Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Decided Bride ❯ Serenity, Meet Endymion ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 25 ~ Serenity, Meet Endymion

Serenity slipped from her room. He feet made almost no sound as she padded softly along the empty corridor. The only sound was the swishing of her gown along the marble floors. She had resolved to detach herself emotionally from the whole evening. Her body would be there, and only enough of her mind to convince everyone she was still alive.

She approached the archway that led into the ballroom. A guard was standing on either side of the arch, and both of them gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back and made sure one last time that her mask was in place, which only covered the top half of her face. She silently thanked her mother that she had made this an informal ball so she would not have to be announced.

She was taken back by how many people were there. Even so, the music could still be heard above the buzz of conversation.

Serenity took a deep breath, and walked into the crowd. A few people recognized her and bowed lightly at the waist, which she accepted with a nod of her head. She made her way to the other side of the hall where chairs were set up for the royal families. She saw her mother sitting with Helen and Venus. Beside Helen was her husband, and around him were Mercury, Mars and Jupiter. She also noticed Malachite standing near the small group talking to a man with short blonde hair.

Malachite noticed her and came over. "My Lady, I was wondering if you would grace us with your presence tonight." He gave her a bow as he removed his mask, and she swept him a curtsy.

"You are too kind General," she said sweetly, and then directed her gaze to the blonde man beside Malachite.

Malachite looked to him. "My Lady, this is General Jedite," Jedite took off his mask as he bowed. "He arrived today with us, but was not able to be at the welcoming ceremonies, as you must have noticed." Serenity was glad that she was wearing a mask, otherwise they might have been able to see the momentary panic on her face.

Jedite stepped forward a little and grasped her hand. "My Lady, it is an honour to finally meet a beauty such as yourself," he said galantly, and placed a gentle kiss on her hand.

She felt herself blush and once again was relieved for the mask. "It is a pity we could not see you at the ceremony General," she said. "It is a pleasure to meet you now though."

He smiled a dazzling smile. "The pleasure is all mine my Lady," he said and released her hand. Serenity glanced over to her mother.

"Please Princess, would you honour me with a dance?" Jedite asked as he held his hand out. She was considering to refuse, but the though of perhaps running into Endymion was enough to convince her to accept the invitation.

The dance was a good paced one, and did not allow for much conversation. In the midst of spinning, Serenity would see one of her Senshi every so often, as well as other men wearing the uniforms of the Generals of earth. The dance ended and everyone clapped to the musicians.

"My Lady dances spectacularly," he said.

She inclined her head in acceptance of the compliment. "I have my partner to thank for that," she replied.

She saw him smile since his mask covered only half his face. "I wish I could take the credit for it."

She smiled, although she still felt like a hollow shell. They had been walking back to where the seating area was. Malachite was no longer there. Serenity excused herself from Jedite. "I have yet to greet my mother and the other ladies," she told him.

He had chuckled good-heartedly. "I fear a lowly General will not be able to hold my Lady's attention tonight," he said, and with that, he bowed, and left.

Serenity gave a small sigh of relief that she had been able to get through the dance. She turned and walked to her mother. Selenity looked up from her conversation when she saw her daughter approaching. "Ahh, Serenity, you've made it finally," she said as she smiled.

Serenity smiled back at the three queens. "I could not stay away long." She gagged at herself mentally for using so much courtly politeness.

Helen smiled. "I have not yet even seen my son grace us with his presence, although Malachite swears to us that he is already here."

Serenity pondered on these words. I have covered for my prince on several occasions, she could hear Malachite say in her head. "I am sure he is here," she replied. She sat down next to Helen and watched the crowd dancing. The colors of the ladies gowns swirled before her, and she was lost in thought within moments. Helen's gentle hand on hers brought her attention back to the Queen.

"You look a little lost in thought my dear. Is something wrong?" she asked gently.

Serenity smiled at her. "I'm fine," she replied, not really ready to admit her innermost thoughts to her future mother in law.

Helen peered at her through her mask. Serenity had to admit that the queen looked striking, wearing a deep forest green gown and mask. "I want you to know that I am always willing to listen," she said quietly.

Serenity nodded. "Thank you my Lady," she said, still keeping her formality.

Then Helen giggled. Giggled! "I told you not to be so formal with me," she said.

Serenity couldn't help but laugh. Both women looked into the dancing crowd again. Serenity say Mina dance by with General Malachite. She smiled to herself. At least Mina looked happy. She noticed that someone tapped Helen on her shoulder, and both women turned to see who the person was. Serenity found herself looking into a pair of midnight blue eyes behind a blue mask. She gasped a little involuntarily, but no one seemed to hear her. His hair was dark and wavy, and he looked down at his wife with such love, it touched Serenity. But those eyes…...

"My Lady, has our son been so rude as to ignore this beautiful creature sitting next to you?" he asked. His voice had such tenderness when he said 'My Lady,' and his eyes sparkled with amusement.

Helen smiled up at her husband. "Malachite said that he is here. He probably has not noticed that there is a new addition to the room since Serenity has not been here long. Perhaps I should go and find our wandering boy," The Queen said.

The King nodded and smiled at Serenity. Serenity could not get over how blue his eyes were, almost like…, she refused to think of him. Instead, she smiled.

"Perhaps I should go and search him out," The King said, and before Serenity could stop him, he was gone. She sighed and looked back at Helen. Even though she had resolved to go through the evening as calmly as possible with all the civility she could muster, she did not feel quite ready to face Endymion.

"If you would excuse me, I think I need a breath of fresh air," Serenity said as she stood up.

Helen nodded up at the girl. "Go right ahead my dear. If They return before you do, I will tell Endymion to wait for you."

