Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ La Morte ❯ La Morte: La sept de glasse ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ohayo minna sama,
Yay! Next chapter of La Morte. ^_^ I say this like I'm
surprised, really I am. A few things now and then more later.
1. I don't own Sailor Moon and this makes me very sad. Although
. . . I would have changed the plot anyways and lord knows what
twisted things could have happened. I probably would have killed one
of the senshi or something ^^''
2. My Onee asked for a kissing scene. If you notice, she got
two! I sure do love my onee sama. (Yes I know I'm not supposed to
call you sama onee sama ^_~) At any rate a message to Kayla-nee-san:
If kisses were daggers, then we'd all be dead. (Love ya onee san!!)

La Morte
by Bejiin

I know what you're doing.
I see it all too clear.
I only taste the saline when I kiss away your tears.
You really had me going,
Wishing on a star.
When the black wholes that surround you are heavier by far.
I believed in your confusion,
So completely torn.
Must have been that yesterday was the day that I was born.
Not much to examine,
Nothing left to hide.
You really can't be serious when you have to ask me why,
I say goodbye.
Cause I am barely breathing,
And I can't find the air.
Don't know who I'm kidding,
Imagining you care.
I could stand here waiting,
A fool for another day.
I don't suppose it's worth the price, the price that I would pay,
But I'm thinking it over anyway.

