Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Past ❯ The Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tainted Past--Chapter 1

Tsukino Usagi stood in the corner of the crowded ballroom, looking at the dancing couples. She sighed and glanced over to where her father was flirting with a group of women. Quickly looking away, she knew that he would end up going home with one of them, leaving her to find her own way home. It had been that way for most of her life after her mother had died. She had been foisted off from babysitter to babysitter; nanny to nanny. But now, at twenty-four, she could take care of herself. She didn't enjoy knowing that her father was a player, but there was nothing she could do about it.

From across the room a man of thirty was watching the blonde haired girl. She seemed so sad... His midnight blue eyes followed her as she went out onto the balcony, her silken white dress flowing out behind her. Looking around, he saw no one laying claim to her with his eyes so he followed her outside. He found her on a balcony, looking up at the full moon. He smiled softly. She looked so innocent standing there with the moonlight shining down on her. "Konban wa." he said softly.

She looked up at him, her soft azure eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She swallowed and smiled at him. "Konban wa." she said.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded slowly. "Hai, I am fine."

She looked away quickly. Her companion frowned. "What is your name?"

"Tsukino Usagi."

"I am Chiba Mamoru." he replied.

Her eyes widened. Everyone knew about the Chiba family! They were the richest people in Tokyo! She stared at him and then quickly lowered her eyes. "G-gomen nasai, Chiba-san. I was not aware..."

He frowned. "It is okay, Tsukino-san. Or...may I call you Usagi?"

She glanced at him. "Hai, if you wish."

He smiled. "Please, call me Mamoru. Usagi-chan, would you care to walk with me?"

Slowly, she nodded. "Hai, that would be lovely,, Mamoru-sama."

He sighed and then grinned. She respected him. It was probably just because of his money and how influential his parents were, but he didn't care. He liked knowing that this beautiful angel did not resent him. As they walked among the rose bushes, his eyes remained on her. He had not heard of the name Tsukino before. Weren't they a well-known family? He recalled, vaguely, something about Tsukino Kenji, but it was not clear.

Usagi watched the man who walked beside her. He was so handsome and nice! She felt so relaxed, but she had to remind herself that he was a Chiba; out of her league. There had been one time when she had had a crush on a rich man, but then she had been naive; not knowing what she did now. Her father's deception would get them in trouble someday, but so far he had not realized that they could be caught. She didn't like tricking people but her father said it was necessary for their lifestyle to continue. She didn't care for the riches but her father longed for the comfort that they gave him. Usagi frowned, knowing that she could reveal their secret to no one--especially not a Chiba.

Mamoru glanced over at the girl, wondering what had made the dark look appear. Had it been something that he had said or done? How he hoped not! This woman; this Tsukino Usagi, had captured his attention somehow even though they had just met each other. "Usagi-chan?" he asked.

She glanced over, the frown easing slightly. "Hai, Mamoru-kun?"

"Is something wrong? You seem...disturbed."

Usagi shook her head slowly. "No...nothing is wrong. I am fine, Mamoru-kun. There is no need to worry."

Mamoru smiled. It seemed that she had forgotten who he was. Good. That was the way he wanted it: with no barriers between them; restricting them. He wanted to be able to know her fully without her shying away or pretending respect for him that they would both know was faked. He wasn't sure how this young girl had wormed her way into his heart so quickly, but... No! He frowned. No one would capture his heart! One heartbreak was enough for him. Scowling, he noticed the wary and sometimes disbelieving looks on the faces of the few people that they passed as they walked. It was a well known fact that Chiba Mamoru was cold; unfeeling. So much so that he had been dubbed the "Ice King." It was no wonder, then, that people found it odd to see him walking with anyone, much less a young woman.

The scowl slipped away slowly as his attention once again centered on the woman at his side. Why had he never heard of her before? Was Tsukino Usagi really so unknown in this place? But why? He couldn't figure it out, and it was annoying him to no end.

Usagi looked over at him as they sat and rested on a stone bench. Why was he interested in her? She was a liar; a deciever! Her father had made her that way, but she knew that if her mother was still alive, Usagi would truly be a woman of great social standing. As it was, she could barely remember her mother. All she had left of Tsukino Ikuko was a small, faded picture in a tarnished locket. The picture was old and cracked with age, but Usagi treasured it as if were truly a part of her mother. Her father hated to hear even a whisper of her mother. It was almost as if he had never loved her.

As night fell, the two went their separate ways. Usagi made her way to the richly decorated mansion, sure to avoid her father's room. Mamoru was driven to the large Chiba Manor and quickly retired to his chambers.

Sorry this is so short. Longer chapters later. Please review if you liked it. Thank you.