Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Rini's Scouts ❯ Rini meets...... ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here is Chapter 11!!!! Yea!!!!! *_* Enjoy!!!

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Re-cap: Two of the 5 sons have arrived. One is getting ready and the
other one is out in the garden. Rini and her friends are running out
in the garden. Rini is about to run into something. Can her friends
stop her in time? Sailor Moon says: Read and Find Out! (he he!)

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"What?!" I asked as I turned around to see a boy standing in my path.

"Hey watch out!" I yelled as I collided with the boy.

We both landed in a heap of white and silver ruffles to the ground.

"Rini?!" the girls yelled as they ran up to us.

I was face down on the ground in a heap of ruffles covering both me
and the boy, I struggled to get out of the ruffles so I could stand.

"Hey there meatball head." the boy laughed down at me.

I couldn't see the boy because of all the ruffels, but Raven just
burst out laughing,"Can it Pyro!!" I snapped.

The boy reached a hand down to help me up, and I refused. Storm and
Wynter saw the situation that I was in and helped me up.

"Now you listen here you little jerk!" I snapped as I pulled the last
ruffle out of my face and stared into a pair of the prettiest green
eyes I have ever seen!

He seemed surprised as well, because his face went red! I cleared my
throat and then he looked away and I could see that he had a shoulder
length pony tail! I looked at the girls and dusted my self off.

The boy got a smug look on his face,"I am sorry about your dress
meatball head, I hope it isn't ruined." he laughed.

I stared back at him with my hazel eyes flashing,"My name is Rini Rat
boy!!" I yelled running back into the palace with the girls behind me.

Storm stayed behind for a while to look at the boy.

"Storm are you coming?" I asked.

She ran towards me,"Coming." she said.

'Storm?' asked the boy to himself and then walked back into the

************************************************** **************

"That boy was sooo rude!" I whined as we all walked down the hall.

"I don't think that he meant anything by calling you meatball head."
said Aphrodite.

I stopped and looked at Raven,"Pyro had to laugh." I laughed.

She just gave me the biggest smile that she could and we all burst
into a fit of giggles.

"Hey guys someone just showed up!" Raven said as she ran to the
communications room with us on her heels.

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"Aunt Saturn!" I squealed as I ran to a girl no taller than me.

"That's Saturn?" the girls asked at the same time.

Saturn looked at the other girls who had their mouths hanging
open,"Yes my name is Saturn, you must be Rini's friends." she laughed.

"Hey uncle Hercules, who is that?!" asked a tall, dark blue haired

"What? Oh that is the princess of Earth, Rini." he replied.

"No not her, the tall girl with the long blue hair? She looks like
me!" he exclaimed.

Hercules walked over to the group,"Oh, you must be Wynter." he said
looking at her.

"Yes I am, hello Hermes." she replied.

"Then you are from Mercury, you are my sister!" he exclaimed as he
grabbed Wynter into a hug.

Wynter gladly hugged her brother back.

"Oh this is so cool!" Wendy exclaimed.

Hermes looked at Wendy and broke away from Wynter,"Hello I am Hermes,
who are you?" he asked, walking up to Wendy.

"My name is Wendy from Neptune, pleased to meet you." she replied.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it,"Nice to meet you, Wendy of
Neptune." he smiled.

Wendy blushed all over the place, "Um thank you?!" she stammered.

"Bruno could you please show them to their chambers?" I asked.

"Yes princess, this way please." he replied.

Hermes was still holding Wendys hand,"Oh I had better go, will I see
you tonight?" he asked.

"Yes I will be at the ball I suppose." she giggled back.

He kissed her hand once more,"I guess I will see you all tonight then.
Good-day ladies, princess." he said walking out of the room.


"Oh my gods!! Did you see his eyes?!" Wendy gushed.

Raven threw a big pink pillow at her, "Oh did you see his eyes?!" she
mocked back batting her eyelashes.

We all sat there and giggled.

"Some one has a crush!" I giggled.

"She isn't the only one that has a crush!" laughed Wynter.

I sat there looking dumb with a big sweatdrop on my head, "Huh, who is

"That guy that you ran into in the garden of course!" laughed Wendy.

"Me? Like him? No way!? He is a total jerk! That stupid rat!!" I spat

Aphrodite looked at me,"You can deny it all you want to, but I am the
goddess of love and I know!" she giggled.

There was a knock on the door and we all jumped.

"Come in please." I replied.

Bruno opened the door,"Forgive me princess but some more people have
just arrived and your mother and the others have told me that they
wish for you and the other girls to greet the rest of the guests on
your own." he finished.