--Duncan Shiek Barely Breathing

Chapter 3: La sept de glasse

"Mr. Diamond, what are you doing in my apartment?" Serena
asked in shock.
"Welcome home, beloved" Diamond said putting down his glass of
scotch and rising from the cream colored sofa. "I've missed you" he
said softly as he walked towards her.
She felt an odd sense of shock overcome her body as he pulled
her into a surprisingly warm embrace. She slowly came back down to
reality to find her face smothered in his long silvery white hair.
"I'll ask this once more before I ring security. What are you
doing in my apartment Diamond?" she said, pushing away from him.
Crossing her arms, she glared at him and waited for an answer.
"Good GOD Serena is that any way to talk to your fiancée?"
Diamond scolded her.
"My WHAT?" she shrieked in a mix of shock and anger.
"Why, your fiancée of course." He paused and his face formed a
sort of contemplative frown. "I must admit that I was a little
surprised you told Molly Banks before you told me," he said, holding
up the evening paper, "but I am so glad that you've finally accepted
my offer. Oh Serena, I'll make you the happiest woman in the world!"
he exclaimed, pulling her back into his arms.
"Diamond?" she snapped, "Let go of me, now!"
"Honestly, Serena, I'm your fiancée now, you can at least call
me Evan . . ." he protested as she stood stiffly, still somewhat
shocked.. His mouth came nearer to hers as he bent to kiss her and
Serena felt his warm lips cover hers in a firm kiss. Her eyes grew
wide. How dare he? There were only a few seconds before her hand
collided with his cheek and he drew back in surprise. It wasn't her
newfound ability to slap that scared her, but that all in all, Diamond
wasn't that bad of a kisser . . .
"Mr. Diamond!" she all but shouted. "You, sir, will collect
your belongings and leave my apartment at once! I don't EVER want to
see you in MY apartment again. Is that quite clear, or shall I ask the
security guard to reinforce my point?"
Diamond looked at her with pathetic eyes pleading for her to
reconsider. "But," he began holding the paper.
"You of ALL people should know NEVER to believe what you read
in the gossip page. I NEVER do."
Diamond nodded and picked up his jacket, a bouquet of roses
and a small black box and slunk out of her apartment. Serena stared at
the door in shock, a hand rising to her surprised lips. They still
tingled with the warmth of his kiss . . .
The sky danced circles around them. Endless cycles of light
and dark. With every sunrise memories grew fainter, pain hurt less.
With every sunset frustrations grew, desire increased. But such is the
fate of the sun and the moon, night and day, they are cursed never to
meet. The cycle continued as time could not stop . . .
"So what does a guy like you show up at a club like this every
night for a week dateless for?" the petite black haired woman asked as
she took a seat next to him at the bar.
He swirled his rum and coke as he marked another notch on the
pad he casually kept next to him. Yet another pretty girl he would
turn down this evening. It was getting monotonous.
Taking a sip of his drink he raised an eyebrow. "Is there a
rule against going places dateless?"
The girl blushed not having a decent come back.
Darien turned his gaze back to the stage hoping that Serena
would show up. His days were becoming the same monotonous ritual.
Wake up, go to work and try not to think about her. Turn on the radio
at four pm 'by accident' and listen to her show. Turn off the radio
at six and lock up the office. Show up at the Harvest Moon by seven
and keep an eye on the stage. Go home at midnight and start over
again . . .
"I could make a rule like that . . . " a musing voice
interrupted his thoughts. Standing on top of the bar she shouted,
"All right people, from now on no one shows up here without a date.
Got it? Good!" Darien glanced at his watch. 7:45, a little too
early to be that drunk. Sitting back down and leaning over the bar
she smirked. "All right buster, now you either tell me why you come
here every night and stare at that stage, or you leave."
Darien raised the other eyebrow with amusement. "Really?" he
drawled. The girl nodded. "And how, dare I ask, are you going to
throw me out of this place?" he challenged.
The girl smirked. "All things considered, I'm not going to
throw you out. I'll have my bouncer Chad do that for me." she looked
up, apparently searching for Chad.
//Shit, she's the owner.//
The last thing he wanted was to be thrown out of the place.
He'd never find Serena that way. "Miss? Wait. Perhaps we got off to
a bad start. I'm Darien Reynaud and you are?"
The girl smiled and extended her hand. "Raye Hino, owner of
the Harvest Moon. But you never did say, why are you always here?"
He smiled. "I don't suppose you know Serena Livingston, do
Raye laughed. "Know her? Well she is my best friend and I
admit I've noticed her watching you. I'd even go as far as betting
that you're the reason she never sticks around. If I didn't know
better I'd say she's fallen . . . bad."
Darien smiled. "I don't suppose you could, say, let me know
the next time she comes here, could you?"
Raye grinned. "Nope, no can do. But I could try to get her
on stage for ya. Then maybe she'd quit staring at you!" Raye laughed
"She's fallen. That's all I have to say."
"I suppose I'm glad to hear that, all things considered. So
could I buy you a drink?" Darien smiled at Raye.
"Tempting, but no. I have to keep shady types like you from
destroying the place!" Giving him a pat on the back she got up from
the bar and walked away.
Serena sighed as she stared at him through her wine.
Another night at the club . . . another night of watching.
She watched him slowly turn around and she was shocked when
his eyes found her in the balcony.
How could he know where she was?
She panicked as he walked towards the stairs.
What was she going to do?
Lifting her long white silky skirts, she rose and took her
purse rushing towards the stairs. Her long blond hair streamed behind
her like chains of gold.
She had to escape . . .
And she did, right into his warm arms.
"Sere." he whispered happily. "A dance, my princess?" he
asked huskily and she closed her eyes. Opening them she glanced up at
the mirrored ceiling of the room. But it hadn't been mirrored before
had it . . .
They rocked back and forth to the soothing lull of the
orchestra. She pressed her face into his warm chest and sighed in
contentment. He was such a comfort to her.
"Mmm, think we could pay the orchestra to play forever, my
He chuckled and she could feel the vibrations of his chest.
"How about I see what I can do?" he teased as he pulled her even
The smell of roses overwhelmed her as she relaxed in his arms.
The piece was drawing to a close and she could feel him leading her
off the floor towards a marble terrace. It no longer bothered her
that Raye's club didn't have a terrace. She could trust this man with
anything, even strange changes like mirrors and terraces . . .
Turning her around, he pressed her to his chest and wrapped
his arms around her. She looked up at the sky and sighed.
"What are you thinking, love?" he asked as he rested his head
on her shoulder.
"Nothing much" she replied, "Just how much I love you."
He laughed again. "That's good to hear. And I was worried
you were trying to think of an excuse to leave me."
"No! Never." she exclaimed as she turned to wrap her arms
around his neck.
One of his hands came up and he rubbed his thumb along her
lower lip and she shuddered. His eyes . . . that deep blue
color . . . searched hers asking permission. She gave his thumb a
soft kiss, it was the answer he had been hoping for.
His warm lips were quick to claim hers and she shut her eyes
as the heated kiss began to overwhelm her. She held him tighter and
tighter kissing him with all of her heart and soul. The feeling of
being in his arms and being kissed was everything that she could have
ever wanted.
When they finally stopped to breathe she heard him chuckle
again, but his voice had transfored. His deep soft voice had been
replaced by a slightly higher harhser one.
"My, my, Serenity. It's hardly fair trying to kill your
fiancée with a first kiss!"
She let go of him as her eyes shot open.
She stared into the pale violet eyes of Evan Diamond.
Gasping she awoke instantly. Her hand touched her lips in
shock. They were tingling again.

