Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon F: Past Lives ❯ Introduction ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sailor Moon F: Past Lives

("F" means "Fairytale")

By: Melanie Monika Ouimet (aka MelMuff, Sailor
Violet, Empress Alena, & The Singing Scout)

Season: Silver Millennium

Date: May 11, 2002

Disclaimer: Before I delve into the author's notes, I must first put up this disclaimer. It's the same as always! I don't own Sailor Moon! Blah, blah, blah! All the characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, DiC, Cloverway, and to any other related companies with rights to Sailor Moon and I'm just borrowing them blah, blah, blah... LOL Well, that's it for the disclaimer! Now please go read my author's notes and then the story! But please read the author's notes cuz it's very important to read the warning. Afterwards, I look forward to reading your reviews so please review my story and be honest too. I will accept criticism but no flames please. Say what's truly in your heart in a review, please? The same goes for any comments as well. I'd really appreciate it, okay? Thanx!

Author's Notes: Haven't you always wondered such things like how Serenity and Endymion fell in love during the era of the Silver Millennium? What happens after Sailor Stars? How did Crystal Tokyo come to be and how did Serena and Darien become rulers of it? What became of Rini? And what happened later on in the future? In this story, I'm basically giving the answers to these burning questions and more by telling my own rendition or version of what, we didn't know, happened while trying to give people a sensual love story at the same time. Yes, I also plan to make this a love story for all those Serena and Darien fans out there. I'm among one of them. Plus, you're getting an inside look at how I think they fell in love in the first place. But for those of you, who prefer the other scouts or other people to fall in love for such pairing as Rini & Helios, Luna & Artemis, Raye & Chad, Amy & Greg, etc., I will add those in as well. They just won't be that in-depth or not too much detailed. And don't worry! Mina and Lita will have someone as well. They just won't be Prince Endymion's generals. Sorry! I have my reasons why though. Read on to find out what they are. Anyway, I've already been planning this story for nearly 2 years now and I finally have the time to sit down and start writing it up. But still, since this is a huge fic I'm writing, don't expect it to be done anytime soon and updated too often. I can only update it when I have the chance, which may be a few days to a few weeks or even months since it's going to be very long and I'm writing other fics, presently. The whole story will be called Sailor Moon F with the "F" standing for "Fairytale" then dividing it into 3 subsections with subtitles sorta making it like a trilogy. The first part explaining their lives during the Silver Millennium will be called "Past Lives" with the second section being called "Second Chances" and the last part being called "Future Finale". Though, the titles may be subject to change if I choose to do so. "Past Lives" supposedly takes place during the Silver Millennium mainly in the Moon Kingdom and Earth. "Second Chances" takes place in the present after Sailor Stars but not without quickly backtracking to the childhood of all the scouts and Darien before hand. And "Future Finale" takes place in Crystal Tokyo leading up to the end. "Past Lives" will be the first section available, revealing how Serenity and Endymion fell in love while filling in other important events as well. But remember that this is not how the actual story goes; this is just my own rendition on it. I'm trying to explain in my own words what I feel like happened so don't take into any accounts that this is the true story during the Silver Millennium. And if people are wondering which version this story is going to revolve around, it is going to be the English anime version cuz that's what I'm familiar with. I do know how the manga goes and some things about the Japanese versions of Sailor Moon but the English anime is what I saw first and is easier to understand. Though I do prefer the manga a lot more cuz it's way more romantic but it's just a tad confusing for me, especially with the storyline of Chibi Chibi and Sailor Cosmos. I don't understand that well at all and I don't want to write a story with me not understand a certain main part of the original story. So that's why I'm going with the English anime version and all the character's names will be like Serena, Darien, Rini, Amy, Mina, etc. And I hope that now explains why I won't have the generals as the true loves of the inner scouts for it would be difficult since I'm sticking with Zoicite as a female. Anyway, sorry for sidetracking there for a moment but I had to clarify that. Now back to explaining the genre of the names. Since there is a large percentage of fans who prefer the Japanese names, I will use them as their Japanese names when they are princesses of their own respected planets which takes place in "Past Lives". But that's the only main time that I'll use their Japanese names. When they are reborn on earth, they will be given the names that are used in the English anime version. And this can be done since some names were already not the same with some of the characters or were just variations like Endymion became Darien and Serenity became Serena so why can't that be the same for the other scouts. In the anime, you never specifically heard their true names except for that they were princesses of their own respected planets. So that's why I'm going to use the Japanese name for them during the Silver Millennium and then when they are reborn, their names will be the English being either different or variations of their original names. So at the same time, I can make both fans, who prefers one variation a name over the other, happy. But in "Future Finale", I plan to use the English names perhaps using the Japanese ones sometimes. I'm more familiar with the English names and so I prefer them more. And I'm telling this to everyone right now so I don't expect anyone to flame me later on about this. That's why it's important to read Author's Notes so ya know the whole story. Sure, in the beginning, I mostly skipped Author's Notes cuz I found them to be too long and but now I regret it cuz I never fully understood the story when they held important info on the story. Now I read them almost all the time. LOL I still do skip them sometimes but rarely now. And another thing that everyone should know is little bit of things from the manga that will be used in the story. Not very big details! Just little things like the fact that's known that Serena gives birth to Rini when she's 22 and that Darien is protected by the sun and perhaps other little details that I can work into the story. People who are big manga fans will know it when they read it. But I will state such things in my author's notes along the way just in case someone, who knows very little about the manga, is confused. And, I must WARN people now there will be hentai in certain chapters. "Past Lives" shall not have any hentai at all. Only the other 2 sections will involve a few hentai chapters but there will an option for non-hentai ones as well. I plan to make about 3 or so in total. And I plan not to have many cuz I'm not really comfortable about talking about hentai with other people so I'll have a hard time writing it to bout. Sure I enjoy reading a few hentai fics as long as they are romantic but I do not like discussing about it with people. Anyway, there will be an option presented to people to either read the hentai chapter or read the non-hentai chapter or not provide a non-hentai chapter at all skipping the hentai chapter entirely to the next chapter. Whatever! Now it just sounds too confusing to explain so I'll leave it at that. Anyway, I hope that the story meets everyone's expectations and that everyone will enjoy this fan fic. If anyone has any questions to ask me, e-mail me at this address: Now that's all I have to say for now. Sorry if it was long but well worth it I hope. Now you can go read the Character Introduction if ya want. It's totally up to you, the public and my loyal fans to be. Ja ne!

