Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Obaa-san! ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 3

Shiroko led the two women to the second floor where a rather large, spacious room would be their sleeping quarters. There was one gloriously huge bed, a set of cabinets, a full-length mirror, a couch, and a television set near the wall-to-wall bay window. There was also a huge pastel painting of butterflies on the wall above the bed. Pin lights gave off a gallery-like atmosphere.

The ceiling was also not to be overlooked. It was high with a skylight entrenched, and crisscrossed by wooden logs, much like that of a cabin's and securely bound together by thick, abaca* ropes.

The room itself practically covered half the floor area, save for the other half where the kitchen, the dinning room, and another room were located. And in between these rooms was the stairway to the tower. [Confusing, isn't it? I'll try to explain later what house I'm talking about here. I've been there and I've been dying to come back ever since.]


After changing into comfortable clothes, Haruka and Michiru went to the dining room to eat.

All throughout dinner, Haruka tried her very best not to fidget. Aside from not wanting to make a bad impression of herself in front of Shiroko-san, she didn't want her nervousness--and at some point, irritation--to be too apparent either, as she had every reason to be. After all, she never saw this coming; she wasn't bloody expecting somebody to intrude on their vacation, let alone one of Michiru's much avoided kin! She hasn't even met her parents yet! Not like she wanted to, but sometime or another, she would have to face the tempest that is Michiru's mother. Not like it's going to be that easy. At all.

As she sat there eating her dinner as quietly as possible, she couldn't help but expect the worse. With that proximity to the old woman, who knows what kind of prying questions she could aim at her and expose her life with Michiru shamelessly.

'Damn! Damn damn damn damn damn!' was all she could say inwardly. She fought with daimons day in and day out with the risk of getting killed and get out alive without even breaking a sweat. She could withstand the glare of Medusa as far as she was concerned, but now a sweet, little old lady has unnerved her to the core.

The charade helped, though. Not like Haruka wanted to admit it, but it did. Everybody thought she was a man anyway so pushing it a little bit more wouldn't hurt. Besides, with Shiroko under the impression that she was a man, it was much easier for her to answer the prying questions the old woman threw at her.

But everybody knows that she has trouble confessing. [Don't we? :)]

"How long have you been together with my granddaughter?"
"Erm well... together in what sense?"

"How does having a family sound to you?"
"We already have... erm... (ahem) ugh, optional?"

"And children? How many do you plan to have?"
" two?"

"Don't you think Michiru would be a favorable wife?"
"Definitely. (shy smile)"

"Why Michiru, I do think he is quite the ideal family man."
'FAMILY MAN?!' (sweatdrop)

"You haven't consummated anything now, have you?"
(choke choke)

'What have I done to deserve this?!' the poor girl screamed inside her head. 'Somebody give me a friggin' mallet so that I can pound myself to death! Spare me this torment goddamnit!'

Her self-control wavered, her sanity almost packed its bags and ran away, and her patience already left. The innocent, over-curious old woman had successfully deconstructed the iron pillar of pride that was Haruka without the old lady even knowing it. Had Michiru not been there to cushion some of Shiroko's innocent blows, the blonde might have embedded her space sword on the poor old woman's head.

That had been Haruka's longest dinner. Ever. After it ended, she felt like she had been released from an eternity of psychological torment, from an old lady no less.

The couple helped wash the dishes, clean and put everything in place. After that, they went straight to their room to rest.

The moment they settled in, Haruka couldn't take it any longer.

"You never told me your grandmother was going to babysit us!" Haruka snapped at Michiru in a forcibly hushed tone as she took off her black turtleneck sweater. It was a good thing that she brought it because it was thick enough to hide whatever she had to hide while Shiroko was in the house.

"How in God's name should I know that?!" Michiru barked back.

"Didn't your infamous gut feeling tell you this morning?"

"You are not that dense, Haruka." Michiru remarked dryly, putting on her slippers.

"Whatever," Haruka yielded, but not for long. "By the way, remind me again how I'm supposed to face your grandmother without having to worry if my chest is too big for a man?"

Michiru was incensed and did a very un-Michiru like thing, she completely snapped. "What did you want me to say? 'Oh by the way, grandma, meet Tenoh Haruka. She's my girlfriend since high school and we've been screwing each other ever since! Oh, and did I mention that we already have a wonderful daughter named Hotaru?'"

"And our very own lab rat, Setsuna." Haruka supplied.

Both women stared at each other in silence before they burst out laughing.