>+< If kisses were daggers, we'd all be dead . . . >+<

"This is WBSH and you are listening to Casey's Shot" the
cheerful announcer said. Serena glanced down at her script as the
light flashed 'On the Air'. She could already tell that this episode
would be popular. Somehow the predictable plot and typecast
characters managed to enthrall listeners all over New York. Some
things were just . . . odd, she mused. She waited for Diamond to
begin his monologue. The writers really seemed to like it, all things
considered. Every episode started the same way.
"They say the world is a cold and dark place, and I, Vincent
Casey, have never been one to fight the truth. Heavens knows that I'm
still trying to get a date with Angie and if I find it hard to figure
her out, it's no surprise that the world is far more difficult. So
when a case shows up at my door, who am I to argue?" Diamond read
from his script.
She rolled her eyes. That speech was constant and ridiculous.
A sharp knocking sound broke her silent laughter and Serena turned her
head to watch Andrew, the sound guy, play with the props. That knock
signaled her entrance. Serena sighed softly and stepped up to the
"Mr. Casey?" she called in the soft yet seductive voice of
"Yeah Angie?"
"You have a client. She seems pretty upset. I've got her in
the lobby with a box of tissues. Does the name Ethan Edwards mean
anything to you?"
"Ethan Edwards, my long time rival. The only other detective
in this dark, heartless city with a record as good as mine. The
question now obviously why would he send me a case?" . . .
"'Yeah, I know the name.' I reply after a moment.
No point in upsetting Angie . . ."
"Well, his widow is in the lobby. She says she has a case for
The 'on the air' light turned off as the station went to a
commercial break.
Serena sighed. Today would be another long day. Closing the
script, she walked over to the break table and picked up a glass of
water. The glass shook as she felt a cool hand on her back. Her lips
tingled again and she frowned.
"Please remove your hand, Evan."
Diamond smiled. He was making progress; she was at least
calling him by his first name now. Perhaps he could get her used to
the idea by being a bit more persistent.
"But Serena, it's only natural for your fiancée to want to
hold you." he almost pleaded.
Serena nodded "I suppose that's true, but you're not my
fiancée Mr. Diamond. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go help
Hurrying towards Andrew's table of props, Serena shuddered.
She knocked on the prop door and laughed as the squeaky door opened
and Andrew popped out.
"Password please." he said in a false and raspy voice.
"Password?" she asked in mock surprise. He was always
changing the darned thing anyways, so there was no point in learning
Andrew nodded expectantly and a piece of his dirty blond hair
fell in his face.
"You've got hair in your eyes, Drew." she said with a grin.
He stared at her for a moment and then nodded. "Good enough."
He opened the door for her.
"What are we going to do with you Andrew?" she teased.
"Well, for starters, why not come in? Lita has some
interesting news."
"Oh, is this where she ran off to?" Serena smiled.
"Honestly, Serena, aren't I always in here?" Lita teased.
"So what brings you to Andy's corner of the studio anyways, other than
avoiding dear Evan of course?"
Serena smiled. "Well I-"
Andrew interrupted her like an excited child. "Tell Sere the
"What news?" Lita asked innocently.
"You know, about Richard and Lubina." he continued.
Lita's eyes glinted dangerously. "No, I DON'T KNOW WHAT
you're talking about" she ground out.
"Silly, about their break-up, of course!"
Serena frowned. Poor Lubina. But it just went to show that
there truly was no such thing as love. In a way, she wasn't surprised,
not after how he had acted on the carousel. But still, she wished it
didn't have to be true for Lubina. She sighed.
"Sere?" Lita's concerned voice broke through her melancholy
musings. "Sere, could you help me with the script? I think I need
some coaching on the accent for the Edward's widow." Lita said with
mock worry.
It was a nice try. Long ago, she would have welcomed the
distraction, but it was getting much more difficult to continuously
live a lie.
Grains of sand fall softly through a sieve, each as silent as
the next. Such was the passage of time under the bright working man's
sun. The final grain made as much sound as the first, but it was
different, time had passed.
"That's it for Casey's Shot. Thanks for listening folks and
make sure to tune in tomorrow. This is WBSH announcer Chad Rommels
signing off."
Darien sighed as he clicked off the radio. It would be time
to close up soon. Then he'd go back to the Harvest Moon. He stood up
as he heard the telephone ring.
"I know the markets been a little rocky this week darling, but
honestly. I know you could have done better. What would your father
Sitting back down he frowned. This was going to take a while.
Businessmen became college students on their brief journey
back to childhood. Event after event unoccurred as the world spun

