Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Seeds of Darkness ❯ Symbol of A Senshi? ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Pluto glanced around at their new surroundings. "We're in Canada."

Uranus nodded, viewing the area. "We don't even know what the enemy looks like."

Neptune reached for her mirror. "Theres something coming straight for us." She looked up. "From behind."

They all turned around and were surprised at the sight. At first it looked like a dust cloud charging towards them, but as it began to approach closer individual outlines could be made out, taking the form of a swarm of maggots. "Silent Wall!"

Saturn called upon her shield just as the vile creatures stampeded over them.

Completing their pass the swarm stopped, veering around for a second approach.

"What is that?" questioned Uranus as she began to call upon her attack. "World Shaking!"

The attack hit head on, completly eliminating the middle section of the swarm.
Neptune nodded, looking at the remains, "It's there."
She indicated the maggot swarm which had produced a greem energy emiting from their individual forms. They called out a collective shriek as they began to gather once more, closing the gap and reproducing their lost commrads in an instant."Thats impossible!"

Immediatly Pluto called upon her attack at the advancing swarm. "Dead scream!"

The swarm shrieked as the attack hit full force, several of the creatures withered away before the few remaining began to split and reproduce, charging into the shield.

Saturn winced, desperatly holding her shield. "They're trying to eat through!"

Neptune looked out at the swarm. "We'll have to destroy them all at once!"

Pluto nodded. "Saturn, can you move the shield over the swarm?"

Saturn looked at her partner in confusion but nodded.
Once ready Neptune called upon her attack. "Deep Submerge!"
"Silent Wall!"

The two attacks were completed in unison, a wave of water falling into the swarm as Saturn cast her shield to prevent escape. The swarm screached as it drowned withen the enclosed space, withering into

The Outers relaxed, placing their weapons at ease. Uranus clanced at a stray maggot, crushing it beneath her boot.


"Crown Game Center."

Tuxedo Mask nodded as he and Venus entered the building together.
They stepped back in shock as they laid their eyes upon the enemy before them.

Venus sighed. "Great, of all the youma, we get to fight the blob."

The greyish wobbling mass of gel was eight feet in diameter, constantly altering in size and shape.
Tuxedo Mask peered at the gelatinous creature in confusion. "Is that..Tofu?"

"Jello?" Venus sighed. "oh Well. Venus Love and beauty...."


Venus stopped, looking at the protector of Earth. "What?"

"use your crescent beam."

Venus glanced at Tuxedo Mask in confusion, but nodded. "Crescent Beam!"

The attack caused the blob to split in two revealing the green ghastly form of energy. As the gelatinous mass began to reseal Venus caguht a glimplse of other forms withen the blob, humans. "How did you know?"

"I took a guess."

They both assumed a fighting position as the blob rolled towards them. "I don't suppose you have any other ideas."

Tuxedo Mask took a step back, holding his cane at ready. "Not at the moment."

"Luna said we have to target the source."

Tuxedo Mask nodded, launching a rose into the blob, where it sunk through and was released on the floor.
"It's too thick, I can't pierce it."

Venus nodded. "Venus Love-Me Chain!"

The chain extended from her hand, encircling around the blob. Grabbing hold with both hands Venus pulled, seperating the gelationous creatioun in half and forcing the green form of enegry to reveal again. "NOW!"

Tuxedo mask nodded, releasing two roses directly at the form.
The stems hit dead center as the creature screached, turning to dust, the gel exploding outward, releasing it's captives.

"Ugh." Tuxedo Mask wiped his face, removing some of the geleton that exploded on him.


"What?" Tuxedo Mask looked at Venus who pointed to the violet haired girl laying near one of the games.

"She's new in our class."

Tuxedo Mask nodded, approaching the girl and kneeling next to her. "Are you alright?"

Pheobe groaned, turning over slightly. Tuxedo Mask gasped as he caught the faint magenta outline of a symbol. It was a straight line with an arrow that faced the other way, barely noticable. "what the..."

"Tuxedo Mask what is it?"


Venus grabbed her communicator. "Luna?"

"The next monster is at Juuban Park."

Venus nodded. "We'll be there." She put her communicator away and tuned to the masked man. "We have to go."

Tuxedo Mask glanced at Venus and nodded, briefly glancing at Pheobe again. The symbol was gone, had he been imagining it?


The Dark King narrowed his eyes. "I never imagined there would be so many senshi awakened at this time."

He looked down, moving his staff and focusing in on Tokyo. "There is no more sense in hiding from me. " He held his staff over the window. "Seeds of Darkness return to me."


The inner senshi looked in surprise as the youma began to disolve and float back into the atmosphere.

Mars blinked in shock. "What happened?"

Mercury looked up from her computer. "Sailor Moon, all the youma are gone."

Sailor Moon gazed out to where the youma had been. "Whats going on?"

"We should return to Tokyo."

The three senshi nodded in agreement to Jupitar.
