Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Smart Moon ❯ Part #15 - "The Good Trap and The Bad Trap" ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Smart Moon"
Part 15 - "The Good Trap and The Bad Trap"
by Dr. Thinker
War Report #10
My first big failure at Sailor Knight--and I worked hard one. It's all started the Knight meeting at Gargokiara Shrine. Our plan was to figure out how to get Tudexo Mask and Zoyitice's Rainbow Crystals. My idea was to use Sailor Mercury copy the Costume Pen program, I had for the other Sailor Knights for a one time only mission: to lure Zoyitice out of hiding by faking a Spectron of the Shadow Earth Kindgom. Ironically, I couldn't--but I can point my Costume Pen at another Sailor Knight to transform him or her into one thing per a mission.
Knowing of the planet attack from a few days ago, a Planet-based Spectron would be perfect. Sailor Jupiter being a good holder from her martial arts classes, had decide to become the fake Spectron. I point Costume Pen at Sailor Jupiter's identity, transforming her a tall dark purple Spectron with dark black roses on it. Ironically, hugging Zoyitice drained her energy. It allowed us to search her for the Rainbow Crystal, but then Zoyitice's brain transported back to Shadow Earth Kindgom--leaving us with out a body or any Rainbow Crystal.

We then forced on Tudexo Mask. The reason he was after Zoyitice was because of the help he give us. This time around Sailor Mars was the armored Spectron, who hold me while the other Sailor Knights pretended to be out of the fight as they said in "Cartoon Action Hour" rule book.
Tudexo Mask showed up--confused--the monster leaved me--and Sailor Jupiter hold him while Sailor Mars for Tudexo Mask's Rainbow Crystal. Tudexo Mask sighed, "Not a bad plan, Sailor Knights! You should will triumph over the Shadow Earth Kindgom." Tudexo Mask didn't have two Rainbow Crystals with him, so he let him go--much to Sailor Mars and Luna's dismay.
Malachite had stay away from Zoyitice's brain for the week as she can get really phobia about being touch in that form.
Malachite said, "Can't believe that you did it."

Zoyitice said, "Man, Sailor Jupiter made a great Spectron. I didn't even know she was Sailor Jupiter until she hold me."

Malachite said, "If they can fake a Spectron, we can do one better on them."

Zoyitice asked, "What like fake a Sailor Knight?"

Malachite said with grinned, "That's correct. I think Sailor Moon."
Zoyitice said, "You know I don't have a magic tiara."
Malachite said, "My Gemini Sisters will teach you the ways of copying Sailor Moon, so well that the Sailor Knights will doubt their Sailor Moon is the real one."
Zoyitice said, "Those heroes and their cape boy are road kill!"
Adventure Journal #2346
After getting making a copy of Sailor Moon's outfit, I was ready to fake Sailor Moon's debut. The idea of doing a Sailor V was a good idea. Stopping a bank robbery in the business section of Sol Islands. I will do good work until Malachite is able to focus on Sailor Knights and Tudexo Mask. One were bait them, I allow Malachite to hang me--and then when Tudexo Mask get--he's gets a crystal in his shoulder.
The item matched Sailor Moon with the expect of dark purple version of where Sailor Moon's items were red or blue.
Lucky, the late Jadeite's Spectrons were able to find some dumb crooks were foolish enough to take Malachite up on his offer for riches. As they rob their bank--I waited for my cue. When the head robbery remarked, "And don't try anything funny."
I dropped my invisible to human vision and remarked, "That's good advice." as kicked the head robber--then I used a boomerang to knock the guns out of human robber's goon. When the police arrived--one of them asked if I was "Sailor V". I replied, "No. I am Sailor Moon, the Champion of Justice."
I'm getting a kick out--almost enough to turn good--ALMOST!
War Journal #11
Someone's pretending to be Sailor Moon.. I just got done with teaching players to play a table-top RPG. I was pasting one of the tallest skyscrapers--when I saw two window washers hanging around--I was about to go into the alley to change to my Sailor Moon identity--when another Sailor Moon drop in.
One person--almost knowing about love and hate---looked at me like. She was wearing a white cat like a rich person were a dead minx. I tried to follow her--but I lost her.
In the meantime, I get my group to track down that fake Sailor Moon.
Cassie Rent
Sailor Moon
Artemis was talking over with Luna as C.C., telling that the sixth Sailor Knight will be arriving shortly. She will also with have Luna's trainer partner, Artemis. Artemis asked if Luna told where she come from yet to the other Sailor Scout. Luna admit to keeping it hidden-until Sailor Knights were reunited. Then C.C. asked about the Rainbow Crystal records--Luna admitted to that the Zoyitice has the biggest amount of Rainbow Crystal at three, while Tudexo Mask and the Sailor Knights were tied at two Rainbow Crystal. As both of them signed off.

Sailor Venus appeared, thought stilling holding the Universe Sword, wearing her fake V-Fighter's a fake tiara and mask, "We got a Level-Q problem."
Artemis gasped. "Level Q" was Moon Kingdom term to a problem that could only be solved by teamwork between Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity and the Sailor Knights was equal to "Red Alert" on Star Trek. As she picked up Artemis and put her on her head, she explains things--the Sailor Knights were heading for a trap set up by one of her ex-crushes, General Malachite. She didn't know which one to head to first. She decide to arrive a little bit.
At the time of arriving--Tudexo Mask was using his cane to save the fake Sailor Moon from the crane. Then the fake Sailor Moon used a knife to cut into Tudexo Mask's left shoulder.
-Sailor Moon-
I was angry at Malachite. We had transformed into our Sailor Knights identities He had trapped us in a black dome that reflected all of powers. I told my Knights not to be anything with their cosmic attack--when I felt my left shoulder hurt.