"Darien Reynaud?" The teacher's gravelly voice called. He
held a crisp sheet of paper neatly folded in half. This would be his
grades for the quarter and Darien sucked in his breath as he
approached the desk.
"Good work, son." the old man said as he handed the boy his
Darien returned to his seat and opened the paper: all A's. He
sighed in relief.
Walking home he began to worry, however. His grades weren't
perfect, would his mother be upset? Walking in the door he felt his
mother pull him into a hug.
"How's my little darling today?" she asked in a babying tone.
Letting go of him she smiled. "I missed you mon petit prince. How
was school? You got your grades today didn't you? Well, show them to
me!" she demanded in a somewhat endearing tone.
Taking the piece of now wrinkled paper from her son's hand
Marie frowned. "These are terrible Darien. Didn't you even try?
After you practice the piano, you will study for an extra hour from
now on."
"Yes, Ma'am" the boy said hiding his tears. Turning to go
practice, Marie stopped him.
"Aren't you going to give your mother a kiss first?" she asked
"Yes Ma'am" Darien replied automatically, kissing his mother
on the cheek. Such was the life of a ten year old Darien Reynaud.

He sat at the large black Steinway grand piano bench. The
crowd was full of people he did not know. He searched for his parents
finding his mother in a corner. His father had not come again.
Darien lifted his hands to play the first notes of Mozart's piano
concerto. Such was the life of a fifteen-year-old Darien Reynaud.

"Darien?" his father said steeling his voice. "Your mother is
dead." the man quickly turned around and retreated to the mahogany
safe haven he called an office. He was always in there. Was he truly
sad that Marie Reynaud had killed herself? Or did he just feel guilty
that he was with the woman of his affair at the time? Did he even
feel at all? Such was the life of a seventeen-year-old Darien Reynaud.

Though all of that didn't have to happen. He had many chances
to speak his mind. He could have said "I tried my hardest mom" or
"Dad, come to my concert" or most importantly "Stop Dad, you're
hurting Mom."
He wasn't a stupid child and he could have solved his problems
but he chose to suffer. He wanted to be the martyr. So like many
people who became a bit too shy and overly indifferent, Darien existed.

