Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon F: Past Lives ❯ Chapter 2: A Foreshadowing Future ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2: A Foreshadowing Future

It has now been one week since Princess Serenity's birth and now a huge celebration was in store in her honor. Royalty and other delegates from all over the solar system came to pay tribute to the new born princess for this is a very joyous occasion since the Moon Kingdom was the leader of all the kingdoms situated in the solar system. It was also the most prosperous and fairest of all.

Princess Serenity layed in a crib at the head of the throneroom centered between two thrones that the rulers of the Moon share. One by one, the guests go up to Princess Serenity to pay their respects and leave behind their gifts for the newborn. The next royalty that step up are from Uranus. Here you see 17 month old Haruka holding the hand of her mother as they visit the sleeping princess. Princess Haruka pokes a finger at Princess Serenity's stomach, who remains silent. Her mother then quickly pulls Haruka's finger away and tells her not to do that and she was, at first, grateful that the princess did not wake up and start crying. Too late actually! The princess did awake, but instead, starts giggling merrily. Haruka's father chuckles slightly to himself and, shortly after, the queen joins in as well. Then Haruka looks up at her parents and gives them a weird look. Then they bestow their gift to Princess Serenity and take their leave. Next, are the king and queen of Neptune with their nearly 16 month old daughter Michiru held in the arms of her mother. Princess Michiru looks very beautiful for taking on the looks of her beautiful mother, especially the fair wavy aqua green hair. From up above in her mother's arms, Michiru smiles warmly at the Princess Serenity with the princess smiling sweetly back. They leave their gift as well and make their way back among the room filled with guests. After that, the monarchs of Jupiter with their nearly 8 month old daughter, Princess Makoto, go to visit Serenity and to leave their gift. And after that, the monarchs of Mercury and then Venus go as well leaving behind their gifts. And you can also see that both queens are pregnant and due to give birth within the same year. Afterwards, the monarchs of Mars visit the princess as well with their 2 month and a half old daughter, Princess Rei and again they leave their gift. The monarchs of Saturn do the same thing as well along with many other princesses, kings, queens, and other delegates. But, however, when a prince visits the princess, King Hyperion with his wife, Queen Serenity, studies them very carefully to see if they are worthy to be a potential suitor for their daughter in the future. Though the queen doesn't approve of this method and thinks that her daughter should marry for love like she did. But truly, many royal couples are not happy in their marriage because many did not marry for love but instead for other reasons such as joining their kingdoms, for money, to gain more power, etc. Queen Serenity was just among a very few whom was fortunate to find love and she loved her husband, King Hyperion, very much and he also loved her in return. But laws are laws and their daughter must marry a prince, a baron, a duke, or someone from a wealthy class and not a mere commoner. The queen had no choice but to hope the best for her daughter.

