Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Raia Returns! ❯ Meeting of the Moons ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Selenity." Illyria hissed, gripping the locket tight in her hand. She resisted the urge to run to her and stared her straight in the eyes.

"You've found my locket I see. It's very valuable to me." Neo-Queen Selenity told the mad girl, cautiously stepping forward as she took the locket out of her hand.

"Raia why must you hate me? I can feel deep down inside that you know who you are." Neo-Queen Selenity offered her hand out to stroke her cheek as Illyria pushed her away.

"I am not this Raia that you speak of. I am Illyria, daughter of Diamond, princess of the Negamoon." Illyria stepped further away from Neo-Queen Selenity and looked at the scout behind her. Illyria felt confused inside, ignoring them both.

"Your highness, I've brought the two scouts that Endyimon sent for." Sailor Pluto told Neo-Queen Selenity in a soft voice, the two scouts coming into the light.

"Sailor Moon, Sailor Peace! Thank you for coming." Neo-Queen Selenity told them both, her eyes growing large as scorchmarks appeared in her gown. Falling upon Sailor Pluto, the two scouts saw Illyria standing there with fire burning in her eyes.

"I am not Raia. I am here to destroy the only heir to the throne." Illyria told them both, powering up her next attack.

"Peace Conquer Surround!" Sailor Peace twirled in a circle, holding her staff straight at Illyria before stopping and shooting white moons at her. Illyria dodged the moons, jumping back up, looking straight at Sailor Peace.

"Dark Bubble Chain!" Illyria drew a blue ball of water from her hands and shot it at Sailor Peace, wrapping around her in heart shapes. Sailor Peace struggled, looking around at her as she tried to get out.

Sailor Pluto held the Queen close, stroking her odangoes. "Don't die on me Selenity, not again." She urged quietly, seeing Neo-Queen Selenity's eyes flicker.

"Looks like it's just you and me, Sailor Moon." Illyria told the girl with a gleeful smirk.