Serena stared at the cool auburn liquid as she swirled it in
its glass. Staring down at the bar she frowned. He hadn't shown up
yet. Perhaps he was finally giving up? It was what she wanted,
right?? She certainly wasn't in love with him. She was hardly
interested, so why was she still watching the bar? She took a sip of
her drink and closed her eyes. He was probably just as much of a jerk
as Richard. Love was wrong, it hurt people, destroyed their lives and
it was just a bad idea. So why was her mind dwelling on what she had
been avoiding all this time? She took another gulp of her drink
hoping to kick her mind onto some other topic, but long island tea
wasn't really that good of a diversion. She started humming along
with the band, anything for a distraction, when she saw him walk in.

Darien sighed. Beryl certainly did like to talk. Sometimes he
wished he could just hang up on her, but that would be rude, and so he
politely listened to her talk on and on about whatever was bothering
her at the moment. Today it had been how badly he was handling his
father's company. He sighed, and walking over to the bar he glanced
around the club. He was only two hours late, but he worried that he
had already missed her. Sitting on one of the tall leather cushioned
stools he focused on the stage and jumped as someone put their hand on
his shoulder.
"You're Darien Reynaud right?" said a voice he recognized from
"Yeah, that's me." He agreed already engrossed with the stage.
It wasn't that the girl in blue really interested him, but it was the
idea of that girl being someone else that made him watch constantly.
The man behind him chuckled. "Boss was right, you really are
stalking her. Well she told me to tell you that she'll be on stage
tonight, so no worries. I'll even announce her." The man slapped him
on the back again and walked away.

"Hiya Sere!" Raye said as she sat down in a chair across from
Serena watched the bar with interest. How did Chad know
"Sere? I need a huge favor." Raye said as she placed a hand
on Serena's.
Feeling a sliver of cold, something almost metallic, Serena
glanced at Raye's hand and gasped. She was wearing a diamond.
"Raye, you're engaged?" she asked in surprise.
Raye glanced down at the ring sparkling on her finger and
"Yeah, he finally asked last night after we closed."
"Oh," Serena said somewhat sadly. "Well I'm happy for you and
She twirled her empty glass on the table.
Raye smiled happily, dreamily staring at the ring for a moment.
"So, anyway, about that favor?"
Serena nodded looking back down at the bar.
"Mina called in sick tonight and I haven't been able to find a
replacement singer anywhere." Raye paused as Serena glanced at her
"Why don't you fill in, Raye?" she suggested. Perhaps she
could prevent this from going where she thought it was going.
"Oh, I'm going to, but I can't till later tonight. I have an
important deal to work right now." Raye sighed. That much, of course,
was true. "If you could just do a couple of sets, it would really
help me out." Raye pleaded.
Serena sighed. So much for getting out of this one . . .
"Fine, I'll do it."
Raye grinned as she watched Chad walk away from Darien.
"Great, Chad'll announce you."
Raye stood and offered Serena her hand. Helping her up Raye
glanced down at the occupants of her office. "Thanks a million Sere.
You have no idea how much this means to me. I gotta get to that
meeting before I insult those guys."
Sere nodded wondering what Raye was having a meeting so late
at night for. Shaking her head Sere glanced down at her dress. The
knee length silky dress was slightly wrinkled and the fringe that
layered the dress was out of place. Taking a moment to smooth out the
dress and straighten the pieces of fringe, Serena sighed. She was far
too easily manipulated. Moving a few strands of hair back behind her
ears, Serena walked down the red-carpeted stairs and towards the
Resisting the urge to strangle Chad who introduced her as
WBSH's 'Siren' she walked up onto the stage and whispered a few
numbers to the bandleader. He nodded and leaned forward to tell the
band as she turned at readjusted the large silver mike.
The first number started soft and sultry and Serena sighed.
Her voice came out like cool velvet as she started singing.

Now it's time, I fear to tell. I've been holding it
back so long.