Next up to the plate is Prince Endymion, the crowned prince of earth. He is 5 presently but will turn 6 on the third of August. He starts to approach the princess while Queen Serenity watches him very intently. He cautiously walks up the steps that lead to the princess' crib and peers in slowly. He gazes at her for a while and then moves closer. He smiles warmly thinking that she looks cute. Queen Serenity and Queen Gaia look at each other and smile because of this and then turn their attention back to their children. Endymion inches ever so closer to her and sets his gift for her down beside her crib. Then he takes a hand and gently brushes it over her forehead as he loses himself in her deep blue eyes. Her eyes seem alluring and he feels like he's immobile and trapped in some sort of trance. Like he's hypnotized. Then his body begins to tingle. It's a feeling of comfort and peace and sorta familiar at the same time that he just can't seem to place. While he tries to sort out these memories and emotions he suddenly feels, his finger slowly descends down Serenity's face and lingers on her left cheek. Then he instantly remembers that these feelings were the same ones that he experienced in his dream last night. While he looks down at Princess Serenity, to contemplate if this also has a connection with her, the princess' tiny arms and hands reach out towards him to grab a hold of his finger that lingered on her face. Because of this, he loses his train of thought and shakes his hand in an attempt to free his finger from her persistent little hands. "Let go!" he whispers. Then he closes in on her, with his face just a few centimeters from her face, saying in a slightly louder voice, "Get you grubby little hands off my finger or else!" She does release his finger only to...the next thing ya know he yells, "OUCH!!!" Then he grabs a hold of his nose with his hands and the room bursts out in fit of laughter. He shoots her a dirty look at Princess Serenity while she just plasters a huge innocent smile on her precious face. He looks around the room and feels like he's just been totally embarrassed. Then he scans the room for his parents. His father just gives at him disappointed look while his mother is laughing hysterically along with Queen Serenity and King Hyperion. Then Queen Gaia sees the look of hurt evident on her son's face so she tries very hard to stop laughing. She puts her hand on her head and shakes her head in an attempt to suppress her vigorous laughter. Then she quickly calms down and comes running to the aid of her son. He runs up to her holding his throbbing nose. She hugs and smiles at him in an attempt to comfort him. When Queen Serenity sees this, she momentarily stops laughing to smile a motherly smile at the beautiful sight she sees. At how Gaia, her dear friend, tries very hard to comfort and console her dear son. After a few moments, Gaia leads her son away from the scene. Afterwards, the laughter dies down but the incident of Princess Serenity pinching Prince Endymion's nose is still the highlight of the evening. Prince Endymion swears to himself that, "I will always remember this Serenity. I will get you back someday when you are old enough to understand what it's meant to feel like `a fool." He promised himself that one day, he'd get back at her and it was a vow he intended to keep.

After Endymion, Prince Adrianus is the next to approach Princess Serenity. He peers into her crib and smiles with the princess returning his smile with one of her own. He tickles her stomach and she reacts in a fit of giggles. Then Queen Serenity focuses her attention the both of them and then is soon joined by everyone in the entire room looking very intently on them. Instantly, you can feel the chemistry between Adrianus and Serenity. This does not go unnoticed by Queen Serenity and Adrianus' mother, Amber-Rose. The same idea enters both of their heads and then they look at each other and then back at their kids. Smiles plaster themselves on both of their faces. They both look back at each other and nod in mutual agreement. Queen Amber-Rose quickly whispers something in her husband's ear. King Lucius nods his head and then his queen quickly trots off towards Queen Serenity to talk. After talking a while, they both agree that Adrianus and Serenity will visit each other often in hopes that they will fall in love and one day marry. They are not officially betrothed but they will be set up in hopes that they will marry each other. But not necessarily to join their two kingdoms since Prince Adrianus and his family just rule a country back on earth, which is far away. It is not as important as Prince Endymion is who is the prince of earth. There are many other princes on earth and the neighboring planets of small and large countries so there are many suitors that Princess Serenity could very well choose to marry. But Queen Serenity sees that out of all the princes who've paid their respects to her daughter, Prince Adrianus is the best candidate so far. Adrianus and Serenity already seem to have good chemistry together and they seem to get along well unlike the incident with Endymion. Plus, they both look so good together too. Adrianus already looks handsome for a five year old while Serenity looks downright adorable and beautiful for a week old baby. Afterwards, Prince Adrianus leaves behind his gift for Princess Serenity, smiles sweetly at her, and takes his leave. He goes back to join his parents among the audience of people there to celebrate Princess Serenity's birth.