Malachite said, "Give us the Rainbow Crystals and I let you live for few days!"
Sailor Moon replied, "I'm not giving you anything. You mostly like leave us for dead!"
Malachite said, "May be this will change your mind."
Malachite shrink the black dome.
-Sailor Venus-
Sailor Venus decide that the Sailor Knight can wait a little longer for a rescue--and decide on finding why Tudexo Mask isn't showing up. Sailor Moon saw that Tudexo Mask was battling Zoyitice. On a credit was a fake Sailor Moon outfit. Zoyitice, was the fake Sailor Moon.

Sailor Venus yelled, "VENUS CRESENT BEAM!"
Zoyitice asked, "Another Sailor Brat?"
Both Tudexo Mask and Sailor Venus make tracks before Zoyitice finished her questions.
-Sailor Moon-
Zoyitice appeared beside Malachite. Malachite asked, "Did you finished Tudexo Mask?"
I was nervous. Despite having two Rainbow Crystal, Tudexo Mask was consider a alley for us.
Zoyitice said, "Nope. I was about to put another knife into his right shoulder--but then another Sailor Knight show up!"

Malachite said, "As you can see we have all the Sailor Knights in the dome."
Zoyitice said, "Must be some kind of illusion from them."
A unfamiliar voice said, "Who say I'm a illusion? You must be carrying the biggest Idiot Ball of them all. I am Sailor Venus, the Royal Leader of the Sailor Knights, And behalf of the universe, you are going to get your just desserts--and I don't mean free ice cream.
Zoyitice said, "Like you could just pretending to a Sailor Knight, little miss fake Princess. If I call a common nickname from Sailor Mars was "meatball head" because the royal hairdo."

Sailor Venus yelled, "VENUS CRESENT BEAM!"
The blast hit Malachite right in his hands. This removed the black dome from his. "Sailor Mercury and Earth, protect the Princess. Jupiter and Mars get revenge on that witch, Zoyitice. I handle Malachite."

A familiar voice, "Need some help?"
Sailor Moon said, "No problem, Tudexo Mask."
-Sailor Venus-
The battle was ordered chaos--for lack of better Earth words. Mercury and Earth was guardian--Mercury used her mist to cover the area near me. I was nervous--I was just a decoy for the real princess. Jupiter knocked Zoyitice so hard in her right arm--that it injured Malachite's right arm. I know that they was connected--soul mates. Ironically, I thought the Shadow Earth Kindgom won't know
Just then a yell from Sailor Moon happen, she was grabbed by Malachite by her locket. Just then the locket recalled a broken crystal--with seven missing spots.
Luna said, "I give Sailor Moon the Moon Crystal with out reason!"
Artemis said, "This sounds like the handwork of the Moon Queen!"
Sailor Moon was thrower by Tudexo Mask, "No. Not this!" Tudexo Mask started to something odd even for a male hero. He cried--and then ironically, a strange thing happen--all seven Rainbow Crystal appear above us--placing us on different area. I didn't have my tiara or my sword.
Luna said, "It's coming whole!"
Sailor Moon appeared to the only one still on the ground--though a flash of pink light disappear. Her Sailor Suit turned into sliver dress appeared. On the right hand, a pearl necklace appeared--her pink hair become longer and pearl hair appear in it. The crescent moon symbol appeared on Sailor Moon's force.
Luna said, "Princess Serenity was hiding in Sailor Moon."
Artemis said, "This is so silly, I think we are in one of Princess Serenity's dream."
Princess Serenity answered, "No. This is reality. If it wasn't: Queen Beryl would called them back all ready." The Moon Princess pointed to Zoyitice and Malachite.
Sailor Venus asked, "Do you have to the sword? It disappeared from me."

Princess Serenity said, "I'm sorry, but the Universe Sword went to the Co-Leader of the Sailor Knights. The one below me."
Zoyitice said, "I don't care. I'm going to get that crystal."
Two swords throw into Zoyitice's death. One was the sword of Prince Endymion and come from where Tudexo Mask was standing--and one was the Universe Sword coming f room where Sailor Earth was standing.
A huge hologram of Queen Beryl appeared, "Zoyitice! Malachite! Return at once!"
Zoyitice said, "But we can kill them."
Queen Beryl said, "Zoyitice, NEVER question my orders."
Malachite said, "You are lucky, Princess Serenity. But everyone's luck runs out."
Zoyitice groaned, "We're in for an earful."
All three disappeared--leaving us alone.
-Princess Serenity-
Princess Serenity said, "So who won the bet?"
Sailor Mars set, "We forget all about that one!"
Princess Serenity and the Sailor Knights watched as the Crescent Moon Wand appear before them--and the Moon Crystal went on top of it--and soon as it was done--the Moon Prism locket appear as part of a necklace on Princess Serenity. Prince Endymion said, "My memories both of the past on as Prince Endymion and my past as Alex Thorn had return to me." Prince Endymion was in a black shirt, black pants
Mercury appear to be princess in a blue gown, Mars in a red one, Jupiter in a green one, Venus in a orange down. Earth was the only one not dress in a royal outfit-but a gray Earth Guardain outfit revealed, "It's my fault that Beryl is attacking the Earth--both in the present and in past."
Princess Serenity said, "Lavara, the Lead Guardian of Atlantis Royal Family--put your past behind her--and think of the future."
Lavara said, "Bet you created it behind Queen Serenity's back."
Sailor Mars thought a better was going to happen.

Princess Serenity said, "I think it's time we take a visit to the Moon."

The Moon Crystal shines brightly--and transported all Sailor Knights off of the Earth location.

Where did the Sailor Knights end up? What's the earful Zoyitice's expecting from Queen Beryl? Don't worry, your answers to these questions will be answer in the next chapter.