Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fate ❯ Fate, or just bad luck? ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
OK, chapter 3 is here! I know I take forever writing these things, but be patient with me alright! And besides, while you wait, you can read my other stories- Royal Trouble and A matchmaking Scheme!! Well enjoy!
Fate- Chapter 3

"How the hell did this happen?!" Serena asked, looking outraged. Darien's only reply was, "I don't know." They decided to ask the stewardess after she was done handing out the other envelopes.

About twenty minutes later, everyone had their room numbers, and people were starting to leave. Darien went up to the stewardess who had handed the envelopes out and asked to speak to her for a minute.
"Is something wrong?" She asked as she flipped her long black hair over her shoulder.
"uhwell yea," he replied, "You see me and the person sitting next to me are put into the same room, and we weren't exactly traveling together."
"Yea and there is no way I'm spending another waking moment I want to spend with this jerk off!" Serena piped up from behind Darien. Darien gave her a look which made her get quiet.
"Oh well The stewardess that was in your section was the one that assigned people together into rooms. Perhaps you should talk to her." And then she was gone.
"Well lets try and find that red haired lady." Darien said as he let out a long sigh.

A couple minutes later Serena was waving Darien over to the front desk. The short stewardess with red hair was there as well.
"Hello mam, my name is Sheila. IS there a problem?"
"Yes there is a BIG problem," Serna said, putting the emphasis on "big." "You see you roomed me with this man here," she motioned to Darien, "and well we aren't traveling together so by any chance could you give us separate rooms?"
"Oh my! I'm so sorry, you two looked like such a cute couple, and so i thought you were traveling together since you looked so close. Gosh I'm sorry there aren't any more rooms available, I can try to make new arrangements, but It's going to be very difficult."
"Great now what do we do?!" Serena turned and asked Darien.
"How do I know meatball head?" That comment got him an infuriated look from Serena.
"Look you take the room, I'll try and find another hotel or something." Darien sighed.
"Oh no no sir, we can't let you do that," Sheila came in, "It's the airline's rule that if something like this happens, that we treat you to all accommodations! You two seem to know each other well, if it's not too much to ask, could you by any chance share the room? We could have some more blankets and sheets brought in so that one of you can have the couch. Besides it's only for one night..."
"I suppose so, what do you say meatball head? I won't talk to you, you don't bother me, and we'll get a long fine. Besides lets save these airline people some trouble."
"Fine," replied Serena.

~*At the hotel*~
Serena and Darien checked in and got on the elevator to go up to the 11th floor.
"Let's see, room number 264..." Darien mumbled as he stepped out of the elevator.
"Just so you know you get the couch," Serena humphed at him.
'Well this doesn't seem so bad,' thought Serena as she entered their room behind Darien. The living room was spacious and elegant. There was a kitchen to the directly to the left when you entered. A entertainment system, including a TV stood in the back right hand corner of the room, while at the back left hand corner there was a fireplace. A white couch and coffee table were placed in front of the TV. Adorning the coffee table was a bowl of fruit. A recliner and a beautiful rug stood in front of the fireplace. Of to the right there was a set of double doors that led to the bedroom. The bedroom itself was extremely spacious and included a closet and bathroom.
After they had settled in, and Serena made it clear that the bedroom was hers, Darien sat down to watch some T.V. while Serena romped through the kitchen trying to find some food.
"So meatball head, what have you been doing the past few years, manage to pass high school?" Darien called to her.
"As for your info, I'm a successful journalist for the Tokyo Times, and the name is Serena! I would think you would've got that one down by now smarty."
"I know your name, but i prefer your nickname better."
"I don't!" Serena yelled back.
"Good lord we have to stop fighting like kids. So tell me why you're headed for Kyoto," Darien asked, changing the subject.
Serena walked out of the kitchen, and took a seat next to him on the couch. "I have to do an article about the competition in businesses these days. Plus my boss wants me to try and get a company to subscribe to our newspaper or magazine. Why are you headed for Kyoto?"
"Vacation," he replied, "To the land of meetings. I'm the owner of a computer business, and this is supposed to be my break, but I have meetings scheduled all throughout it."
"Hey you own a business?! Wanna subscribe to our newspaper? Or magazine? They're both very helpful."
"Give me a good reason as to why I should and you have a deal. Until then, lets go and grab a bite to eat."
"Hey that's right! Free food!" Serena yelled as she jumped up and went in search for her shoes, the deal completely forgotten.
Darien started laughing, "You still haven't changed have you meatball head?"

The End!
For now hoped you guys enjoyed it. I know it's short.but send feedback and suggestions!