Nightfall, on a balcony. She watched the last orangeish red
rays slip over the horizon. A light wind tousled the layers of gauzy
white silk that danced around her. Inside she could hear the opening
strains of yet another waltz and knew that her mother was dancing with
yet another suitor.

But something strange deep inside of me is happening.
I feel unlike I've ever felt.

She felt a tug of her hair and in disgust she yanked the long
blond streamer in front of her. A warm hand came around her waist and
she held back the telltale shivers. She would not give him the
satisfaction of knowing that she was desperately in love with him.
But perhaps he already knew . . .

And it's making me scared that I may not be what I
think I am.

The past of her dreams was repeating itself like a broken
record and Serena tried to cling to the reality of her song. She
didn't want to see this, didn't want to remember him again.

What of us, what do I say? Are we both from a
different world?

It was light now. The two of them were sitting in a lovely
garden. Her mother would tell a joke and his eyes would light up as
he began to laugh. She sat solemnly on the other end of the bench
trying to remain the perfectly aloof girl she had always been. But it
was hopeless. She loved him too much. Finally looking at her mother
she too laughed.

Cause every breath that I take, I breathe it for you.
I couldn't face my life without you.

He winked at her mother as he rose and helped her to her feet.
Leading her through the pastel colors of the garden he worked his way
through the labyrinthine passages and towards the gazebo. She gasped
as they reached the usually white gazebo. It was covered in red, his
red, the roses. As he pulled out a beautiful ring she realized he was
giving her his love forever.

And I'm so afraid. There's nothing to comfort us.
What am I, if I can't be yours?

A moment of hesitation. If she refused him after all of
this . . . but did she even want to refuse him? Not really. She
realized it as her blurry eyes stared at the roses; she loved him. As
he guided the ring onto her shaky hand she wondered if he knew.

I don't sleep, don't feel a thing, and my senses have
all but gone.

Night had fallen again. She watched his home glimmer in the
sky in the comfortable silence of his arms. As natural as the silence
was she suddenly felt the need to tell him. Simply to say 'I love
you.', for she hadn't managed to say it yet. "Endy..." the word
slipped out weighted down by hidden fears and emotions. That was it
and he knew it. She was so scared of falling in love. He smiled
warmly and pulled her a bit closer. He could wait for her to admit
that she was as much in love as he was . . .

Can't even cry from the pain, can't shed a tear. Now
I realize we're not the same.

Bitterness. Pain. Fear. Anger. Everything overcame her at
once as she watched the dark witch slither before them. She received
a glare of contempt and he received the witch's desperate pleas.
Certainly he wanted to rule by her side, to become her king. They
could have everything if he would only forget his love and surrender
to Metallia. He refused the witch quickly and moved to stand in front
of her. He was always her protector.

And it's making me sad cause we can't fulfill our
dreams in the life.

She knew this story very well, of course. So why was it such
a shock when the auburn haired witch attacked? She should have known
that that would happen by now. It was always the same. The witch was
jealous. She wanted to be loved, but only by him. She wanted
everything; control, power, love, beauty, and the list went on and on.
For some reason the witch had decided that he was the answer to all of
her needs and when he refused her, she killed him.

So I must, let us break free. I can never be what you

She watched in horror as her prince fell to the ground his
hands covered in his own blood. It always ended this way and it made
her wish to cry. She knew what was coming next. She could already
feel the cold metallic sharpness of it even as her mind tried to cling
to the words of the song.

If there was a way, through the hurt then I would find
it. I'd take the blows. Yes I would fight it.

His sword. It was sharp and cold. It never took long. It
was a quick death, but it was terribly painful. As she felt the metal
pierce through her she looked into his lifeless eyes. They were as
cold as the sword that was killing her. But could all of that change?
Perhaps, her heart whispered while her mind protested. Still semi-
conscious, the part of her that had never stopped singing searched the
eyes of the crowd.