"Oh it's alright Bruno, we will be there shortly." I replied waving my
hand to dismiss him.

Bruno bowed and closed the door.


"Hera, I think that we are early." whispered a tall man as he looked
around the empty communications room.

Bruno walked in,"Don't worry sir, the princess is on her way." he

"See Orion, you worry to much." she laughed.

"My sister is coming." said a boy at a her side.

Hera looked down at the boy,"How do you you know that Ares?" she

"Because he is physic, just like me, we can sense each other." said a
voice coming into the room

"Raven!" shouted the boy running for his sister and hugging her.

"It's nice to see you Ares." she replied as they broke the hug, "I
would like to introduce you to my friends, this is Wynter from
Mercury, Wendy from Neptune, Storm from Jupiter and ...." she was
interrupted by two girls running into the room.

"I am gonna get you Aphrodite!" I squealed running into the room
chasing her.

Aphrodite stopped running when she saw the guests. I turned the corner
and couldn't stop.

"Hey watch out!" yelled Ares as I plowed into Aphrodite and we both
fell to the floor in a heap of ruffles.

"That's who was missing! The one with the pink hair and silvery white
ruffles is Rini the princess of Earth." Raven giggled.

"Hello." I said, waving a hand out from under the ruffles, the girls
just stood there giggling.

"The other one with the silver hair and gold ruffles is Aphrodite from
Venus." laughed Raven as she bent over to help the other girls with

"I hate this stupid dress! You can't even move in it! Could you girls
help me out?" shouted a heap of golden ruffles.

Ares reached out and pulled the top of the last ruffle over her head.

She looked up, but her long silver was in her face so she couldn't
see, "Thank you whoever you are." she giggled as she pulled her hair
out of her face and looked up into the brightest green eyes she had
ever seen.

"Oh!" she gasped and turned red.

Ares held out a hand and helped her to her feet, she grabbed it and
felt a tingling sensation, he must have felt it too because his eyes
went wide and he released her hand.

"Thank you sir." she smiled.

"My name is Ares, and your welcome." he replied.

We all stood there watching the conversation.

"My name is Aphrodite and I am from Venus, what about you?" she asked.

"I am from Mars and my sister is Raven." he replied.

Aphrodites blue eyes widened,"Rini are you ok?" she asked running over
to me.

"I am fine, I am sorry for falling on you." I laughed.

We all burst out laughing and even Ares laughed too.

"I will have Bruno show you to your chambers." I laughed as they
walked out the door.

There was a flash of bright sunlight and I knew right away who it was.

"Aunt Elisa! Uncle Cupid!" I yelled running to them.

"Hi there little one!" Elisa said as she hugged me.

"Hey bunny." said Cupid as he picked me up.

A boy with neat, shoulder length, blonde hair in a pony tail walked up
to us,"Uncle Cupid who is that?" he asked.

Cupid put me down,"This is princess Rini of Earth." he replied.

"Nice to meet you princess, my name is Triton of Neptune." he said.

"Please call me Rini, everyone does." I giggled.

Wendy walked up to the boy,"Your from Neptune?" she asked.

"Yes I am where are you from?" he asked.

"Neptune." she replied pulling out half of a blue coral clam.

Trinton's eyes went wide as he pulled out the other half of the clam.

"He must be your brother!" exclaimed Wynter.

They put the two parts together as the adults walked in.

"I see that you have met your brother." said Michelle.

"What do you think of your sister there Trinton?" asked Alex.

Trinton turned around,"Mommy, Daddy!" he exclaimed running to them.

The two grabbed their son,"We should be getting ready." smiled Serena
as she walked in with the rest of the adults.

"Why don't you two go help your son get ready?" suggested Darien.

The three of them walked out the door.

"Wendy did you want to go with them?" Elisa asked.

Wendy shook her head,"No he should be alone with them right now, I
will see him later." she smiled.

"Elisa! It's good to see you again sis." exclaimed Serena hugging her

Storm gasped,"Your the other lady in Pluto's picture! You must be
Sailor Sun!"

"Yes I am." she smiled.

"Wow you look just like the queen! I can't believe it!" Aphrodite

"We should all go get ready." Serena said as she walked out the door.


"My king I have something to report." said a guard bowing.

The king of Jurai stopped making vases blow up and turned to the
guard,"Yes Bruno?" he asked.

"The queen of Earth is throwing a party to welcome her new son
tonight, and the other scouts will all be there." he said.

"What are you thinking dear?" Sasami asked.

" I want to go to a party!" he laughed wickedly.


OMG!! They are going to Earth? What will happen? read and find out!
Sailor Moon says: C-YA! (he he)
