Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Isabella ❯ Dear Isabella (Chapter 1) ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Dear Isabella
By Essence (

To truly understand this story, you must in a sense understand the points I make in each indivual word and statement. Each one has a hidden meaning. This story is based on the elemets of saddness, happiness and of course love. I know that this first chapter will be boring and dull without action. You have to stay into the story to understand it truly. Belive me it will get better. Thank you to those loyal readers who read on and concentrate to find the hidden meaning.

Disclamir: Now, Never, shall I own Sailor Moon. The rights belong to the others in your world of high tech buisness savys and people who belive money brings happiness.

Dear Isabella
By Essence

Imagine life being perfact. Most can not, since such a world does not exist. We has human beings will not allow it too happen. Even it can be said for her.
She had it all, a loving husband, beautiful kids, the life of happiness.

Yet she was restless, a soul that looked for something to grasp.

Serena sighed and closed her book, next to her Andrew snored softly. His blond hair mussed up from tossing around on his pillow. Serena took her gaze off her husband and looked down at her book, " A Wild Dream" So it was a sappy romance novel but it some what fillled her need for a change. She carefully traced the gold bound words of the red cover with one finger. A soft sigh escaped her lips.
Next to her Andrew snorted and turned onto his back.
Serena looked over at him with quiet sympathy before placing her book on the night table and turning off the lamp. The darkness filled the room except for a little bit of moonlight filttering through the closed curtains falling on the pale blue coverlet.
Serena curled up underneath the blankets and stared at the bright red digital clock until sleep over came her.

" MOM! TYLER IS RUNNING AROUND WITH UNDERWEAR ON HIS HEAD!" A shrill girls voice yelled down the stairs to where Serena was pulling out snow boots and winter jackets from the closet. Serena groaned and dropped the blue rubber boots in her hand. They fell to the floor bouncing a few times before coming to a stop by the wall, one dirt streaked mark added to the white wall.

" TYLER, STOP ANNOYING YOUR SISTER AND HURRY UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" Serena called up the stairs, leaving the pile of clothes in the hallway by the living room and walking into the kitchen.
Andrew sat at the table sipping his coffee reading the paper while next to him Brian made patterns in his oatmeal with a fork.

" Brian eat your breakfast, don't play with it," Serena said opening up the fridge and reaching in has the sound of elephant footsteps falling down the stairs.

" Mom? Have you seen my white jeans?" Alex asked walking into the kitchen still dressed in her pj's.

" No dear I haven't," Serena replied pulling a glass out of the cupboard and pouring the orange liquid into the glass.

" But I need to wear them, so John will notice me today!" Alex whined stomping her foot.

" Well John will have to notice you some other day, since I don't have time to look for them and I'm not driving you to school if you miss your bus," Serena reaplied setting the glass on the table and taking the fork away from Brian.

" How can you say that! Do you want me to go to the Winter Formal alone?" Alex asked throwing her hands in the air.

" Then just go with some other boy, who doesn't care if you wear white jeans or not," Serena replied.

" Some other boy?" Alex repeated horrified at the very thought. " I can't just go with some other boy, I have to go with John."

Serena said nothing and instead poured another cup of coffee for Andrew and set it in front of him. Andrew said nothing, never taking his eyes off the paper he reached for the cup and took a sip.

" Fine!" Alex huffed turning around and stomping off. " I guess I'll just die an old maid!" She yelled down the stairs.

Serena sighed and pulled another bowl out of the cupboard.

" Teenagers," She muttered to herself.

Tyler came flying in and jumped into his chair.

" Hey Dad, are we still on for this weekend?" he asked taking a spoonful of oatmeal and shoving it in his mouth.

Andrew looked away from the paper and smiled at his oldest son.
" We sure our, 10am Saturday morning," he replied.

" I WANT TO COME TOO!" Brian yelled.

"Sorry dude, your too little," Tyler replied with his mouth full.

" Mommy, can I go with Tyler and Daddy?" Brian whined.

" You can do what ever you want and Tyler don't talk with your mouth full," Serena replied setting a glass of milk in front of Tyler.

Andrew chose this moment to look away from the paper to his watch.

" I'm late!" he yelled jumping up spilling coffee on the white table cloth.

" Oh, I'm sorry honey, but I have an important buisness meeting at 9am this morning, I have to leave or I will be late," He apolgized looking at the stain spreading on the table and dripping on the floor.

" That's okay," Serena sighed looking at the mess dreraly.

Andrew smiled and kissed her on the cheek before walking out of the kitchen.

" Oh and honey, don't expect me for dinner, I'm having dinner with Mr. Yamaguitchi about a new buisness deal so I'll be back late," he added popping his head back into the kitchen.

Serena nodded and grabbed a towel off the counter.

' Better clean this up before the stain sets,' she thought to herself, only half hearing Andrew.

" MOM! HAVE YOU SEEN MY WHITE LACE BLOUSE?" Alex called down the stairs.

After dispatching Tyler and Brian to school and driving Alex to hers since she missed the bus. Serena walked into the front hallway and dropped her purse on the floor along with her tennis shoes.

