Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Silver Chaos Power! ❯ Meeting Emerald ( Chapter 4 )

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"Miss Mizu...Are you okay?" Fate asked, gently shaking Mizu's leg still. Mizu's glazed over look didn't change.

"I...Did that?" she said finally. Fate smiled and put her front paws back on the ground.

"Yes, you did do that."

Mizu blinked a few times then stood and brushed the dirt off of herself. "Come Fate. Let's find somewhere to stay tonight." Then she looked down and noticed that she was back in her jeans, t-shirt and sneakers. She'd have to ask Fate about that later. Right now all she wanted to do was get some food and find somewhere warm and comfortable to sleep.

The two girls walked for a few hours, until they saw an old lady struggling with her grocery bags. "Should we help her?" Mizu asked, looking at Fate, who was currently falling asleep in Mizu's arms.

"Yes. Of course we should help." she said, begininng to purr. Mizu walked over to the old lady, Fate still in her arms.

"Can I help you with those?" Mizu asked the green-haired old lady.

"Thank you. That would be great!" she exclaimed as she was about to fall under the weight of the bags.

She was a model I bet, Mizu thought, looking at the old lady's small, frail frame.

"May I lay my cat down in your house until we're done with the groceries?" Mizu asked, looking down at the slumbering and purring Fate.

"Lay her on the couch and then come back outside to help me." the lady instructed, sitting the heavy bag back in the trunk of her car and resting on the edge on the trunk. Mizu nodded and walked inside of the cozy house and laid Fate on the closet armchair. She smiled at the sleeping cat and walked back outside.

"Excuse me. I just want to know something." Mizu said upon reaching the old woman.


"Who are you?"

The old woman chuckled. "My name is Emerald. I'm 63. I live by myself and all my family members are deceased."

"Oh...I'm sorry about your family." Mizu said, looking at Emerald sympathetically.

"I'm not. They were all a bunch of slackers. Go on child. Get the groceries. " Emerald instructed, watching her.

Mizu grabbed most of the grocery bags and walked inside the house.

Is that the brat that Diamond wants? Hmph...He could much better than that, Emerald thought, watching the girl walk into the house.

"Miss Emerald?" Mizu called, standing in the front doorway.

"Call me Emerald. None of that 'Miss' nonsence. Now, what did you need?" Emerald asked, shuffling slowly ito the front door of her little house.

"I just wanted to know where everything goes so I can help put things away."

"Let me show you." Emerald smiled, shuffling into the house and past glass cabinets filled with emerald kitten figurines, wine glasses and an assortment of other things, Mizu behind her.

Emerald showed her where eveything in the bags went and sat in the chair. After Mizu had put everything away, she sat in the only other chair at the little table.

"Well, I'll get my cat and we'll leave. Nice to meet you Emerald." Mizu said finally, standing.