Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Hostage Of The Sailor Girls ❯ Mission? ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hostage Of The Sailor Gals
by Terri Kamiya

We find out Gundam Boys with a new mission! ^_^ They have to rescue and then rekidnap the Inner Sailor Scouts of Sailor
Moon! Sounds fun ne? Lets see!

Chang Wufei: I really do think this is injustice! We should have declined it!
Duo Maxwell: Like we had a choice, Mr. Perfect Soldier had us accept it. *glares at Heero then sighs* At least these are hot
Heero Yuy: I knew you would say something similar to that. Hopefully there are better than Relena though..
*Trowa watches the boys talk and stays silent, only nodding in agreement*
Quatre Winner: Well ok boys, lets go!

*Meanwhile the Sailor Scouts are tied up by our villan Zoicite and Darien was sadly teleported to an unknown area of dead

Darien: AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sailor Mars: *glares at Sailor Moon* You dumbbrain! I told you we should have taken the left!!
Sailor Moon: Did not!
Sailor Mars: Did too!
Sailor Moon: Did not!
Sailor Mars: Did too!
*blow blow raspberries at each other, the other three sweatdrop*
Sailor Mercury: We're tied up and held hostage and this is all you can do?!
Sailor Venus: I know!
Sailor Jupiter: Sailor Moon, do something!
Sailor Moon: Erm... heya Zoicite! I'll trade you a bunny if you let us go!
Sailor Moon: Eheheheh- sorry! ^^;
Zoicite: *laughs evily and takes holds his hand out forming a beam aiming towards the scouts* Your time is over.
*Zoicite is about to blast it when suddenly-*
Tinky Winky: Hewwo!
All: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Ack...Wrong channel...^_^() suddenly-*
Duo Maxwell: Stop right there!
Heero Yuy: We're here to stop you!
Chang Wufei: In the name of justice!
Quatre Winner: And love!
Trowa Barton: ...Oh my god... *smacks his hand on his forehead shaking his head sadly*
Quatre Winner: *appears behind Zoicite* I'm Quatre Reberra Winner!
Zoicite: Huh? *turns around*
Chang Wufei: I'm Chang Wufei! *jumps to the left of Zoicite*
Zoicite: What? *turns around again*
Heero Yuy: *jumps in front of Zoicite* I'm Heero Yuy!
Zoicite: *turns again* Goddammit!
Duo Maxwell: And I am Duo Maxwell! *jumps to the last spot by Zoicite*
Trowa Barton: ...*just watches them with pity, sweatdropping*
Sailor Jupiter: *whispers* Hey they're cute...
Sailor Mercury: *blushes* Now come on, this isn't what we had planned.
Sailor Venus: Hunks, Mercury.. Hope they're on our side...
Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars: ><; They stole our sayings!!
Duo Maxwell: *does the positions of Sailor Moon while holding his deathscythe* And in the name of death, we will kill you!
*points at Zoicite*
Zoicite: And I thought Tuxedo Mask was worse..
All except Trowa: HEY!
Zoicite: Whatever. *shoots the beam*
Duo Maxwell: *blocks it from the scouts and watches Heero tackle Zoicite down*
Zoicite: AH!
Trowa Barton: And you all wonder why I'm the quiet one...
Duo Maxwell: *holds the Death Scythe to Zoicite's neck* Get the girls Chang, Quatre!
*both nod and let the girls free*
Sailor Venus: *glomps Quatre* Hey you're a hunk! n_n
Quatre Winner: *sweatdrops* Uh...
Chang Wufei: *looks at Ami who is stareing at him* Uh...Duo...can we please...make this quick?
Duo Maxwell: Oh right! *teleports them all out and don't ask how they teleported I have no idea in hell*
*Back at the place where the Scouts hang out*
Serena: Hey guys! Thanks for saving us! You know you guys are so hunky cute!! *lil heart eyes*
Duo Maxwell: *sweatdrops and hides behind Heero* Eep she's scary! O_o; Look at her hair!
Heero Yuy: *narrows his eyes* Hn.
Serena: *growls* HEY AT LEAST I AM A GIRL!
Duo Maxwell: *growls back* WHATS THAT SUPPOSE TA MEAN!?
*the other girls sweatdrop and sigh in agony*
Trowa Barton: You two are unbelievable...
Quatre Winner: Indeed.
Serena: Now can we please go?! You had your hero moment!
Heero Yuy: Nope sorry.
Girls: WHAT?!?!?! WHY NOT?!?!!?!?!
Heero Yuy: Our mission is to rekidnap you. *the Gundam Boys standing behind him take two steps back*
Mina: *grabs Heero by the collar neck growling* LOOK YOU MAY BE A HUNK BUT YOU ARENT HOLDING US HOSTAGE!
