Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Decided Bride ❯ Beryl ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 26 ~ Beryl

Her heart was hammering inside her chest. She felt a cold panic sweep through her body. This was Endymion, the man she had been trying to avoid all evening. He had found her. And he was still smirking! She knew she had to say something, but she couldn't think of any words to utter. In the end, it was he who spoke first.

"I have had an opportunity to look around the palace a bit after lunch. It is very beautiful here," he said, although not once did the smirk falter.

"Thank you My Lord," was all she managed to get out. He spun her out and then back in, this time making her press even closer to him. She shivered. The dance required them to change partners every so often, so she was relived when the time came to do so.

She found herself in the arms of Mercury. "Ahhh, Serenity. I thought I would never get the opportunity to converse with you," he said cheerfully.

She gave him a weak smile as she stared up at him. "Likewise, Mercury," she said, trying to sound normal, rather than sounding like she was coming out of shock. She was glad that she knew the Senshi's parents well enough not to worry about formalities. "I fear that things will get even more hectic though."

He smiled warmly at her, and it was time to switch partners again. She didn't know her new dance partner well, although he was from the Moon, so they had very polite and formal conversation. Finally, she found herself once again with her masked man. The dance ended, he bowed, she curtsied.

"It was a pleasure to dance with you Princess," he said with a smile.

"The pleasure was all mine," she replied, finally regaining some of her composure.

The music was starting up again into a spirited dance. He looked at her. "Would you honour me with another?" he asked.

She considered refusing on grounds of being exhausted, but nodded instead nodded, knowing he wouldn't believe the excuse quite yet.

He held out his hand for her, and she accepted reluctantly. The dance was a very fast one, one which required a lot of leaping on her part and him lifting her into the air. It was a fun dance to do, but Serenity found herself concentrating more on her partner than on the music.

He's tall, she noted, and rather strong.

They had little room for conversation. Once the dance ended, all the dancers were breathing heavily. "Would you like to go out for a breath of fresh air?" he asked.

Serenity nodded, still catching her breath. He offered his arm and they walked back out onto the balcony. A few other people walked around and conversed, enjoying the cool night air. They walked along the balcony in silence. Serenity finally spoke, bluntly and getting strait to the point. "Why did you come here?" she asked.

"To arrange a marriage if you are willing," he replied, just as bluntly.

"I know that. But why?"

He sighed. "I want peace between our planets. That was my original reasoning."

She glanced at him. "Original reasoning?" she asked a little hesitantly.

He looked at her. "Yes. Original reasoning."

"And that reasoning has changed?"

There was a moment of silence as though he were contemplating what to say. Finally he spoke. "Yes." The answer frustrated Serenity since it didn’t give her any more information than she had before.

"How has it changed?" she asked him.

He smiled. "Do you always ask so many questions?"

She gaped at him. "No, but I thought that is was perfectly alright for me to try and find out information about the man who is to become my husband," she snapped, but right away regretted her tone of voice and lowered her head in apology.

He seemed to accept the gesture, and he looked down at her. "If you choose to accept me, you mean," he said she felt like glaring at him, but reconsidered since it would not be the best way to start out their relationship.

She sighed. "I want peace too. I want it more than anything. If marriage is the only way to obtain it, then so be it. I can see that you believe it is the only way." She pause for a moment, hearing nothing but their footsteps. "I wish to accept your offer," she concluded. She saw him turn her head to look at her again.

"I do not expect you to accept me so quickly. You can get to know me before you make a final decision," he said, not sounding surpised at her sudden acceptance of him.

She shook her head slightly. "I have already made up my mind." She stopped walking, as did he. She removed her mask so that he could read her emotions.

Serenity was no longer afraid, but rather, she felt numb. She could do anything at the moment. There was no one around. "I am not trying to seem hasty. I have thought about this long and hard though. You want peace, I know that from your words as well as what others have said about you. You now know that peace is what I want too. I know that I don't have to accept you, and that I should get to know you first to see if I even like you. However, my people are very important to me, as are your people, strange as that might sound. I don't like bloodshed and I would hate to see more done if I know that I can prevent it."

She bowed her head. "I know that you think of me as a young girl, someone not fit to rule and be called queen," she brought her gaze back up to meet his behind the mask. "But I beg of you, since you truly believe this is the only way to get that peace, allow me to accept you without any questions. You may not love me and I you, but we can tolerate each other, and maybe one day have affections for one another. I do not expect you to ever love me, that is not something that I require of you. I do expect you to love my people though, the way I know you love yours." She felt herself trembling as she said these words. She felt tears threatening to come up and spill over, but she forced them down.

He stared at her, dumbstruck. He had not expected a speech, much less one that was so heart felt. He gazed at the woman standing before him. Although he felt it could not be possible, he fell even more in love with her. He stepped forward and brought her into a tight embrace. Her soft gasp reached his ears, and he felt her stiffen. She didn't try to pull back though.