Serenity nodded. "Thank you," she said, and with that she walked to the balcony on the other side of the hall.

"Usagi, you're here finally!" came Lita's clear voice. Serenity turned to see Ami and Lita coming to her, each having a man on her arm.

"Yes. I was just going out for some air," she said.

Both girls were smiling from ear to ear. "Do you mind if we join you?" Lita asked.

Serenity smiled. "Of course not," she replied.

Ami blushed. "Usagi, these are Generals Zoicite and Nephrite." Serenity looked at the men and noticed that they were wearing the uniforms of earth generals, and she also recognized them from the welcoming ceremony. "Gentlemen, this is Princess Serenity."

Both men bowed at the waist slightly. "It is a pleasure to see you once again My Lady," the man who had been introduced as Nephrite said.

Serenity gave a quick curtsy. "Thank you General. I hope that you are both enjoying it here thus far," she said.

Both men nodded, and she noticed them glance quickly at the Senshi they were escorting. "The moon has many hidden beauties which we never knew it possessed." Zoicite said. Serenity saw the two girls blush as they headed to the balcony. Lita started to babble about their training program, and both men listened with interest.

They stood on the balcony, all of them leaning on the marble railing. The four were chatting as Serenity stared out into the gardens. She directed her attention to the earth, sitting there in the sky as it did every night, glowing in all its glory. She knew that he was no longer on the earth but here on the moon. Still, she was filled with a curiosity about her future home.

I am happy that Helen and her husband seem like such lovely people. I only hope that Endymion has some of their qualities. The Generals don't seem too bad either. Mina, Ami, Rei, and Lita seem to like them, she thought to herself. She was brought out of her thoughts by a gentle tap on her shoulder.

"Please excuse us Princess. I believe the ladies would like another dance," Nephrite said to her. Lita and Ami shrugged their shoulders and had slightly perplexed looks on their faces, but they said nothing. As soon as they were gone, leaving her alone on the deserted balcony, Serenity looked back out on the garden again. She didn't want to go in just yet, she still didn't feel ready to face him. I'll never feel ready, she thought with a sigh.

"Is there something that weighs heavily on the Lady's heart?" asked a voice from beside her. She turned to see a man leaning on the railing next to her. He was looking out into the garden, a white mask covering his eyes. He wore a black tuxedo.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear anyone approach," she said. She was rather surprised when he whipped a rose out of what seemed like thin air and handed it to her. It reminded her of something but she couldn't think of what. He held the red bloom out to her, which she accepted. "Thank you," she said as she sniffed the flower. It smelled sweet and reassuring, which she didn't think a flower would be capable of.

"The Lady looked sad. Is there something that is amiss?" he asked.

She smiled. He was a stranger, but she felt comfortable with him. "I came out for a breath of fresh air. It's too warm inside, with so many people."

He nodded, and returned his gaze to the garden. "There are many people here. It's not often that you have a royal visit here, is it?" he asked.

She also looked out into the garden. "No, we don't. There are still festivities every so often."

"I think your planet is magnificent. I have been pleasantly surprised with all that I have seen. I am especially intrigued by the beauty of a certain woman." His voice drifted to her as he spoke, soothing and strong.

Serenity smiled, although her heart ached at the comment. "I see you have already fallen in love here," she remarked, her voice a little higher than usual.

He chuckled. "Aye, I am. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, and one of the kindest."

Serenity could fear tears prickling in her eyes from this strangers comments, but she could not say why. "You are fortunate you have someone to love," was all she said. They lapsed into a moment of silence. "I should head back inside," she said as she straitened up and started to head for the door that led into the hall.

"Would the lady honour me with a dance?" he asked as he followed her. She glanced at him. If it would delay her encounter with Endymion….

"It would be a pleasure," she agreed.

They entered the hall and walked down the stairs to the dance floor. The music was just starting a slow tune, one that Serenity vaguely recognized. The masked man held our his hand, which she accepted. As soon as they touched Serenity felt a jolt go through her body. Her eyes went wide as he pulled her to him, and the dance began. It was as though their hands knew each other, each fitting into the other with familiarity.

They heard Motoki start playing again. Serenity placed the rose on the nearest table and accepted Darien's stretched out hand. They started their dance across the floor again, this time a slower one than before.

It was the same song now, the same one Motoki had been playing, and Serenity felt the man pull her in closer as he placed his hand on her lower back.

She gasped slightly as Darien pulled her in close to him. He had his left hand on the small of her back, and the other was in contact with her left hand. She could smell him, he smelled like clean spring rain.

As they started to glide along the dance floor, she felt him pull her in so that her chest was resting against his. He had a smile on his face, although the rest of his expression was hidden by the mask.

She felt her heart thudding in her chest as she felt him put a little more pressure on her back so she came in even closer and was almost leaning on him. He leaned down a little.

The man leaned over a little so he could whisper in her ear. "Is something wrong Princess? You seem a little tense." He pulled his face back.

She blinked wildly behind her mask, not knowing what to say. "Y-you, uh, know who I am," she said nervously.

He smirked. "Of course, we've already met. You do not recognize me?" Panic swept through her heart as he uttered these words. Darien, she though, but no, no it can't be, there's no way he could have gotten into the ball. Then it had to be……her heart skipped a beat. She noticed another couple of dancers come very close to them, and she turned her head to see who it was. Helen and Paris.

"It looks like you found him yourself," Helen said with a smile. Serenity looked back to her partner, a look of horror hidden by her mask. He was smirking at her. The man she was dancing with was Endymion!

I do not own the rights to Sailormoon or any of the characters. That honour belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, and I am simply a lowly author who can use her characters for my plots.