rude to him. It was the first time anyone for matter gave him the cold shoulder. He couldn't believe that his charm didn't even have any effect on her at all. But he had to admit it was intriguing.

The girls had lunch with darien and ten thousands watching them. Everyone was extremely jealous of them. The girls just sat there and laughed at all his jokes even though they weren't funny. Still with thoughts of serena in his mind darien decided to find out all he can. "So whats this rehearsal i heard about?"

"O well there is a musical that the club is putting on and we're in it." Mina says happily.

" Really what musical?" Darien asked as if he were genuinely interested.

"It was one that was written by one of the members called "For your love" Its acually pretty good." Lita answers.

" What part do you guys play?" He says looking at amy.

"Well we are extras we just have small parts saying a couple of lines and of course serena has the lead."

" O i swear that girl she's always gotta be on stage. Its like she go crazy without it. Besides the only reason she got the lead it because she can sing and act and dance but other than that.." Rei adds obviously jealous.

"You girls wouldn't mind if i watched in on this rehearsal do you?"

They all say in unison that it was ok. Then mina looked upset " O but then i'm afraid something would happen."

Darien was confused " What do you mean happen?"

"Well serena will be there and from earlier i dont think she's to fond of you." All the girls happy faces faded. They realized that if serena and darien were put together that she just might do something not so good.

"Who cares what serena thinks it's not her club. He could come if he wants." Rei says trying to defend him. The rest of the girls agreed and mina was out numbered. They look at their watches and realizes that they are late.

Serena is sitting on the stage with very pissed off look on her face. "What the hell is taking them so long!" The guys around her just took a step back not knowing what she would do. "Goodness they are probably talking to that guy still."

Chads head immediately popped up "What guy! Rei with a guy?" Seeing him freak out the other guys got a bit uneasy themselves.

"Chad please he is just some conceited spoiled guy who everyone seems to love but honestly i done see why."

Greg then jumps up "Wait what do you mean eveyone loves him? Amy wouldn't go for that type of guy right? Would she?"

Then they all walk into the auditorium hanging all over darien laughing and smiling. All the boys hearts just seem to be broken in half but at the same time was filled with an ever lasting hatred for this guy who was taking their girls away from them. Serena just sat there watching this and was so angry. The had brought this guy into a rehearsal. A time that was suposed be where they got work done.

She stands up and cleared her throat for their attention. They all turned to look at a very very very mad serena "So where were you guys that was so important that you had to be an hour late for rehearsal? No wait let me guess you were abducted by aliens and they wouldn't let you go or oh there was a war and you had to fight in it. If none of these reasons are why your late then dont tell me cause i really dont wanna hear it right now." Everyone took a couple of steps away from her. They could practically see the fire in her eyes and the steam coming out of her ears.

Amy then steps up bravely "Come on serena you know that we would never mean to do this on purpose its just that um..."

"Dont start amy. Lets just get to work ok." She turns around and grabs her music.

They all say ok not wanting to make her pist cause that was just serena mad. Seeing her pist off is like seeing a lion jump onto his prey. Mina then walks up to her " O yea and darien is going to watch us rehearse." She then flinches thinking that serena would yell but she didn't surprisingly. She just looked up and gave a halfhearted smile. The boys walk over to their instruments giving darien dirty looks.

Serena turns around to start but it was a bit annoying to see darien looking at her. She then starts to recite her lines and then the music started in the background and she sang one word and saw darien laughing. "Excuse me do you mind?" Serena says angrily.

"Im sorry go ahead." darien says as his laughter dies down only to start again when serena started to sing again.

"Ok thats it. What is so funny?"

"Nothing its just that your not exactly singing that great."

" Oh and i suppose you can do better. You know what i'd like to see that, why dont you get up here mr.bigshot lets see you do this."

"No thats ok i dont sing."

" O i see how it is. Your all talk."

"I could do it if i wanted to."

"Then your afraid."

" I am not afraid."

"Then sing." She says while holding out the microphone. He gets up and grabs the mic and the music starts. He started to sing and was worse then serena. He had a good voice but it wasn't sounding to good then.

"Ok you know this isn't my fault. This is poorly written music." Darien says in his defense.

"O right blame it on the music."serena says giggling.

"No look its all like small and ...."

"Yea ok. Why dont you leave it to the professionals and stop criticising." She says interupting him. She grabs the mic and the music and leaves him standing there. "Ok i guess rehearsals over. None of you want to be here so why dont we just call it quits for the day." They all sigh and grabbed their things. All the girls walked up to darien who was so disoriented right then. He had never been spoken to in such a harsh tone and he was never embarrassed before.

" Sorry about her it's just you dont talk about serenas singing. She is so overly defensive when it comes to her talents." amy says trying to make him feel better.

"Yea i mean she has worked so hard to get this far and it bugs her when people criticise her on something she knows she good at." Lita adds.

"Yea well i made an ass out of myself that should make her happy." Darien says turning away.

"Look serena doesn't mean to act all unkind it's just you bug her. Its not like she gets joy out of making fun of people. She really is kind hearted but when people get on her bad side its hard to get back on her good." Just then serena walks past them and leaves. All the girls felt bad for letting darien come. They knew something would happen but they did it anyways.

" How is it i got on her bad side in the first place? This is so new to me. No one has ever been so rude to me." The girls just looked at him and then realised that what serena said before was true. He was just a snobbish guy. Always expecting everyone to love him just because he was rich and handsome. They all start to walk to the door.

Rei turns around and looks at him with a smile " Are you coming to the party tomorrow?"

"What?" Darien just looked at her confused

"The party the Whitmore party."

"Oh yea i am."

"Well maybe then you could you know try to get on serena's good side. I know its not to great being brushed aside." Darien just smiles at her. It did make him feel a little bit better. The girls leave with the guys running after them and darien was still standing there by himself. He just couldn't figure it out. Why was his charisma not having an affect on her. He was angry at her but at the same time there was just something about her that made him want her more and he intends to get what he wants.

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AN: Hi ! Yea i know i made serena a bit mean but when you read more you'll learn new things. At least

she's not a cry baby. Anyways i hoped you liked the story so far. Please read and review. Sorry for any

typos. Dont scold me please! ^_~

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