Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon School Rules ❯ School Rules ( One-Shot )

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I just wrote this one day for no apparent reason, basicully just some nonsense rules and regulations. Five new rules posted!

I don't own sailor moon, or Venus, or Mercury...they're all the proporty of Naoko Takeuchi


Rules and Regulations

It has come to the attention of the board of directers that Sailor Moon incidents have been on the rise lately. Therefore new rules shall be submitted to decrease damage of proporty, lives, and staff pay.

1. All students wearing broaches on their school uniforms must report for inspection of such items.

2. In the event of a youma attack students and faculty are required to report to the lunchroom. Any youma with taste will not dare to enter and therefore shall be repelled immediatly.

3. In the event of energy being stolen, students shall be hooked up to the backup generator.

4. As it is the case that Sailor Moon is not a student. she is hence not allowed on school grounds unless she chooses to enroll.

5. Talking cats are prohibited.

6. Please keep all heart crystals, dream mirrors and star seeds concealed at all times. Violaters will be subject to review by the school board.

7. Enchanted flutes on school proporty are strictly forbidden.

8. It has come to the schools knowledge that there has been a direct increese in students loosing energy, heart crystals, dream mirrors etc. Therefore one student shall be sacrificed daily to eliminate the hassle of youma. Such sacrifices shall be picked randomly from a hat. Honor students recieve immunity.

9. Aliens welcome, but are prohibited from bringing any foreign plants, fruits, vegitables or creatures into the atmosphere. Violation of said rule will result in immediate expulsion and or deportation.

10. Hair must be natural color. As Pink is not determined to be a natural hair color those wearing such a shade are to report immediatly to the salon for free wash and dye. Contacts are acceptable but students are required to bring with them a prescription for such items.

11. Currently the roof is off limits until the school board decides whether or not to post a guard.

12. Recomended hair length shall be no more then two feet.

13. All eggs shall be inspected at the entrance. Any daemon eggs will be comphenscated for today's lunch.

14. Upon enrollment a valid birth certificate must be provided. This excludes those claiming to be 1000 years in the future.

15. If bellonging to a seperate planet, or tree; Transfer papers must be provided.


Well thats all for now. What did you think? I'm open to suggestions for more rules.