Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Smart Moon ❯ Prologue: "The Two Plutos" ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Note 1: I'm returning to my beginning series which I start writting Fan-Fiction for when I had my first taste of fan-fiction back in the middle 1990s.
Note 2: "Sailor Moon" is copyrighted by Teoi Inc. & DiC Inc. from 1995-2995.. "Dungeons and Dragons" are copyrighted by Hasbro, Wizard of the Coast, and TSR from 1976 to 2976. All rights reserved.
Note 3: Any new terms for Sailor Moon terms are in BOLD print for the first time--only. If they are same as either the dub or original Sailor Moon series, they stay normal.
"Smart Moon"
Prologue: "The Two Plutos"
by Dr. Thinker
Sailor Pluto smiled. Her universe has been running smoothly. Neo-Queen Serenity the Second was ruining the Earth from Crystal Tokyo. Thought Dertona, a Spectrum who befriended Neo-Queen Serenity the First in the past, when she was Princess Serenity the Thirteen make both the Japanese and the American series to helped kept people in their houses and away from any Sailor Warriors business--including annoying the those two oddballs in the Outer Planets Warriors. Pluto didn't have to worry to much--unless a powerful smashes Sailor Moon's Moon Crystal into a million tiny pieces--but the only person with the power to do that was Queen Serenity the Twelve--Princess Serenity the Thirteen's mother and the final ruler of the Sliver Galaxy Kindgom era.
Sailor Pluto saw the Gates of the Time open. She summon her Key Staff, but then pause--when she saw herself in her green princess dresses. Her hair was a more messy then Sailor Pluto like to be. She spoke the following the other: "What in the name of the Shadow Earth Kingdom happen to you?"
Princess Pluto replied as she was holding a green bag. "Some strange energy has been preventing me from sending the Inner Court of Princess Serenity the Twelve to Earth. The oddballs had killed themselves near me--and Saturn is in sleep that looks like death. As for me, I'm be stuck guarding the Time Gates forever." But if I can't figure out a way to get past the energy filed."
Sailor Pluto asked, "Do you have Sailor Warrior's Computer from Moon Kindgom?"
Princess Pluto replied, "Yes, the Sailor Knight's Main Computer--but it's been damaged. A moon cat could easy fake it."
Knowing that giving way the future--even to another Sailor Pluto, was a very bad idea. the Sailor Pluto said, "Don't know about Luna, but Artemis can't make a good computer if you give him a robot form."
Sailor Pluto stated, "I had a idea--but I need to be in your universe to do it."
Princess Pluto replied, "Okay with me. Here is the Moon Crystal pieces. Fine me a place on Earth."
Pluto arrived on the empty Moon. Every was ruined--expect a few columns of Queen Serenity the Twelve's Royal Moon Palace. The energy oddly familiar--dark energy of a general of Dark Kindgom. This couldn't be Jadeite's energy--he's been ice by Queen Beryl for entire, Zoyitice was killed by Princess Serenity the Thirteen's first use of Cosmic Moon energy--and Malachite had died with his own energy being reflected by Sailor Moon's Crescent Wand. This got to Nephrite's energy. His dark energy must have block the Crystal.

Just then another dark energy appeared--with he same traits as Nephrite--fighting each other like cats and dogs--leaving a opening in the up over the Western hemisphere of the Earth were the United States of American is going to appear

Sailor Pluto said "It's either North America or allowing Shadow Kindgom to own the Earth. I'm going to have to pick North America,":
Sailor Pluto returned to see that Princess Pluto had cleaned herself while she was out. She explained to Princess Pluto what she did.
Princess Pluto replied, "Well, this is going to very interesting to say the least. We had have to many universe in which the Sailor Knights are reborn in an Aisa country."
This has a reason for being. I was wondering what happen if the Sailor Warriors are born in the United States. Nephrite's energy from his death in both universe are the cause of the energy issue-Princess Pluto's universe to prevent the Court from every arriving on Earth--while the original Nephrite's energy wanted to make sure the Sailor Warriors appear someplace other then Tokyo to hopefully make them easier to handle.
Logging off,
Dr. Thinker