Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Scouts in america ❯ The crystal holder ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Sailor moon is the property of Toei. The American names are the property of DIC. All
new characters are mine except for the guilded rose. He's the idea of my friend AOL
nickname gcl1969

Chapter 12: The crystal holder.

Rei is meditating.

"I am fire. Fire is life. I am fire. Fire is life. Great fire please tell me where the next
crystal is so we can get it ahead of the evil." Rei says.

Rei's eyes snap open and she is flooded with a vision of a store that is newly opened.
Inside is a man that heals people with his sacred crystal. But instead of focusing on the
crystal, it focuses on him.

"I asked about the crystal, not the owner." Rei says.

But the vision still focuses on the healer. Rei shakes her head and breaks the vision.
Meanwhile the guy is meditating in front of his crystal. He touches it and glows with
energy. He then walks into his lobby to meet a woman.

"I hope you can help me. The doctor said that I am terminal but I heard you can heal
anything." The woman says.

The man nods and touches her. An energy transfer occurs between the man and the
woman. She jumps up.

"Wow. I have never felt this energetic. I hope that worked." The woman says smiling.

The man smiles and bows back. The woman passes a familiar woman who is standing

"At last the final crystal." The woman says.

Rei stakes out the healing center. After a short while the man comes out and motions to
Rei even though she was hiding. She is startled but enters the place.

"I didn't mean to spy on you. I was just looking at your business. I have heard good
things about you." Rei says.

The man smiles. He points to the healing implements and to Ami with a quizitive look on
his face.

"Oh do I need healing? Oh no." Rei says.

He touches her head and they both glow. Something inside of Rei seems to perk up.

"Wow. I have never felt such an energy rush." Rei says.

The man motions for the table and Rei lay down. He massages her and more energy
transfers between them. After a half an hour Rei stands up feeling like she just woke up
from a nap.

"Wow that's amazing." Rei says.

She takes out her purse but the man waves it away and smiles.

"Oh no. You deserve something for your services." Rei says.

She puts five dollars in the man's hand and leaves before he can give it back. The man
smiles after Rei. He goes to meditate in front of his crystal and prays silently that this
remarkable girl that just visited will have nothing but good luck. Rei returns home.

"Guys I just came from the most amazing store. This guy gave me an energy boost and
gave me the feeling like I had just slept." Rei says.

"You do seem more energetic than you have been in awhile." Mina says.

Rei jumps up in the air and nearly hits the ceiling.

"Hold it. We don't want to pay for a new ceiling." John says smiling.

Rei tells him about this guy she saw.

"He must be new. I haven't seen him around here before." John says.

"He doesn't talk but he doesn't seem to need to. He is very good at conveying his
feelings with body motions and facial expressions." Rei says.

"I think I remember someone like him in Japan. My mom once mentioned that a crystal
healer existed in Japan that is the best one there is." Ami says.

Ami frowns.

"But the one I am thinking about died years ago." Ami says.

"Well he looked very much alive to me. Maybe you are thinking of someone else." Rei

"I would love to go see this man." Ami says.

They all take off and Rei goes to where she saw the shop. They all stand there shocked.
Where the shop once was is a vacant lot.

"But but. That's impossible. It was right here." Rei says.

"This has been a vacant lot for years Rei." John says.

"Are you sure we don't have the wrong location?" Ami asks.

"I am sure. The location is buried in my memory cause the sacred flame told me the next
crystal was here." Rei says.

Meanwhile in an abandoned lab, a familiar silent man is tied to a chair. Arta stands in
front of him.

"For the last time, what is the secret of this crystal? I know this is the last of the great life
crystals but I am not getting anything from it." Arta says.

The healer looks over at the crystal on the nearby table. He simply raises his hand and
extends his middle finger. The woman gets very angry and slaps him. He quickly snaps
his face back and just smiles more. Pair of glowing eyes float towards her. The woman

"Oh it's you my lord. You know that I don't like it when you sneak up on me." Arta says.

"This is the last crystal?" The eyes ask.

"Yes my lord but for some reason we are getting nothing from them. This guy won't tell
us anything." Arta says.

