Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Serena's Bad Day ❯ The New Neighbours ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

**Disclaimer: Well...I don't own Sailor Moon. Duh. I wish I did...but I don't think Naoko Takeuchi is willing to let me have it....I could buy Sailor Moon...but all I've got is a dollar and three pennies....<<sweatdrops>>.....on with the story....sigh....WHICH IS ALL MINE, SO NOBODY STEAL IT!!

Oh and please R& wanna know if it's even worth stealing...hehe....**

Serena's Bad Day

By: Iden's Garden

Chapter Two: The New Neighbours

A flushed and sweating Serena looked at her surroundings with satisfaction. They had finally got all their stuff into the new house. *And just you wait Sammy...I'll make your first day here so memorable...mwahahaha....* she thought gleefully.

And she simply LOVED her room! It had a vaulted ceiling, and a HUGE window, which faced the front of the house. Sighing contentedly, she stepped up to the window to have a look. It was a new neighbourhood, many houses still unfinished. There was also a lot of mud, which was absolutely horrible to walk through. (AN: I should know...I'm describing my room...and my house....and my And right now the mud was at it's peak of glory. It covered the entire driveway, and what would later on be the lawn, and most of the street too.

* would be perfect...if there was a little more than mud around here....*

She hadn't wanted to move. She'd loved her old house, her old room. But, Grandma Jemima (AN: WHAT A NAME!!! LOL...) was coming to live with them, so they'd had to buy a new house...because Grandma Jemima was the fussiest old biddy there was. She couldn't stay in a house that was over 2 years old on account of her allergies, her rheumatism, her haemorrhoids, and anything else that you could think of. If it was bad for you, Grandma Jemima had it. Luckily, her room would be on the other side of the house....

Serena giggled. Suddenly, a movement caught her eye: coming out of the house opposite her were four of the most amazing guys ever. Her jaw dropped. Squealing with delight, she ran to the foot of the stairs and shrieked,

"Mina! Amy!! Lita! RAAAAE!!! GET IN HERE QUICK!!!!!" and ran back to her window, panting, and almost drooling.

Four sets of footsteps bounded up the stairs and burst into the room.

"Where's the monster!? I'll blast the thing for making us fight today!! Come on! In the name of Jupiter, I WILL PUNISH YOU!!" shouted a very, VERY irritated Lita.

Serena turned to her four friends, and saw that all of them had transformed. Laughing, she said, "Guys....there's no monster...what there is, is four MAJORLY hot guys....."

There was a mad dash for the window, as each of the scouts found who Serena was talking about. Then, a very collective sigh of delight....each girl started saying which one was the best, while Serena stepped back and smiled indulgently.

*I'll let them one could ever replace Darien...even though he doesn't love me...*

"I like the one with the book! I believe that's the third edition of Chemistry Today!" cheered an over-excited Amy.

"No way! I like to one with the sunglasses and the bushy hair! He looks SOO cute!!" screamed the priestess of fire.

"What!? Are you guys nuts!? Anyone can see that the one in the green is the best...sigh...look at his hair...he reminds me of Freddy..."

Everyone sweatdropped....including Serena...who just shook her head.

"Oh see Freddy everywhere! I think the blond guy's way hot. What a hunk!" sighed the Scout of Love.

"We've GOT to meet them!! They're your neighbours Serena! Come on! Let's be the welcome wagon, and maybe even score ourselves some dates!!!" said Rae gleefully....rubbing her hands, and looking extremely sly.

*Uh oh...I don't wanna do this!! What'll they get me into!?* worried a nervous Serena....

All four girls screamed, "YEAH! LET'S DO IT!" in unison, and, dragging Serena along, rushed down the stairs and onto the porch.

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A few minutes later, Serena was precariously balancing a tray of Lita's amazing chocolate chip cookies, and trying to head across the muddy road to the opposite house.

*I can't believe I'm actually doing this...oooh....they'd better know what they're doing...I hope I don't trip and fall...*

Looking back over her shoulder, she saw that the four girls were trying to catch up to her. She slowed down a little, and let them catch up. Then, taking a deep breath, she pasted on what she hoped looked like a friendly smile, walked up the stairs to the door, and rang the doorbell.

There was a crash from within the house, a muffled curse, and feet running down the stairs.

"Coming! I'm coming! I'm-----oh. You got it. Well FINE then."

And the door opened to reveal a young man about their age, with dark brown hair, wearing an apron that said "Kiss the Cook", and a very confused look on his face.

Behind her, Serena could literally feel Lita turning into a puddle of mush.

"Yes? Can I help you?" asked the guy.

"Oh! Um...hi! My name's Serena, and these are my four friends, Lita, Amy, Rae and Mina. We ----- "

Suddenly, the platter of cookies was out of her hands, and she was shoved sideways.

"We just wanted to welcome you to the neighbourhood...on Serena's behalf that name's Lita. I baked cookies!", said a bright-eyed Lita.

The young man looked at Lita, blinked a couple of times, blushed, and said,

" so much...that's so very nice of name's Ken. Would you like to come in??"

Before Serena could answer, Lita screamed, "SURE!!" and bounded into the house.

Reluctantly, Serena followed, with the others right behind her. Once they got in, each girl spotted the guy they'd admired from the window and started making small talk.

Serena simply stood there, looking out of place and feeling very uncomfortable.

"Hey! Serena! Would you like a drink?" asked Ken.

"Sure Ken! Thanks!" replied Serena, and followed him. "So. Are all four of you living here?" she asked.

"Yup. Actually, there's one more...he's getting his stuff from his old apartment. I don't know what's taking him so long. He'll probably be here soon."

* the girls will never leave my house....* thought Serena with amusement.

"What about you? Do the girls live with you?"

"Oh no. They're my friends. We moved because my grandma's coming to live with us...she's the fussy type..."

*Oh...poor Ken...he's so hung up on Lita...he probably wished she did live so close!* giggled Serena.

She went back into the living room with Ken, who immediately sat down beside Lita. They all talked for a couple of minutes, until Serena looked at her watch and saw that it was almost time for dinner.

"Sorry guys...but we have to go" said Serena.

"Oh...just go on Serena...we'll be right there", replied a dreamy Amy, reading Chemistry Today : the 3rd Edition with her new-found "friend" Greg.

"Yeah Meatball Head, we'll be there in a sec." grinned Rae, playing with Chad's glasses.

Smiling, Serena shook her head and turned to leave.

*Well...guess today wasn't such a bad day after all. At least all my friends got boyfriends!*

She was on the third step when she was blinded by headlights.

Blinking, she raised her hand to shield her eyes, when the lights shut off.

Then an unmistakable voice demanded,

"What are you doing in my house??"

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Muahahahahaha....I'm being evil...actually....I'm probably all guessed who's the mystery guy right??

Newayz...if you guys want the next better R&R!!!! ^_^