Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kishikata no Eos ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kishikata no Eos


"If I sit down now, I'm not getting up for at least an hour."

"That makes two of us. My feet are killing me."

"You know, if it was just my feet, I'd be grateful."

"So complain to Theo," Rini finally said as she kicked off the two inch heels that were a quarter size too small for her. "Technically, he's at fault here."

The Guardian laid a hand on her stomach, which gave evidence to the third trimester of a somewhat challenging pregnancy. "I'll blame the whole Isbanni race at the moment," she answered dryly. "Did you know that it's more common to have triplets than a single baby at a time in Isbanni families?"

"So you've reminded me every week since you found out." The Princess of the Moon Kingdom flopped on her bed, pink taffeta everywhere.

"Sorry," Eos answered with a sheepish grin. "It's just taking so long, and I'm getting tired of - OW!" She sat straight up, rubbing her left side right below her ribcage. "Being kicked," she finished ruefully.

Rini laughed, rolling over to prop her chin on her hands. "So, what's up for food tonight? I didn't eat anything at that so-called dinner. It looked wrong."

"Agreed." Eos closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. "We'll have to get up if we want something, you realize."

"We can't order in?" Rini pouted. "Chinese, maybe? I know how you like those salty green beans, and sweet and sour chicken, and I bet some of those little doughnuts with granulated sugar could really..."

"Chinese it is." Eos laughed, leaning back on the bed. "You have to order, though."

Twenty minutes later, the pair was lounging in front of the vidscreen. One of the news stations had been covering the enormous diplomatic function that they had escaped earlier. A bubbly young woman squealed into a microphone as a graceful brunette emerged from a heavily guarded transport.

"And here we see the lovely Sailor Jupiter, accompanied by her husband, Malik, the most powerful man in the Vegan Empire..."

"As they remind us every time," Rini pointed out airily.

"... and Lady Jupiter is dressed elegantly in a Rainault gown, designed exclusively for her by Breandon Rainault, renowned for his originality and painstaking attention to detail..."

"And his attitude." Rini added wickedly. "Not to mention the gaggle of diplomats' daughters that follows him everywhere like some teenage fan club."

Eos shifted in her chair. "You're in rare form tonight," she noted.

"I'm hungry."

"Well, that doesn't mean you can... "A chime interrupted the gentle reprimand. "Finally." Pushing herself up to a standing position, Eos managed a stately waddle towards the door.

"Sit your butt down." Rini said, jumping to her feet. "You're not supposed to do that. How many times have I told you that I can get the door?"

"And how many times have I said that your mother doesn't want you doing that when the palace is open and hosting foreign nationals?" Eos put a hand to the intercom. "Yes?"

"Delivery. Tranquil Garden." The voice crackled through the speakers, and Eos pressed a button to open the door.

"Evening," she began with a smile. "Sorry to keep you waiting, it takes a while to get to the door..." A glint of metal peeked out between boxes of steamed rice that was clearly not part of their order. Eyes narrowing, Eos slammed her palm against the alert button as her right hand shot forward, catching the man across the bridge of his nose. To-go boxes flew everywhere as Rini shrieked, diving out of sight into the bathroom. Alarms resonated in the hallway and footsteps grew louder as members of the Imperial Guard raced to Princess Serenity's private suite. Meanwhile, Eos had grabbed the would-be assassin's hand and wrenched it around, effectively pointing the phaser at his own throat.

"You... stupid... half-witted... incompetent... excuse... for a hit man," she panted, her weight keeping him pinned against the wall. "What in the hell did you think you could..." she stopped, her complexion losing colour quickly as a wave of nausea passed over her. In that instant, her grip loosened ever so slightly, giving the delivery boy the leverage he needed to turn the gun and fire it directly into Eos' upper shoulder.

The end result was nothing short of spectacular, at least in appearance. Rose and lavender light immediately reflected from her palms, causing twin third degree burns across the chest of the almost-assassin. He slumped to the floor, unconscious with his uniform smoking, while Eos fell against the doorjamb limply, her grip barely steadying her.

"Your Highness?" The uniform guard yelled into the suite. "Eos, is she..."

"Bathroom," the Guardian managed between painful breaths. "She's fine, don't think she's hurt..." Another wave of nausea, and Eos clutched at the wall to stay upright. One of the guards dragged the delivery boy out of the doorway, while the other tended to Eos.

"Ma'am, you need to see a doctor," he said as he examined her shoulder, which wasn't healing as would have been routine per her Senshi abilities. "This needs immediate attention."

She gulped air and swallowed, fighting to breathe. "Well, that... and other things..." She squeezed her eyes shut, willing to relax in spite of the pain. "I need you to get a medlift here immediately."

"Ma'am, we can..."

"She told you to call the medlift, so do it!" Rini yelled as she ran out of the bathroom. "Get me my mother, or Sailor Pluto, and then call down to Greynn's." She helped Eos lie down on the floor, resting her head on her lap. "And get this woman a blanket."

"Yes, your Highness." The pair took off down the hall as the rest of the guard arrived, positioning themselves around the room and throughout the corridor.

"You're sure you're okay?" Eos whispered, her eyes still closed.

"Yes, I'm fine." Rini answered, her voice quiet but frantic. "I told you not to answer the door."


The next morning, Serenity and Sailor Pluto accompanied Rini to the naval hospital. The maternity ward had doubled security overnight, Theo hand-picking the LISA officers who stood guard outside Eos' door. He had stayed all night, refusing to leave for any reason. His silver-grey eyes glowed faintly as she held his wife's hand, gently stroking it as she slept.

"Theo?" Sailor Pluto's voice called softly into the room. "How is she?"

He nodded, he voice gruff to conceal worry. "Better. At least they stopped the contractions," he replied. "Still, she's going to be here for at least four weeks. They won't induce labour any earlier."

Rini crept inside, the guards nodding respectfully to her as she passed. Throwing her arms about the Isbanni man's neck, she embraced him tightly.

"The cubs are just fine," he said reassuringly.

"Cubs?" Rini stood up. "You mean babies, don't you?"

He shrugged, smiling fondly at the sleeping woman. A trio of heartbeats sounded softly on one of the monitors, evidence that three tiny lives were nestled safe and sound beneath their mother's heart. "I suppose. The name's not important." Rini nodded in silent agreement.

"Commander Greynn?" Serenity entered the room, her simple white suit removing much of the formality that her usual flowing robes dictated. "Please be assured that she's under the best care here, and I've informed Sailor Uranus that you'll be on leave for the next four moths, so as not to have you distracted from more critical issues here."

"Thank you, your Majesty," he answered, bowing his head.

"And of course, Eos is on leave until she feels able to resume her previous duties," Pluto added from her place in the doorway, They'd have to find a replacement for the next month or two, simply someone to accompany Rini on a day to day basis when she wasn't with her parents. She knew the almost eighteen-year-old princess wouldn't put up with just anyone, and most of the Imperial Guard didn't have the people skills needed to deal with an emotional teenager.

She, Endymion, and Serenity had discussed the various options earlier that morning. Other Senshi and similarly gifted persons possessed the raw ability required of the one to protect the Princess of the Moon Kingdom, but they lacked either patience or familiarity. Really, there was only one course of action that would satisfy both Princess and parental figures alike. Even if it meant messing with the time stream a bit, Pluto felt it was worth the trouble.

She only hoped that a certain young woman would agree.