Suddenly, outside on a balcony, a mysterious mist appears revealing a silhouette of a person. No one seems to have noticed at who arrived and this mysterious person intends it to remain that way. Finally, the mist clears up revealing a female clad in a sailor scout uniform. With a wave of her staff, her appearance mystically transforms into formal attire. She begins to walk away from the balcony into the crowd of people gathered in the throneroom. She instantly notices that no one recognizes her disguise, which pleases her to no ends. She surveys the room to see if everyone is done seeing the Princess Serenity. Then without anyone looking, she walks up to the crib that holds Princess Serenity. She bends over to look at the dear princess, creating a shadow over her. Serenity shivers and looks frightened. Her baby blue eyes grow wide with fright every second this stranger continues to loom over her. Then the stranger grins from ear to ear knowing the true destiny that, she knows, is in store for the tiny princess. When Serenity sees her smile, she smiles too, thus perhaps feeling that whoever this person is, they are truly a friend and not a foe. Serenity feels safe now and then she closes her eyes and giggles. The stranger bends down to lay Serenity's gift in the crib and quietly whispers in the princess' ear, "I know that you may be too young to understand what I'm saying to you but I'll tell you anyway. This gift I just gave you will become very important in your future. So treasure it always!" She kisses Serenity's forehead initiating it as a blessing. Then she quickly turns to leave but not without giving one last glance back at Princess Serenity, who smiles back at her. Then she continues to quickly dash out of the throneroom to leave. She can't stay long because she knows that the celebration will be ending soon and she doesn't want anyone to notice that she is here. Luckily so far, no one has noticed. But before she goes, she turns to her left side to see Prince Endymion amongst the crowd of people, still holding onto his injured nose. She gently smiles at him knowing he equally plays an important part in Serenity's great destiny. Then she turns away from him and her grin grows even bigger for the knowledge that she alone knows and will keep hidden until the time comes when all will reveal itself. Then the smile leaves her face and she continues to leave but not without scowling at Adrianus first as she passes him. After she exits back onto the balcony and peers back into the throneroom one last time. Then her formal attire transforms back into her sailor scout uniform. The mist reappears and she walks into it. As it disappears again, we see that she no longer remains in this dimension. She goes back to guard the timewarp that she's been assigned to for all of time. Alas, Sailor Pluto will now have to remain alone again for a long time. But she's still happy and a smile appears on her delicate face looking forward to the incredible future that's still to come.

Afterwards, the celebration ends and everyone leaves. On the trip back home, Endymion finally stops rubbing his nose and recovers from the abuse it suffered at the hands of baby Serenity. He thinks to himself for a while and comes up with the conclusion that he will never forgive her for this. So then, he starts to plot his revenge upon her.

Queen Serenity and King Hyperion have the all servants gather up the gifts around Princess Serenity's crib that were left behind for her. While this is happening, Queen Serenity goes to check on her daughter. She's surprised to find a mysterious gift in there and wonders who it is from. Seeing that her daughter is asleep, she picks up the gift and examines it for a while. Then she silently walks out onto the balcony leaving her daughter to sleep a while longer to further examine this mysterious gift left for her daughter. She leans onto the railing and looks at the item in her hand. She determines that it's a locket of some sort. It's in a shape of a golden star with a golden chain attached to it. When opened up, a crescent moon rotates around the center playing the most beautiful music that she's every heard. She begins to think to herself, "It's such a pretty thing with absolutely gorgeous music. I wonder what it is called?"

Suddenly out of nowhere, she hears a mysterious voice whisper the answer to her question. "It's called the Star Locket."

Queen Serenity whips her head around wondering where the mysterious voice came from. Afterwards, she gives up and shrugs it off. Then she stares blankly at the sky. "Hmmm...The Star Locket!" She looks down at it. "The name suits it well!"

Author's Notes: And for those of you, who want to know more about Prince Adrianus, he has blonde hair just like Princess Serenity, his birthday is April 1, and he's 5 years old. And the thing with the mysterious figure being Sailor Pluto. Well! I shall explain more on her later. But for now I will say that it's her job to guard the timewarp. She doesn't have a specific age. Really, she doesn't! I've seen in a few profiles that have stated her age as being 28?? or somewhere in the two thousand's range. So I'm interpreting this as she wasn't born in this time but long before. So then what's become of her planet Pluto in this timeframe? Like I said, I'll explain that later. You'll have to stay tuned for now! 

Date: May 22, 2002