The healer sees the glowing eyes and opens his mouth wide open. As if to scream if he

"Something about this one is special. He knows how to activate this crystal." The eyes

The man faints.

"He knows me. How can he know me? How could anybody of this planet know me?"
The eyes ask glowing brightly.

"Why don't we use a zerk on him. Maybe the controlled host will do it for us." Arta says.

"You have wasted enough zerks as it is. But if you think it will work than I will give you
one more. ONE MORE and that is it." The eyes yell.

A zerk appears in Arta's hand and she places it on the man's head. It crawls in his ear and
his eyes snap open. They glow brightly.

"I was right. I sense tremendous power in this one. Now my servant, show us the power
of this crystal." The eyes say.

But instead the host turns towards the eyes and fires a beam of energy at them.

"What? How dare you attack me your master." The eyes yell.

A huge beam of dark energy strikes out at the man but it doesn't even faze him. The man
blasts Arta to her feet and takes off.

"What have we done?" Arta asks.

"Get him now." The eyes yell.

Arta runs out but she can't find the man anywhere. The man has returned to the site of
where his store used to be. The girls are startled to see him.

"It's you. Your okay." Rei says.

"That's him Rei. He's the healer that died years ago." Ami says.

The healer reaches out to Rei and his eyes glow.

"It's a host." Ami yells.

Everybody but Rei runs into an alley and transforms. When they come back out the
healer has his hands on both sides of Rei's head and they are both glowing.

"Take your hands off of her." Serena yells.

"Venus crescent moon slash." Venus says.

But the scythe bouncer harmlessly.

"No wait guys. He is showing me something. The symbiosis has shown him everything
about the enemy. He knows why they are here and why they are after the crystal." Rei

She sees a vision of a dying planet being taken over by an evil being. She hears him
saying that they need the life crystals of earth. Suddenly the link is broken. She opens her
eyes and is horrified to see that the healer is crumpled on the ground. Arta is standing
behind him.

"That's far enough renegade." Arta says.

"NO!" Rei yells.

The creature falls out of the healers ear and dies. The healer opens his eyes up and smiles
at Rei.

"Please hold on. You are gonna make it." Rei says crying.

The healer shakes his head and does a sign.

"Crystal. You have to leave cause of a crystal?" Rei asks.

The healer shakes his head and suddenly it hits Rei.

"You are the crystal?" Rei says.

The healer nods weakly. He then closes his eyes and goes limp. Suddenly he transforms
into the final crystal.

"He was the crystal all along. I don't believe it. Well give that crystal to me." Arta says.

"Never." All the scouts yell.

Arta puts her hands together and a big ball of dark energy forms.

"You don't want to mess with me. Arta of the doom trio." Arta yells.

"Doom trio?" The scouts ask.

The ball of energy barely misses them all as they dodge it.

"That's enough. You have hurt enough people already." Sailor Mars yells running from
the alley.

Sailor Mars flares up with power.

"Mars sacred flame ignite." Sailor Mars yells.

But Arta's energy field easily reflects the flame.

"Hah. Is that the best you can do?" Arta asks laughing.

"Sailor combined power." Sailor Venus and Mars yell.

"Venus crescent moon slash." Sailor Venus yells.

"Mars sacred flame ignite." Sailor Mars yells.

The flame combines with the scythe to become a flaming sword of power. The sword
passes right through Arta's field and cuts her.

"You hurt me. Nobody has ever hurt me." Arta screams.

"Come-on we know she isn't invincible now. Let's combine all our powers." Rei yells.

"Mercury ice spears strike." Sailor Mercury yells.

"Mars sacred flame ignite." Sailor Mars yells.

"Venus crescent moon slash." Sailor Venus yells.

"Jupiter lightening bolt shock." Sailor Jupiter yells.

"Lion heart courage attack." Sailor Moon yells.

The attacks come together to form one huge ball of energy that shoots towards Arta.

"I have failed you my lord." Arta yells.

The ball envelops her and when it is gone, so is she.

"All right." They all yell high-fiving.

Sailor Moon picks up the crystal.

"Aries dark energy surge." A familiar voice says.

A huge beam of dark energy strikes Serena and knocks her down to the ground. Aries
picks her up and the crystal and they both disappear.

"Serena!" Ami yells.