Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Decided Bride ❯ Parents and Children ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 29 ~ Parents and Children

He walked her back to her room, stopping at her doors to place a gentle kiss on her hand. "Until tomorrow," he said, causing her to smile.

"Yes, tomorrow," she replied, still somewhat in a daze from their little 'encounter' in the stables. One last goodnight, and they parted. Serenity slipped into her room and Darien headed to his own room.

Serenity fell over onto her own bed and stared up at the dark ceiling, a smile plastered on her face. She got up and went to light a candle. A soft warm glow filled the room, and Serenity sighed, feeling very content. There was a soft knock on the door, and she went to open it, curious to see who it was. She was rather surprised to see Mina standing here, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Mina, what are you doing here?" she asked as she held the door open for her friend to enter. She was even more surprised to see Lita, Rei and Ami slip out of the shadows from behind Mina and enter as well.

The three girls went and took their usual seats, Serenity following them still feeling a little more than confused. She came and sat on the bed beside Mina. "So are you going to tell me why you’re all here?" she asked.

Mina giggled. "How come Darien brought you to your room, hmm?" she asked.

Serenity blushed. "You...I’m not supposed to be out alone, remember? He was escorting me back to my room."

Rei laughed. "And where did you meet up with him? You weren’t somewhere alone, now were you?"

Serenity felt her palms sweat. "Uhhh..." she didn’t know how to get out of this one, but thankfully Mina started to talk again.

"Usagi, I could feel the air thickening with love when you two walked by my room," she said, sounding playful and yet a little sad. All of the Senshi had their stare fixed on Serenity.

She felt the room growing warmer. All of the girls had very solemn looks on their faces.

"Usagi, we really need to talk to you about this," Lita said. "You can’t disregard your feelings the way you are."

Serenity stared at Lita, momentarily forgetting that they didn’t know yet that Darien and Endymion were one.

"Think about it. Will you be happy with Endymion ever if you love Darien so much?" Ami asked.

Serenity was starting to smile.

"Don’t be stupid and marry the man if you don’t love him," Rei added.

Mina put her hand on Serenity’s. "Do I have your permission to talk freely about your feelings in front of the girls?" she asked.

Serenity nodded, there being nothing that she didn’t want them to know. "Go ahead Mina I don’t mind, there isn’t anything that you all wont know eventually anyway."

Mina nodded her head but didn’t smile very much. "Usagi, I have not sensed love this strong ever. I talked to mama about it, and she was watching you since she came. She..." she paused, catching the surprised, yet amused look in the moon princesses eyes. "She hasn’t either, except once. Usagi, don’t do this. Don’t marry a man you don’t love, especially when you already love another so strongly."

At this point, Serenity burst out laughing. The Senshi had puzzled looks on their faces as they watched the girl fall over on the bed and lay there, tears of mirth running down her face.

"Umm, Usagi?" Ami sounded very perplexed as she spoke.

Serenity sat up, still clutching her stomach, small spasms of giggles coming out of her. "I have a lot (giggle) to explaining (more giggles) to you (giggle) girls," she managed to get out. She breathed deeply a few times and then began her explanation with a broad grin on her face. "I am marrying the man I’m in love with," she said.

Mina smiled. "You’re not marrying Endymion?" she squeaked out happily.

Serenity shook her head. "No, I am marrying him," she replied. If she thought the girls looked perplexed before, now they looked absolutely stunned. She giggled again. "I’m marrying Darien," she said. She wanted to laugh at the looks she was getting form her Senshi.

"What are you talking about? You just said you were marrying Endymion?" Rei asked somewhat hesitantly.

Serenity smiled at her friend. "I am." She decided to get it all out before the Senshi decided to murder her. "I’m marrying both. Darien is Endymion." There were a few moments of silence as the girls were putting everything together in their heads.

Then Ami jumped up. "Usagi!" she cried out, a smile lighting her delicate face.

All the other girls followed suit, and Serenity found herself on the bottom of a pile of arms and legs on her bed. As the fell off her, one by one, they were still giggling and gasping for air. There was a knock on the door, and all the girls jumped. They had another burst of giggles as Lita stood up and walked over to the door. She opened it and looked a little surprised.

"Oh, Luna...your Majesty!" she said.

All the girls watched as Luna came into the room, followed by Queen Selenity. "You’re all still up?" The Queen asked, a small smile on her face. The girls nodded, suppressing their laughter that was still bubbling up inside them. "Wonderful. I need to talk to all of you. Would you please follow me to my room? All your parents are there, as well as Helen and Paris." She paused as the girls started to get up, curious looks on their faces. "We just thought that we should explain to you all the worries with Beryl showing up," she added. That alleviated some of the curiosity, but not all.

Luna led them with her torch to the Queen’s chamber. They were rather surprised to see their parents sprawled across that room in much the same way that they had been when they were with Serenity in her room. Venus was lounging on the Queen’s bed, Mercury was in a chair, Mars on one of the sofa’s and Jupiter was sitting on the floor by the bed. Paris and Helen were on the sofa with Mars, and Serenity was surprised to see Darien sitting on the love seat. Shingo was there as well, sitting on the floor near upiter. Not what you would expect to see in a royal get-together.

The Senshi fanned out, going and sitting near their parents, and Selenity walked over to the bed and sat down beside Venus, a tired look on her face. Serenity claimed the seat beside Darien, although a little hesitantly and with some blushing. She didn’t miss the smiles that passed between the Senshi and Darien.

Once everyone was settled down, Selenity stretched herself on the bed and Venus started to brush the Queen’s hair. Serenity was amazed at how relaxed everyone was, not having the usual formality when they were in public. She liked it.

"You all know that yesterday Beryl was seen on the moon. There is a large history attached with that woman, one that you will need to know," Selenity started speaking. "Later there might not be time to tell you the tale, so we have decided to tell you now. We won’t leave anything out, even if some of it might be embarrassing to us," she said as she gave a secret smile to the parents of the Senshi. They all smiled back knowingly.

Jupiter chuckled. "What you hear now girls may scar you for the rest of your lives," he said, and all the adults laughed.

Selenity started to talk again. "All of us have known each other since we were small children Our planets then were much like they are now. There were more of us at times. However, from the beginning there was us and your father, Serenity." She began her tale.

As she talked, Serenity felt Darien slip his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned onto him a little. She had not heard many stories of her father, her mother always being reluctant to touch on the subject. Every so often one of the other adults would take over in telling the history.

By the time they were done, dawn was already breaking. Serenity had cried over the length of the tale, her heart moved by the occurrences in the lives of all around her. All of the girls had shed a few tears here and there, but there was some laughter too.

Now, everyone looked tired, and yet wide awake.

"I had no idea there was so much in the history of all of you!" Lita finally said after everyone had been silent for a few moment.

All the adults nodded. There was a new emotion running through all the people present in the room, one of understanding. They all now knew what they had been through, and now they could focus on the future.

There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" called Selenity.

"Artemis, my Lady. Please, it’s urgent!" came a muffled voice from the other side of the door.

Luna, who had been sitting with the group patiently, went to unlock and open the door at Selenity’s gesture. Artemis rushed into the room, followed by two guards. "It’s Beryl," he gasped out. "Her-her messenger is here."

There was a stony silence in the room, one which Artemis would not understand until much later once Luna had a chance to talk to him. For now though he watched.

Selenity stood from the bed. Everyone else did too. "Come," she said. "We will all go and see what the Queen of the Negaverse has to say to us." Everyone followed Selenity out of the room, silently.

I do not own the rights to Sailormoon or any of the characters. That honour belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, and I am simply a lowly author who can use her characters for my plots.