But this is the one impossible dream to love. What am
I, if I can't be yours?

Magnetism. That was the only word for it. She certainly
hadn't intended for it to happen, but like two pieces of a puzzle
their eyes had met and now both of them were ensnared in each other's
gaze. She couldn't really tell what his eyes looked like, trapped up
there on stage and so as the band finished playing, their last notes
still dying in the alarmingly tranquil air, she stepped down from the
stage and crossed the dance floor. Desperation overcame her and she
had to see those eyes that entranced her so deeply.
She didn't notice when the attentive crowd burst into applause
or when the bandleader quickly struck up an instrumental number to
cover her sudden departure. In her world only she and his gaze
existed and she was determined to truly see his eyes.
They were blue, but that didn't surprise her. They were the
same deep blue that she remembered so vividly. Those eyes, the eyes
of her fairytale prince, held all of the love that she knew was there
and she was sorry for it. He didn't deserve to be hurt like this, not
for her. Her prince had already suffered enough and Serena felt the
dampness building in her eyes. She could not allow this to go on much
longer. It was breaking her heart.
She blinked and shivered as the scene changed. Gone was her
fairytale prince. In his place sat Darien Reynaud and Serena blinked
again trying to separate fantasy and reality. She felt him pick up
her hand and kiss it. It was something that he would have done and
she was sucked back into the illusion.
They were still staring at one another. His gaze did not
waver and it was almost enough to melt her. She was so very tempted
to throw herself into his embrace and beg for his protection. Surely
he would save her from the fates of the world.
She blinked again. What was she thinking? This was not him,
and even he hadn't been able to save her. This burden was hers, and
she could not share it with him. Serena looked away, eager to forget
those deep blue eyes immediately.
Darien came out of his daze as the pale blue orbs were finally
hidden from his sight. He was going to get beyond whatever walls were
blocking her feelings. The way she had been looking at him; that had
been full of emotion and meaning. Now, she wouldn't even look at him.
But, at least she was here. She had at least walked over to him . . .
"Hi" he said softly as the band started playing a slow jazzy
"Hi" she replied, her attention focused on the wooden paneling
of the wall.
"It's good to see you again" he said with a smile.
"Yeah, you too" she replied automatically.
"So" he took a breath and let out a sigh. "Would you like to
dance?" he asked as he tried to see what on the wall was so
She focused her gaze back on him, carefully avoiding eye
contact. "Sure." She replied.
Taking her hand, he walked her out to the floor and put an arm
around her waist. He smiled warily and sighed. "Why is it that I
always end up dancing when you're around?" he teased.
"She shrugged with an appeasing smile. "I don't know.
Perhaps you like to dance? Besides, this is only the second time."
Darien nodded in agreement, but his mind told him that there
had been so many other times before . . . It felt too familiar to be
new and the sense of déjà vu that should have scared him felt
strangely comforting. They danced in a comfortable silence.
They say it's like coming home. Finding that one person who
you've never been without and that you would never want to lose again.
Perhaps that is a good description for it, but this time there was
something more. A flicker of silver and a twinge of gold and
something entirely magical came this time. What was once lost had
returned. A silvery line had stretched out into the darkness and
snapped into place connecting the two souls more tightly than the
finest cord. Neither dancer noticed.
The band ended the piece and the two stood staring at one
another. "Well I need to get back on stage. I'm sure the maestro is
wondering where I ran off to." She slid out of his loose hold and
turned to walk away. He shot out his arm and gently caught her wrist.
"Would you like to go on a date sometime?" he asked softly.
She stood very still, a strange combination of amazement and
"A date?" she asked, her normally crystalline voice sounding
broken and hesitant.
He nodded with a smile. "Since we always end up dancing
anyway, how would you like to go to my dinner club? The band there is
one of the best in town."
She gained her composure enough to look amused. "So you don't