"If Setsuna was here, she'd send you back waaay before Prehistory." Michiru remarked.

The aqua-haired woman stood up from the bed she sat on. "I'm sorry baby," Soft, fragrant arms wrapped around Haruka's waist. " I didn't know what else to say. She might have had protested otherwise. Besides, you always pass for a man even if you don't try."

"Alright, alright..." The blonde gave in. "The least you could do is remind me again why I'm doing this for you."

"Because..." Michiru's tender lips sought for Haruka's and instantly, both women were lost once again in their very own little world. Eager hands roamed around each other's bodies, caressing familiar curves and occasionally tugged at a cotton obstruction or two. One by one, items of clothing were haphazardly dropped on the floor. Nothing mattered anymore. Anything and everything around them were forgotten; everything stopped. For the both of them, nothing existed except for each other, their passion, and that kiss.

And that sudden incessant knocking on the door.

"Gods," Michiru hastily broke off the kiss and fixed herself up, leaving Haruka in frustrated pieces.

"Like I said, this is going to be a promising week for the both of us." Haruka muttered as she put her sweater back on.

Michiru giggled. "You're so cute when you do that." She gave her partner another kiss before opening the door.

"May I come in?" Shiroko chirped.

"Hai, dozo."

"I brought you extra blankets," the old woman said, handing Michiru the bundle.

"Arigatou, Obaa-san."

The old woman turned to Haruka. "Ne, Haruka-san, can I ask a favor from you?"

"Umm, well--"

"I'm planning to go to the marketplace tomorrow morning, but I'm afraid that it's quite a long walk from here. Would you mind if I ask you to bring me there? That is of course if you're up to it."

"Absolutely no--" Haruka almost protested, but seeing the look on Michiru's face gave her no other choice. "...problem."

Shiroko beamed. "Arigatou! Sa, oyasumi!"

"Oyasumi, Obaa-san!" Michiru called back, closing the door after the old woman left.

Haruka glowered at Michiru. "Look what you made me do!" she snapped, sitting down on the bed.

"Don't think I haven't noticed how much you've come to detest my grandmother in a matter of one night, Haruka." Michiru said nonchalantly.

"And that's bad?"

"I can't blame you."

The green-haired goddess dismissed their conversation and lied down on the bed, stretching her arms out above her. Her slight moan didn't escape Haruka's alert hearing.

"Aren't you going to join me?" she enticed, her tone a rich, soft, beguiling temptation. "This bed is so cold. I can't sleep on cold beds..." she asked the still fuming blonde as she turned to her side.

The blonde snorted. "I don't think your grandmother would appreciate it if she was woken up in the middle of the night by 'noises', dear."

A moment of silence passed, which was then invaded by the sound of shuffling fabric. Haruka thought her partner had given up on her quest of seduction, but only to find out that the sea goddess would not concede when felt Michiru's expert hands crawl on her back, leaving behind blazing patches on her skin.

"I'll be quiet." Michiru whispered into her ear, her breath warm and tingling. "And so will you." It was more like an ultimatum than a statement, and it didn't fail to send shivers up Haruka's back, knowing what was about to come. "And I don't take no for an answer."

At this, Haruka's angst faded away, leaving a sly grin on in its wake. Eventually, she yielded and accepted her partner's invitation.


"Aww Michiru, stop that! It tickles!"

"But I thought you're not ticklish..."

"Around you I am!"

"But don't you want me, Haruka?"

"You know I do, Michi..."

"Then you'll do whatever I tell you to..."


"Haruka, please... come here... I need you..."



"...Urmmmmfffff fgh...ngork..."



"Haruka?" The blue-eyed beauty nudged at the sleeping form on the bed.

"Mishi... ggrrrhhhhmmmmffff..."

"Wake up, sleepy head! You're taking obaa-san to the market, remember?" Michiru prodded, gently shaking the incoherent blonde to wakefulness.

"...a basin?... why would you need a bassshhhiiinnnn..."

"Oh for god's sakes Haruka, wake up!" Michiru was becoming impatient. Taking the pillow on her side of the bed, she held it up high and whacked Haruka on the head.

The blonde screeched. "Hey, the f**k what was that for?!"

"THAT was your wake up call. And this," the pillow hit Haruka again square on the head. "Is for putting up with that kind of language with me!"

Haruka grumbled. "You'd swear too if you got hit on the head THAT hard!"

"You wouldn't dare." Michiru challenged, arching one thin eyebrow.

