Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Everlasting Love ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I do not own Sailor Moon and I am not making any money from this. Sailor
Moon is the property of Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha.

A.N.: I wrote this poem for English class, and my brother said it was
good. He suggested that I post it on the net, so here it is!
It's about Sailor Venus in the Silver Millenium, according to
the manga. Some things might be off, and lots left out, but
hey, it's a ballad. The purpose is to tell a simple story
leaving out details. So anyway, hope you enjoy!

You can check out my webpage on

*Everlasting Love*
by: Minako01 (

I stand and wait their arrival, with my princess at my side
My comrades are right behind me, our queen just bursting with pride
The horses are heard galloping, one man ahead of them all
He gets off of his dark stallion, looking handsome, dark and tall

Prince Endymion is this man's name, my princess' heart he took
Their love would be forever strong, easily seen with one look
Four guardians my princess has, the leader of them is me
Four guardians does this prince have, the leader looking at me

My heart flutters
My head clutters
Love overtaking me

Kunzite the leader of the guard, he becomes my counterpart
Our friendship soon blooms into love, from first sight he took my heart
Blissfully happy us two are, forever we were to be
Never thinking for one moment, that we were not meant to be

My heart flutters
My head clutters
Love overtaking me

The love of my life betrays me, my heart and soul are now gone
My princess still needs protecting, so I must learn to live on
Duty had kept us together, now duty breaks us apart
I stand defending my princess, ignoring my broken heart

"Serenity!" my queen yells out, my head looks around to see
My princess is right behind me, surrounded by blood red sea
A laughing is heard behind me, my love enjoying my grief
My sword comes out to avenge her, my heart like a fragile leaf

My heart flutters
My head clutters
But my love is not him

Clash and clang our battling swords, I can hear my queen crying
Clash and clang neither of us stops, but soon I feel myself flying
Rising, a surge of strength flows through, I feel my sword reaching out
I feel pain as my sword goes through, each other we stabbed no doubt

Painfully lying on the ground, I slowly crawl to my love
Taking his hand into my own, I prepare to go above
I hear the battle continue, my comrades down long ago
I surrender to the darkness, holding my love and my foe.

*The End*