Character Introduction:

Monarchy of the Moon

Queen Serenity

-Princess Serenity's mother
-blue grayish eyes and long silver hair in the shape of meatballs and pigtails with a crescent moon on her forehead

King Hyperion

-Princess Serenity's father
-blue eyes and short blonde hair held in a short ponytail and has a goatee

Princess Serenity

-Princess of the Moon
-blue eyes and long blonde hair in the shape of meatballs and pigtails with a crescent moon on her forehead

Monarchy of Earth

Queen Gaia

-Prince Endymion's mother
-blue eyes and medium black hair often put in fancy hair styles

King Darius

-Prince Endymion's father
-blue eyes and short black hair with streaks of gray in it and has a mustache and a trim beard

Prince Endymion

-Prince of Earth
-blue eyes and short black hair with no facial hair

Monarchy of Mercury

Queen of Mercury

King of Mercury

Princess of Mercury

-who is Princess Ami
-blue eyes and short light blue hair

Monarchy of Venus

Queen of Venus

Princess of Venus

-who is Princess Minako
-blue eyes and long blonde hair

Monarchy of Mars

Queen of Mars

King of Mars

Princess of Mars

-who is Princess Rei
-black eyes and long black hair

Monarchy of Jupiter

Queen of Jupiter

King of Jupiter

Princess of Jupiter

-who is Princess Makoto
-green eyes and medium brown hair held up in a ponytail

Monarchy of Saturn

Queen of Saturn

King of Saturn

Princess of Saturn

-who is Princess Hotaru
-purple eyes and short black purplish hair

Monarchy of Uranus

King of Uranus

Princess of Uranus

-who is Princess Haruka
-blue eyes and short sandy blonde hair

Monarchy of Neptune

Queen of Neptune

King of Neptune

Princess of Neptune

-who is Princess Michiru
-blue greenish eyes and medium aqua green wavy hair

Monarchy of Pluto

Princess of Pluto

-who is Princess Setsuna
-burgundy eyes and long dark green hair

Another Monarchy from Earth

Queen Amber-Rose

-blue eyes and thick long blonde wavy hair ending at the knees

King Lucius

-blue eyes and short black hair with a mustache

Prince Adrianus

-blue eyes and short blonde hair with no facial hair

Other Important Characters

Queen Celeste

-Endymion's grandmother
-mother of Queen Gaia
-blue eyes and rose or dark pink hair (the color of Chibi Chibi's hair) about medium length and held up in a ponytail with precise perfect curls sticking out at the end
-already deceased but this character explains something else relevant in the future

Queen Rhea

-Endymion's stepmother
-first known as Lady Rhea
-brown eyes and long dark green hair held up in a bun

Princess Terra

-Endymion's younger half sister by 8 years
-daughter of Queen Rhea and King Darius
-azure eyes and long black held hair together in a ponytail ending at the buttex

Lady Vera

-Endymion & Terra's aunt
-older sister of Queen Rhea by 2 years
-purple eyes and long dark blue hair held together in a braid ending just above the ankles

Lady Callista

-is Endymion's ex-girlfriend (will be his girlfriend at one point in the story)
-is Queen Beryl's best friend
-sky blue eyes and long pale blonde hair ending in the lower back area
-she looks frail and weak but she has a strong spirit/don't underestimate her cuz she can be a tough opponent

Queen Beryl

-evil queen of the Negaverse
-is Lady Callista's best friend
-red eyes and long wavy red hair


-one of Endymion's generals
-blue eyes and short blonde hair


-one of Endymion's generals
-blue eyes and long brown wavy hair


-one of Endymion's generals
-is a female
-green eyes and medium sandy brown hair held together in a ponytail


-one of Endymion's generals
-blue grayish eyes and long white hair


-Advisor to Queen Serenity
-Guardian to Princess Serenity


-Advisor to Queen Serenity
-Guardian to Princess Minako