Duo Maxwell: *shoves Heero out of the way and whistles at Mina* Well we could always go out to dinner, hn?
Mina: *narrows her eyes and kicks Duo in the groin, walking off*
Duo Maxwell: *hits the ground crying anime style* MOMMY!
Chang Wufei: *sighs deeply in pity* We are going to get arrested and I don't think we will survive with these baka onnas.
Rei: *shakes her head* How do you live with braid head?
Quatre Winner: That's a mystery.
Duo Maxwell: HEY!
Heero Yuy: Ok, since the five of us can't handle this, I'm going to assign you each girl to hold hostage in a room.
Gundam Boys: Oh god.
Heero Yuy: Duo, since you and Serena are the clutzy type, you're assigned to her.
Serena: What are you saying, I'm not good enough?!
Mina: *laughs nervously sweatdropping*
Duo Maxwell: Well you have meatball hair and plus you aren't hot, and you look like and probably eat like a pig.
Serena: WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!?!?! *she starts walking off but sees a box of donuts, quietly grabs all 6 donuts
and slams it in her mouth walking away happily, everyone sweatdrops as a sad Duo follows her*
Heero: Wufei, I'm assigning you with Rei.
Chang Wufei: What?! Injustice!
Rei: Oh come on. *puts her arms around Chang's left arm* I'm not like Serena and probably you can't be as bad as Duo.
Quatre Winner: *says quietly* But he is rather annoying.
Chang Wufei: *hits Quatre lightly on the head* I heard that. *They walked off, shutting the
door quite loudly*
Heero Yuy: Trowa, I'm assigning you with Ami. Since you two are so quiet, the both of you should get along quite well.
Ami: This doesn't seem to be going quiet well now huh?
Trowa Barton: *nods silently and walks off*
Heero Yuy: I'll assign myself with Lita, so therefore Quatre, you and Mina are on your own.
Lita: Good thing I'll be in a kitchen.
Heero Yuy: Hn. *the two walk in the kitchen*
Mina: *clings to Quatre* YAY!
Quatre Winner: *sweatdrops* Here we go...-_-;
Mina: *hops around Quatre excitedly* You're cute you know that, wanna make out?
Quatre Winner: No.
Mina: Wanna play?
Quatre Winner: No.
Mina: Wanna watch Harry Potter kill Bill Gates?
Quatre Winner: How about not. -_-;
Mina: Then what do you want to do??? *tackles Quatre, looking into his eyes puppy like*
*five minutes later*
Mina: *tied up in a chair* LEMME GO LEMME GO
Quatre Winner: *sighs and puts on earmuffs* I hate you for accepting this mission Heero. -_-;
Serena: So whatcha wanna do? Hey! I know! Lets gossip!
Duo Maxwell: *sleeps*
Serena: Hey! For a kidnapper you're very rude!
Duo Maxwell: *opens one eye* As the God of Death I shall kill you... *yawns and falls back asleep*
Serena: o.O;;;
Rei: *sweeps the floor while listening to Chang read out loud* You know, you sure do read alot.
Chang Wufei: I always have. Why would you like me to train?
Rei: Uh.. how long do you usually do that?
Chang Wufei: Well when the others are tired of me reading, I do it all day.
Rei: Pass. Why don't you help me clean up?
Chang Wufei: I do most of my time on that also.
Rei: Er... *puts her broom down in surrender and sits next to him*
Chang Wufei: Heh, knew you'd come around.
Rei: -_-
Trowa Barton: *leans against a wall, listening to Ami having a conversation with herself*
Ami: you play music?
Trowa Barton: ....I play the flute.
Ami: Oh... I'd be delighted if I could hear it... I mean, if you would please?
Trowa Barton: *nods and walks over to his cabinet and pulls out the flute and plays the solo*
Ami: *listens*
Heero Yuy: *opens door but hits Trowa who's in the way* How's the progress Trowa?
Trowa Barton: *hits the ground* ///.@;
Ami: Oh my...
Heero Yuy: Er....whoops....
Lita: What happened in here- huh? *helps Trowa up* Are you alright?
Trowa Barton: *nods; gives a death glare at Heero, who's laughing nervously*
Tuxedo Mask: Are you guys ever gonna free me??!?!
All: NO!
*Evil demons grab Tuxedo Mask and pull him into the fire*
Tuxedo Mask: AH!
*more later*
Duo Maxwell: DIE!!! *bursts through the door and holds the deathscythe at Heero's neck but everyone pulls him back*
Heero Yuy: *blinks*
Trowa Barton: We don't want to kill him... Let me at him! He slammed that door at my back!! *lungs at Heero but Quatre pulls him back*
Quatre Winner: Temper Barton! I know we all don't like this mission, but like it or not we had to accept it!