She was shocked when he pulled her to him. It was not something that she had wanted, but she took it as an acceptance of what she had just said. So, she didn't pull back, even though every nerve and muscle in her body was fighting against her mind, telling her to pull away. It has to be this way, she thought.

He let her go slowly and gazed down at her through his mask. I have to tell her now, he though. He started to move his hand up to his mask to remove it, but was stopped at the sound of footsteps. They both turned their heads to see a woman with red wavy hair and a deep violet gown and mask walking towards them.

She stopped a few feet away from them, as though she had not expected them to notice her. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting anything?" she asked in a sugar-coated voice.

Serenity was about to say no, when Endymions voice stopped her. "We are discussing private matters Lady. Please excuse us." With those words he slipped his arm around Serenity's waist and pulled her close to him, as though he was trying to shield her from something. She was surprised at the tone of his voice, very firm and deep, demanding respect.

"My apologies," the woman said sweetly, and eerie smile on her lips. With that, she started to walk away from them, and Darien led Serenity to the doors leading into the hall.

"Who was that?" she asked him, felling rather perplexed.

His face was serious, no hint of smile upon his features. "A woman that I hope you never see again. Her name is Beryl, at least I'm sure that's who it was, and she is the reason that so many wars have occurred. I don't know why she is here, but I am going to alert your mother."

They entered the hall. He looked down at her. "Watch yourself, My Lady. If Beryl is here, she is not alone. I fear for your safety." With that, he lifted her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss upon it. Then he turned and headed over to where Queen Selenity was standing, conversing with Helen and Paris. Serenity went with him, her hand in his. They reached the royals and Endymion dropped her hand.

The three Royals were smiling until they saw the grave look on the two young people's faces. "My you two, what is wrong?" Helen asked, hoping that it had nothing to do with the two of them revealing their identities to each other.

Darien spoke in a low voice. "Beryl's here," he said.

Both Queen's went pale and Paris looked like he was about to go into a rage. "No, she can't be," whispered Selenity.

"Are you sure?" asked Helen. She watched her son gravely nod his head.

"I'm fairly sure. She was wearing a mask, but I am very certain it was her."

Paris nodded at his son's comment. Selenity looked at her daughter and then at Paris and Helen. She also noticed that the Senshi were standing close by and caught Mina's eye, motioning her to come over with all the Senshi. "I don’t know how she could have gotten in, but I'll send men out to find her at once," Selenity said. Paris and Helen nodded their heads.

Serenity was still feeling confused as her Senshi walked up to them. Selenity addressed them. "Girls, I want you to take Serenity to her room immediately and not leave her side until I send word. Do you understand?" All the girls nodded their heads, feeling just as confused as their princess.

Endymion looked to Selenity. "Your Majesty, may I have your permission to escort the princess and Senshi to the princess' room, and then return to be of assistance to you?" he asked.

Selenity nodded her head. "I would be happy if you did." With that comment she turned and started to walk with Paris and Helen away from the group.

Serenity felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to see Endymion standing at her side. He motioned to the archway leading out of the hall, and all of them started walking, the Senshi forming a sort of circle around Serenity and Endymion.

Once they reached Serenity's room, Endymion bowed to them. "I need to get back. Before I go though, I ask that you check the room before the Princess enters it." All of the girls senses were on high alert as they nodded and entered the room, lighting candles and checking everything, leaving Serenity and Endymion in the hallway alone.

Serenity looked up at him. "What is going on Endymion? Who is this Beryl and why is everyone on such high alert all of a sudden?"

He gazed down at her inquisitive face. "It's a long tale, one which I don’t have time to explain right now. She is a dangerous woman, one that your mother is very familiar with and one that I am familiar with as well. She came to earth seeking a husband some months back, but I rejected her. That is how I know her. You'll have to ask your mother for more information, for I know little else about Beryl."

Serenity nodded her head, as Ami poked her head out of the door. "The room is clear, you can come in," she said. Serenity nodded her head. Ami disappeared behind the door.

Serenity looked back up at the masked man standing before her. "I thank you for your concern for me," she said.

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips for the first time since they had run into Beryl. "I cannot help but feel concern for the woman who is to be my wife. I swear princess I will protect you with my life, always," he said. "I will also inform your mother and my mother and father of your decision." He bowed one last time, turned, and walked back in the direction of the hall.

Serenity stood frozen on the spot for a few moments. With a sigh, she entered her room. She felt the tension in the air of the Senshi as they stood in various locations about the room, ready to protect their Princess.

It was to be a very long night.

------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------

Beryl walked down the steps to the garden. She smiled to herself, knowing her time was soon. She had just left Serenity and Endymion, and she was sure that the young prince had recognized her.

No matter, she thought. Soon it will not matter at all. With a small chuckle, she touched the jewel hanging from her neck, and vanished into thin air.

I do not own the rights to Sailormoon or any of the characters. That honour belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, and I am simply a lowly author who can use her characters for my plots.