Haruka sat up. "Oh yeah?" With lightning-fast speed, she grabbed her pillow and gave Michiru a bash on the side of her pretty head, eliciting a shocked gasp from the smaller woman.

"Why you!" Michiru cried out, lashing out at Haruka who swiftly dodged her aim.

And so the battle began. Haruka's swift blows clashed with Michiru's slightly weaker but furious thwacks. Occasionally, they would successfully hit each other, straining the pillows stitches until it snapped and sent the pillow's feathery contents to the air and fall like rain around them.

Four empty pillow covers, a sea of feathers, and two exhausted rivals later, Michiru found herself pinned down on the bed with Haruka looming over her.

"Give up?" her captor mock-demanded.

"Not for the world!"

"What about for me?"

Michiru thought for a while. "I'll think about it."

"No fair!"

Michiru laughed despite her exhaustion. "Haruka, aren't you forgetting something?"

The blonde's eyebrows furrowed as she pondered. "Hmm... let's see. You thwaked me on the head, naturally I would retaliate. You waged war, I won, I've successfully pinned you down and I love you so damn much. I don't think I've forgotten anything."

"Well, I'm sorry to cut your victory short, my love, but you promised Obaa-san that you would take her to the marketplace this morning." Michiru's amusement intensified a notch higher when Haruka's expression changed from victorious to road kill. "And if you don't get moving, we might not have anything for lunch and dinner."

"Damn!" Haruka exclaimed. She scrambled off the bed and ran to the bathroom, jeans in hand.

"Great, now I'm in for a beating with a wooden spoon," Haruka grumbled to herself, half sarcastic, half frustrated. "I thought I came here to relax but what do I do? I become chauffer to Michiru's... er... um... well... UGH!" she stammered, not quite knowing which word was more appropriate.

After taking off her nightshirt, which she threw in the general direction of the clothes bin, and putting on her jeans, she realized that she had forgotten to grab her shirt.

"This is just... PERFECT!"

Frustrated, Haruka threw open the bathroom door, not even caring to wrap a towel around bare chest [after all, I'm very certain that Michiru wouldn't mind anyway :P]. But as she did so, instantaneously, another door opened and Shiroko peeked in.

"Michiru, is Haruka-san alre-"

"Damn it, where did I--EEEP!!!"

Haruka shrieked, momentarily paralyzed on her spot. A flash of Michiru's horrified look sent her hurling back to the bathroom though, closing the door in haste just in time before Shiroko turned her attention to the blonde's direction.

"Ara, is Haruka-san alright?"

Michiru took a deep breath of relief and cleared her throat. "H-hai, obaa-san (ahem) h-he'll be ok. He got up on a bad start that's all."

"Oh that's too bad! Maybe I shouldn't have asked him to take me to the market. I take it that he's no morning person..." Shiroko looked so forlorn.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Shiroko-san." Turning on her charms, Haruka came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe and smiled. "I woke up late and I just had to take that shower."

Shiroko hesitated. "Gomen ne, Haruka-san? Maybe it was a bad idea after all."

"Not at all, Shiroko-san. I'm the one who should be apologizing for my tardiness. I'll be out in a minute, ne?" Haruka's smile was from ear to ear. The old woman blushed.

"Alright. I'll be in the kitchen. Gomen nasai for the impudence." With that and a low, apologetic bow, she left the room.

Haruka stood there smiling like an idiot while she waited for Shiroko's footsteps to fade before she spoke. "Excuse me for a minute, I have to unhinge my smile."(2) She said before swinging her jaw from side to side.

Michiru heaved a sigh of relief. "That was close."

"Tell me about it!" she reaffirmed, taking off her robe.

"What on earth is that?" came a sudden question from the smaller senshi.

"Oh this?" Haruka pointed at her chest. "It's half a roll of toilet paper." She replied sporting the white wrapping that bound her breasts tightly. "I couldn't go out in a bathrobe with my chest sticking out now can I?"

"Brilliant!" Michiru commended her.

"Yeah, but I don't want to get used to this." Haruka complained putting on a blue shirt followed by her dark blue jacket with a drawstring hood.

"Well, I must get going before I get whacked up my gorgeous little head by a potentially lethal spatula." The tall blonde grabbed her keys and gave Michiru a deep kiss before sauntering out of the room to fetch Shiroko.

"Haruka! Don't forget to buy toilet paper, ne? We might run out..." Michiru called, giggling.

"That's not funny!!!"