Chang Wufei: There could have been an easier way. Why did we choose this path?
Heero Yuy: Because, I chose it for you.
Trowa Barton: ...
Quatre Winner: Now now Trowa, calm down.
Trowa Barton: I should just smash him now. -.-
Duo Maxwell: We can use Chibi Duo!!!
All except Duo: Chibi Duo...?
Duo Maxwell: Yesh!!!
Chang Wufei: Oh God... one braided baka is bad enough!
Duo Maxwell: My point! We can use him to kidnap the girls, so we can just relax! They'd be too annoyed!
Trowa Barton: And how are you to get a chibi form of yourself?
Duo Maxwell: *grins* Make myself a dad!
All 4: *silence*
Heero Yuy: *almost afraid to ask* So which one?
Duo Maxwell: None other than Mina!!!
Trowa Barton: You should take Serena since she's a pain in the ass like you.
Duo Maxwell: True- HEY!
Chang Wufei: Lets just not use that idea alright?
Quatre Winner: I agree, we're better off with this job.
Heero Yuy: And we'd be cheating the mission.
Duo Maxwell: NO!!! *walks off and comes back with a mini version of him*
All Four: O.O; HOW'D YOU-!!
Duo Maxwell: Dr. Evil! XD
Chang Wufei: -_-; Braided baka is at it again.
Chibi Duo: ^_^ I am Chibi Duo!
Trowa Barton: Oh no...
Duo Maxwell: Oh yes!!! XD Yes Yes YES!!!
Chang Wufei: God help us all..
Quatre Winner: Why does its voice sound squeaky?
Chibi Duo: IT?!?!?!! I AM A GIRL YOU BLONDE!
Quatre Winner: Ehm sorry.
Duo Maxwell: Yeah she's a- wait WHAT?!?!
Chibi Duo: Yup! ^_^ I am like Chibi Moon from the future!
Duo Maxwell: But Dr Evil never said this was gonna happen! I wanna refund!!!
Quatre Winner: How much did you pay?
Duo Maxwell: One million dollars...
Trowa Barton: Why didn't he just ask for a trillion?
Duo Maxwell: ...*shrug*
Quatre Winner: O_o;
Chang Wufei: -_-; Baka.
Trowa Barton: *nods*
*Later with the girls*
Mina: *sighs* Dammit what do we do?! First we get kidnapped by Zoicite! Then we get saved by Backstreet Boys over there,
then those assholes kidnap us again! They're cute! But idiots!
Rei: Yeah.. but I gotta admit, the one with the green tanktop is cute. And the one with the long braid would be perfect with
metalball brain.
Serena: HEY! *glares at Rei* Who died and made you drag queen?
Lita & Ami: *sweatdrop*
Serena: At least I'm not sweettalking someone who likes to spend half his time reading and packing insults!
Rei: I seem to get along greatly with him!
Both: Sorry...o.o;
Ami: Now, we need to find a way out.
Serena: I know! Lets call pizza hut!
All: NO!
Rei: >< *smacks her hand against her forehead* GOD YOU ARE SO STUPID!
Serena: Hey. ;-;
Ami: How about we try transforming then using our powers to escape?
All: Yeah!
Ami: Mercury Power!
Rei: Mars Power!
Lita: Jupiter Power!
Mina: Venus Power!
Serena: Moon Prism Power!
All: Better ^-^
*suddenly the doors open and Chib Duo comes out*
Chibi Duo: Hewo..
All: oO;;!
SM: He shrunk!
SM: Oh sorry.. *gasp* YOU HAD SEX CHANGE?!
Chibi Duo: NO! ><;
Chibi Trowa: *walks up behind Duo* What are you doing? *looks exactly like Trowa except she has a ponytail*
Chibi Duo: On Duty like Dr Evil said
Chibi Trowa: *nods* Me too
Sailor Mercury: Another one?
Chibi WuFei: *mutters something* This is SO unfair! *looks like Chang except she's a little more muscled*
Sailor Mar: They're popping up everywhere!!!
Sailor Chibi Moon: HEY!
Sailor Moon: AH! *falls over*
Chibi Quatre: *shyly walks up behind the four* Excuse me, but aren't we supposed to be keeping them from killing themselves? *looks like Quatre except she has short hair to her shoulders*
Chibi Duo: Nah! Let them die!
Chibi Trowa: -.-;
Chibi WuFei: Thats against our rules though!
Chibi Heero: *the only guy* And besides.. we have to follow our orders.
Chibi Duo: You and your stupid missions ><; *shoots Heero*
Chibi Heero: *dies*
Sailor Jupiter: Oh my god you killed Chibi Heero!
Sailor Venus: You bastard!!
Sailor Mercury: *sighs* I have a feeling we're going to be in for a long day...