The kitchen was a mess, bowls full of half-eaten oatmeal sat next to empty orange juice glasses. Andrews coffee stain had dried up but was not permantly set into the table cloth.

A change, a new way. Some wild adventure, something new. Serena's thoughts flew far and wide as she scrubbed the dishes. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bu on top of her head and pieces kept falling out. Serena pulled a soapy plate out of the water and ran it under the tape, the soap bubbles disappering into the drain.

The phone rang, it's shrill call breaking the silence of the house. Serena pulled her yellow dish gloves off and pushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear. She took the white plastic phone off the cradle and held it to her ear.

" Hello?" Serena asked holding the phone up with her sholder while she untied her apron.

" Serena! Is that you? Ofcourse it is! What am I thinking?" Mina's bubbaly voice filled the line. Serena smiled and pulled out a chair and sat down at the table.

" Hi Mina," Serena replied camly, compared to her cheerful friend.

" What are you up to this morning?" Mina asked.

" What else, cleaning the house, like I do every day," Serena replied, slightly annoyed at such a question. Her best friend ought to know what she does everyday.

" Oh I see, well I called too see if you wanted to go shopping with me this afternoon. The mall is having a sale and there will be a lot of bargins," Mina replied chirply.

" I don't know," Serena said looking around at her still messy kitchen then placing one hand on the top of her knot of hair. " I still have a lot of housework to do."

" Oh come on Serena, you do housework everyday, I've been waiting for you too tell me you do something other then housework. You need to get out live alittle, meet new people and all that jazz," Mina complained.

Serena sighed and slumped her elbow on the table, staring at the coffee stain.

" While I guess I could go out for a little while," Serena replied reluctanly.

" Great! I'll pick you up at 1pm. You don't want to be seen in the mommy moblie today. Mina replied happily.

" Why does something tell me I should be scared?" Serena asked smiling.

" Oh be quiet, I'll be around at 1pm," Mina replied hanging up before Serena could reply.

" Same old Mina," Serena mummered clicking the phone off and setting it down on the table.

Serena looked at the pile of dishes still in the sink then to the vacaum beckoning her in the corner.

" Sometimes I want nothing more then a change in life," Serena mummered getting up and walking over to the sink.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*

" Look at that," Mina replied pointing to a box in the store window.

Serena looked away from the kitchen suplies decorating the next window and walked over to her friend.
Mina pressed her face agaisn't the glass and squinted her eyes to read the small print of the sign.

" What is it say," Serena asked slightly amused at her friends antics.

"' Buy now, 2000 mega byte Power Modem 56K! A great deal comes with our 20 Hertz mega byte 2000 model AST computer equipped with Windows 98 start up kit."' Mina quoted reading the sign, emphasising her voice at the more dramatic parts.

A small crowd that had gathered around the two womyn clapped their hands and laughed at Mina's antics. Mina straightned up and turned to the crowd smiling and waving a peace sign at them. Serena meanwhile blushed and grabbed her friend and pulled her out of the crowd.

" That was embarresing," Serena groaned walking away from the crowd that now began to disperse and travel off into different directions.

" It was fun and anyway, it never helps to get some attention," Mina replied flipping her hair over one sholder and smiling. " It never hurts to get attention for an idol," Mina added smiling at Serena.

" You're an idol?" Serena teased pointing one finger at Mina.

Mina stopped and crossed her arms, a sly smile on her face.

"As a matter of fact, I Mina Anio have ab audition tomarrow for the singing sensation Yaten Kou!" Mina announced happily.

" That's nice," Serena replied nonchalantly walking past a music store window and peeking into it.

" You are quite mean today," Mina muttered running up to catch her friend.
*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* _*_*_*_*_

" Say Mina why did you start reading the sign aloud to me?" Serena asked stirring the crème into her coffee.

" I was thinking about buying one for myself, what do you think about it?" Mina asked sitting back in her chair and crossing her legs.

" I could never understand those things. Andrew bought one for the kids and now all I hear is about Alex's Napster files, Tyler's warrior games and Andrew complaining about how all other computers are better then his. I just think it take up room in the living room and is a useless hunk of junk," Serena replied wrapping her hands around the styrafom cup.

" I think it's a great invention, you could use it to put your manuscripts on and type your stories with," Mina contradicted sitting up in her chair.

" I'm fine with the old fashioned way I use now, I like to write when I'm alone. I can't do that with a computer. I can't lug it with me to Tyler's football games and Brian's karate or Alex's mall trips with friends."

" But it's so old fashioned to write everything by hand when you have a computer to do it for you," Mina pointed out taking sip of her café latte.

" I'm old fashioned, so what?" Serena replied.

" This a new world, a new era. You need to get into, be hip, be cool," Mina said tipping her chair back.

" You sound like Alex," Serena muttered.

" I am Alex and I'm saying this. Get into it and try out a new thing. Live a little," Mina replied tipping back even more and falling backwards.

Serena sighed and dropped her head into one hand.

" What an embaresment," Serena groaned as Mina lay on the ground dazed and laughing.

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