Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor X ❯ Voices ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sailor X

Chapter 4

Finally I update! I'm sorry but I finally got to this and I'm glad. So enjoy!

*Hotaru's room*

Hotaru stared at the window out side, she had woken up after an hour of sleep. The rest of the school had fallen asleep hours ago. She had been reading a book by Keiko Hiroki (If someone by that name exists and actually writes books this is nothing but pure coincidence.) not being able to sleep. She had finished the book and decided she was tired enough to try and sleep.

She couldn't, no matter how she tried it, just letting go, letting her thoughts drift, clearing her mind, she couldn't fall asleep. She had gotten tired the first time and fallen asleep. But she had seen the clock by her bed go 3:13 and now it was 4:23 barely an hour.

She now tried to think of what she dreamed of, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. She had dreamed about normal things that normal people do. She wondered if it meant something, maybe vague.

She signed, `Hotaru, Hotaru, Hotaru.' She chastised, `Clam down, it was probably nothing. You haven't had a dream like that in years.' She said to herself.

Hotaru groaned, tomorrow was Wednesday, she had school. Yesterday she had been uneventful. She then realized tomorrow was today. `Dear god let me go to sleep!' she whined mentally.

Sighing she lied back down on the bed, she wondered if there were any telepaths and if they and heard her thoughts. She probably sounded like a moron. OH well not much of that happening. Right? At least she hoped so…

She yawned realizing this was making her sleepy. Her last thoughts were `Why can't I be a normal teenager? One who doesn't pose a threat to the world? Oh well school's later…' with that sleep overcame her.

Down the hall Jean Gray had been disturbed by the thoughts of the new student. She listened unintentionally to the last. `What does she mean pose a threat to the world?' sighing she reminded herself that Hotaru was nothing more than a teenager and she would impact the future in someway. `She probably meant on a small scale, her `world''

Comforted she fell back to sleep hoping Hotaru would at least get a good two hours before she had to wake up.

The bell rang in the `final' period. Hotaru couldn't be happier she was exhausted to say the least. Rita had bugged the living daylights out of her in PE and she had narrowly missed detention.

Walking down the street to the institute, she noticed Pietro walk over and wave. "Hey what's the matter Ru?" Hotaru groaned no matter what she said the people had started calling her Ru and it had stuck and such a short time too. Ah, the wonders of humans...

"First, it's HO-TA_RU, not Taru, Ru, or Firefly. Second I got two hours of sleep yesterday, today? Oh well it was two hours and I'm going to bed!" she huffed lugging her `evil' textbooks home. Pietro bit back a laugh.

"Sorry HO-ta-ru." He emphazied the first syllable and realized that it sound like Hoe to every one around them. "Sorry Ru-chan!" Again Hotaru groaned, chan had been added by one of the asian students. Oh well at least it wasn't a bully.

"Fine you may call me Ru and that is it!" She playfully glared at him. She couldn't help but yawn. "Well, I'm going home err institute well something."

"Why? It's still early." He pointed to the sky as if it were obvious.

"Well I only got two hours of sleep as I told you thanks to something not sure what but still, I'm tired and I going to go to sleep." Shrugging he kept walking next to her.

"You know it's better if you take the bus." Glaring at him she turned and yawned before glaring again.

"Well, I forgot my money at home and had enough for a small lunch. So as you can see I'm walking home." She turned and kept walking.

Grinning he stepped in front of her. "Do you want to get there faster?" She looked at him as if he were stupid. He picked her up in one move and the next thing Hotaru knew aside from blurred images was that she was in front of the Institute. She looked over to Pietro, he was catching her breath.

"There you <gasp>are! See now you <gasp>can't say I didn't do <gasp>anything to help you." He said half breathing half laughing at the end. She felt a bit disoriented. "You <gasp> okay?" She nodded.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" She stood next to him. He nodded falling back a bit.

"Overused my powers, just need to rest then I'll be fine." Hotaru pulled out a bottle of water from her bag. (I carry water with me to school so why not her? ^^) "Hm, Oh for me?" she nodded. "Thanks." She pulled him next to the wall surrounding the institute. "Okay just give me a couple of minutes and I'll be fine"

She looked at him, "Are you sure?" she voiced her concern. This was one of her new friends it was not as though she would leave him when it appeared he wouldn't be okay.

"Yeah, trust me, it use to happen all the time when I wasn't use to my powers." He said a bit more calmly, though a bit softly. He had taken several drinks of water from the bottle. "Really, if I need anything I'll just call my sister." Sure Wanda wouldn't bbe happy but hey they had gotten thing a bit more civil over the last few months.

"You have a sister?" He nodded. Standing normally and stretching.

"Yeah she's my twin sister, she doesn't go to school though." He noticed she gave him a look that said `Curious'. "She doesn't want to and doesn't unless she wants to. Trust me when I say that if she wants an education she can get one from our…family." He looked for the right word. The mutants affiliated with his `father' could be counted as `family' he thought some of them at least.

Hotaru and him said their goodbyes. She entered the compound and walked up the stairs to the room she was staying with Kitty and Rogue. Placing her things next to her bed, she changed rapidly into a pair of clothes she could sleep in and get up in the time of day with out looking very lazy.

Hotaru looked around, it there was cries all around her, all indecipherable to her ears. `The rose shall blossom to your words' the words in her mind. `and your power shall shine...'

Hotaru tried to speak but she couldn't even open her mouth she found she couldn't move. "Child of Silence…." A female voice. "Dark Angel Fly spread you wings…" This voice chilled her..

`Come shine… Twice the fallen...' The words came faster the words seem to argue not all of them could be head. `Rising…falling….no one here there…..Mars…..SATURN! Gifted…. The queen…' the voices seemed to have dropped to a murmur she couldn't hear.

The voices returned. They spoke faster and louder until she could only hear things:


The voices got louder and louder until she was sure she would scream then silence. "Hotaru….Hataru……Hotaru…" That voice…She was able to move!

"Papa?" She was calling. Where was Papa? "Papa where are you?"

"Calm on Hotaru, up. That a girl! You're doing it!" Where was she? She was looking at her papa, his white hair, and his glasses over his sparkling eyes. "Papa!" she called.

"You spoke! Sweetie! She spoke!" A woman came in she was slightly fuzzy. "She called me `papa'!" Hotaru didn't think she knew this but it felt like the first time.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" The woman laughed and clapped her hands. Then she felt herself get up, she was shaky. "Ma...Mam-…Mama! Papa!" She clapped her hands together.

"Oh! This is…This is stupendous! She got up AND spoke! She called me mama!" The woman said. She ran to Hotaru. She felt herself being carried but she didn't care. "Oh my baby, you have no idea what you mean to us."

Wait! This was a memory! `Why am I remembering this now?' Wait the arms were gone, where was Mama? Papa?

"Mama? Papa? Where are you?" she called.

"Child, do not fear, you shall always be with the man who loves you more than his very existence and you shall soon again be with her…"

"Who are you!" But it either ignored her or didn't hear.

"Shine star…" The feeling around her got very warm. "Bloom little flower bloom…"

Hotarusat up, her body was shaking. She looked at the clock near her bed. It was only five. Where was everybody? She heard a bit of noise ah they were down stairs! Wait. Five was dinner! She got up and checked her appearance. She ran to the dining room the dream on the top of her mind…

I'm going to update sooner! I promise I'm on vacation so I have no excuse! And I'm really looking forward to writing the next chapter please review!