think Raye's band is very good then?" Perhaps she could get out of
this by starting an argument.
"Well, there's only one way to find out. How about Friday
around seven? I already know where you live, so it shouldn't be a
problem." He gave her a warm smile.
She nodded a bit dumbfounded. There was no getting out of
this date. Sighing she turned back towards the band much to the
relief of the bandleader. She was going on a date with him?
Darien smiled with relief. No matter how reluctantly she had
acted, she had said yes . . .
The sky was streaked with lines, almost shooting stars;
permanently etched the sky as time went. The sun and the moon danced
their endless chasing dance the wrong direction as the flow went
backwards. Complete circles of the sun hugged the earth six or seven
times as time returned to a small fortune telling booth in Luna Park.
The two cards mocked her. Master of time forcing an innocent;
whatmore, a nonbeliever to face destiny. How she wished someone else
could have this pleasure. Her hand edged toward the third card as she
tried not to shake. She watched a small boy on the walkway across
from them run by with a red balloon in tow. The boy tripped on an
invisible crack and he released the red balloon with a holler. A red
bruise on his knee replaced the sky bound balloon.
Setsuna sighed and flipped the card. It was the seven of cups.
Was she waiting for a miracle or were the cards just being cruel?
They weren't horrible cards . . . but nothing good had shown up yet.
Catching the girls eyes she said "This is the final card of
your past, the seven of cups. It symbolizes wishful thinking.
Perhaps your life has been built around illusion, a fantasy world that
only exists in your head, now is the time to escape all of that and
live in reality."
The girl nodded politely but she did not believe. It was a
pity for her that the cards never lied.
The moon transversed the sky like a graceful swan gliding on a
velvety lake of midnight blue. Throughout the world was the eerie
sound of silence that the night seemed so comfortable with. Inside
people lay snug in their beds or haphazardly with their covers strewn
dreaming, remembering, reliving nightmares, visiting their own private
Hells. After all . . . no one damns a man but himself.
Chad sighed as the last of the customers left. Raye was still
in that meeting and he was getting worried. Locking the front doors,
Chad walked back towards her office. As he opened the door all four
men rapidly turned towards him and he found four machine guns pointed
at his heart. "Whoa, calm down, I was just coming in to see if I
could help Raye."
"Right." One of them nodded. "Have a seat buddy. You've got
nothing to worry about as long as this broad agrees."
Raye glared at them. "But this is absurd. Why should I go
into business with you? My club is doing just fine on it's own."
The guy turned his gun back towards her. "Let me make this
clear, babe. The boss said he wants to make you a deal. When the boss
makes an offer like this, you damn well better accept!"
"But . . ."
The second guy spoke up. "Just say yes. This would be so
much easier if you would just say yes."
Raye slammed a hand on the desk in anger. "Just say yes? NO!
I will NOT let your boss turn this place into a casino! The Harvest
Moon does not welcome those kind of people. Nothing you say or do is
going to change that. I think this meeting is over, gentleman. Chad
will see you to the door."
"Look ma'am, we don't want to cause no trouble" the third one
spoke up "but the boss wants to go into business with ya and if you
want to own a joint like this you better do what the boss says." The
man looked at Raye hopefully. It would be a shame to off such a
pretty dame.
Raye took a deep breath. "I appreciate your boss's offer, but
after careful consideration, I've decided to say no. No thank you, no
deal. Now please leave my office."
A round of gunshots and Raye's frantic screams were the only
sounds that followed.


We ll, that's the Bulgarian chapter. Yes, I was in Bulgaria when I
wrote this. No, I don't speak or read the language! Yes, they are
still giving me flowers after every performance. ^_^ And no I have
no clue when the next chapter will be out. I need to go frolic in
green fields or find a man before I can become that incredibly WAFFY.
^^' Yup, the next chapter is going to be waffy. That should make my
onee san happy. And Ekaterinn? Stop laughing at the idea of me being
waffy . . . it could happen. (Eventually . . . )
Till Next Time,
Ja Ne,
Bejiin Ripley
A IM: Bejiin