Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of Serenity ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Legend of Serenity
By: Shari Celestine
<~§~>Chapter Two<~§~>
Pluto landed in a forest a little way from Satan City. It was in the Black Forest District. A small yet comfortable house stood in the center of a clearing. 'This must be the place...I hope the princess will be safe here. Then again, if Queen Serenity picked this place herself I shouldn't doubt her.' Pluto sighed looking down at the bundle in the basket by her feet. Walking up to the house Pluto knocked twice. A young woman around the age of 20 opened the door. Her jet-black hair was tied tightly in a bun on top her head. Her mysterious black eyes looked up at Pluto questionably. In her arms a one-year-old baby boy slept. 'She's already with child? I hope Queen Serenity knows what's she doing'
"Chi-Chi, who's at the door?" A man with spiky black hair and the same mysterious black eyes asked coming to the door.
"I don't know, Goku-Saa, I've been trying to get her attention for the past five minutes. Excuse me miss, can I help you with something?" Chi-Chi asked.
Pluto blinked, "Oh yes I'm sorry, my name is Setsuna, I am the guardian of the planet Pluto and Sailor Pluto. I have journeyed here form the moon..."
Pluto stopped and looked at the couple before her. The young woman known as Ch-Chi was shocked to say the least and her husband...well he looked clueless.
"I'm sorry, maybe I should try explaining things this way." Pluto placed a hand on their foreheads; the symbol of Pluto formed and began to glow. All the information they needed to know was passed from Pluto to them. The last few day of the Moon Kingdom and what Queen Serenity told her (Pluto) before she passed away. When all the information had been passed on Pluto removed her hands.
"Do you understand now? Will you take the princess in and raise her as your own?"
A tear fell form Chi-Chi's eyes. "Yes we will, I will take care of her as if she were my own."
"I will come back one she is older and give her special training. Until then take care of her and good bye." Pluto reached into the basket and picked up the sleeping baby. She handed her to Goku and disappeared.
Little baby Serenity sensed the change in her environment and opened her eyes. Goku gasped. Serenity's sliver eyes looked up questionably at the new face.
"Oh Chi, she's beautiful, look at her beautiful silver eyes and her silver hair. She's perfect."
"Yes I know, and she's ours now. Come, let's go inside, we have to make room for our newest member of the family."
<~§~>Five Years Later<~§~>
A five-year-old Usagi came flying home.
"I beat you, I beat you Gohan-Chan! Now you have to do all my chores for a month!" Her sliver eyes glittered with bliss, her once short sliver hair was tied into a bun on top her head like her mother, but a single braid tumbled free from the bun and fell past her waist.
Gohan landed soon after she did, "No fair, you cheated you said you wouldn't use all your speed but you did." Gohan made a sour face.
Goku had trained both Usagi and her brother Gohan as soon as they turned two. They had both already mastered the famous Kame Hame Ha, flying, sensing Ki's and telling the difference between good and bad Ki's.
"Gomen nasi Gohan-Chan, I couldn't help it. Tell you what I'll make you a deal, you only have to do my chores for two weeks."
Gohan put his hand to his chin and thought about it for several seconds.
"Hai, you have yourself a deal."
"Gohan-Chan, Usagi-Chan! Look at you two, your covered in dirt. Have you two been rough housing again?" Chi-Chi shirked walking up to them, hands on her hips.
"Aw it's not rough housing Chi, they were only practicing their fighting skills."
"Call it whatever you want Goku, I won't have it in my house, thank Kami Usagi doesn't 'train' with that Piccolo man."
"Hump, he thinks I should play with dolls and stuff. I'll prove to him one day that I'm a force to be reckoned with."
"Oh no you won't, both of you march up to the bathroom and take a shower this instant!" Chi-Chi scolded.
"Hai, Kaasan." They mumbled and made a beeline for the bathroom.
"Chi, you have to understand this is what Usagi wants to do. She's a warrior and you can't change that." Goku put a hand on Chi-Chi's shoulder.
She sighed, "Yes I know, but I still don't feel a little girl should be doing such things."
"She gets it form your family as well as her past life." as new voice said.
Chi-Chi's head sprang up and she turned around.
"It's you!"
"I'm glade you remembered me Chi-Chi-San, Goku-San." Setsuna said
"You're here to give Usagi her first lesson, right?"
"Hai, I'm sure you explain to her all of this already?"
"Hai, and she has also agreed to your training her." Goku stated.
"How long will you be gone?"
"A year at most."
"I'll miss a whole year of my babies life?" Chi-Chi felt weak in her knees and collapsed on the floor.
"I'm sorry, but it is necessary. If things go smoothly, I promise to have her back sooner."
"Can we at least have dinner one last time before you take her?" Chi-Chi pleaded.
"You may." Setsuna smiled.
"Your welcomed to join us if you'd like. Gohan would like to know who this mysterious woman is that is going to take his sister away from him for a year."
"Very well, I'd be delighted to join you."
Moments later a clean Usagi and Gohan raced into the kitchen.
"Kaasan, we're all clean, is dinner ready yet?" Usagi called.
Chi-Chi and Goku walked into the kitchen, their faces downcast.
"What's wrong?" Gohan asked.
That's when Setsuna walked in the kitchen.
"Who's that?"
"Usagi, Gohan this is Setsuna, she's the one who's going to train Usagi."
"Oh, your that mean lady that's going to take my sister way from me!"
"Gohan! That's no way to talk to our guest." Chi-Chi snapped.
"Gomen nasi, Setsuna-San."
"It's all right Gohan-Kun, I know you must hate me for it but I promise to take care of her and bring her home safe. Is that okay with you?"
"Hmmm, okay but remember you promised."
"I will."
After dinner was through Setsuna stood outside waiting for Usagi to say her good byes to her family.
"I promise I'll be back soon, you won't even know I'm gone." Usagi kissed and hugged Chi-Chi, Goku, and Gohan.
"Train hard okay, and we'll spar when you get back, see if you've gotten better."
"It's a deal, as long as you don't slack up on your training."
"I won't."
Usagi took Setsuna's hand and they disappeared.
Well what do you think? Please r/r me with your responses.
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Ja Ne.