Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Earth Scout Chronicles - Season One ❯ The First Move ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 2: The First Move

Endymion watched as Ryoku went through a complex series of sword
techniques using both Endymion’s and his own practice swords. He was both
impressed and slightly envious of Ryoku’s natural ability with swords, although he
would never tell him that.

Ryoku started to slowly accelerate his movements; his swords becoming twin
blurs moving quickly about him. He darted in one direction swinging both swords at
once, both perfectly parallel to each other, and then suddenly changed direction
without slowing, his blades moving fluidly with him. He continued his exercise, each
movement precisely executed, for a few moments longer. When he was finished, he
went through the motions of sheathing both swords, although the swords were only
for practice and had no sheaths. Wearily, he made his way to the nearby bench
Endymion was standing by and sat down, laying the blades beside him.

Endymion handed him the towel he had been holding for him. "You know, I
still think you’re overdoing it with two swords," he said, smirking.

Ryoku wiped his forehead dry of sweat and hung the towel around his
shoulders. "I’d bet I could teach you to do the same in a few months," he replied
challengingly. "That is, if you practice non-stop."

"Um, no thanks. I’ve told you before I think one sword is just fine," he replied
wryly. "Besides, I have other commitments."

"Right," Ryoku said conspiratorially, raising one eyebrow in amusement. "So,
how long have you and Serenity been seeing each other? Almost a year?"

"Just about."

"Really? You two serious?"

"Very. In fact, just yesterday I proposed to her."

"You what?" Ryoku exclaimed and rose sharply from the bench, astounded by
the news. "She said yes?"

"Yeah," Endymion answered, nodding.

Ryoku grinned and shook Endymion’s hand. "That’s wonderful news! Have
you two set a date, yet?"

Endymion couldn’t help but grin back. "Not yet, but I’ll let you know." Then,
his expression turned thoughtful. "You know, Ryoku, sometimes I can’t help but
wonder how come you don’t have a girlfriend by now."

Ryoku gave him a questioning look. "Why do you ask?" The small grin
returned to his face. "Don’t tell me you’re trying to fix me up with one of Serenity’s
friends just like Makoto is trying to do with hers?" he said, a little amused. "Did she
put you up to it?"


"Ah, don’t worry about it, Endymion. As a matter of fact, I happen to already
have a preference."

"Oh?" he countered, mildly surprised. "And may I ask, who?"

Ryoku’s smile widened as he folded his arms across his chest. "No, you may
not ask. It’s a surprise. You’ll find out when everyone else does."

It was dark and cold. The sun had been down for quite some time and wasn’t
due to rise for another length of time, making this place not only freezing cold, but
also bleak and desolate as well. Not exactly the best place for a base, but at the
same time it seemed the most appropriate. The atmosphere fit both her personality
and her mood at the present. The first phase of her plan had worked perfectly - they
had arrived undetected. Now, it was time to move on to the next part of her plan.

Queen Beryl wasted no time in summoning her warriors to their new base
near the Earth’s North Pole. She instructed them to move as quickly, but as quietly,
as they could in order to avoid notice as long as possible. Doing so would be slower
than just having them all come at once, but that would surely give their presence
away. The time was not yet right for their presence to be known. But, that time would
arrive soon enough.

She was growing impatient and anxious by the time all of her warriors arrived.
"It’s about time you all got here," Queen Beryl growled, "Now, Jadeite! Nephrite!
Zoisite! Kunzite! Come here at once!"

Immediately her four Generals appeared before her. "Yes, Queen Beryl?"
they said in unison.

"The time has come to implement the second part of my plan. Each of you
are to use whatever methods you wish in preparing to conquer Earth’s capital city
without raising an alert. I don’t want to have to waste any energy when I don’t have
to. I may need it for the final part of my plan.

"I also want you all to gather as much energy as you can. I will need a vast
amount if I am to fully revive our Master, Queen Metallia. You can get the energy I
need from the cities surrounding the Earth’s capital. This also has to be done
without raising an alert. This is just as crucial to my plan as conquering the Earth, so
don’t fail me in either one. I expect complete success from each of you. Now, go."
The four Generals each bowed and left.

Staring into the floating crystal in front of her, she mulled over the current
status of her plan. Conquering Earth was indeed a crucial part of her plan. In order
to invade the Moon and crush the Moon Kingdom she needed to first get rid of
anything that might get in her way. If she were to try to invade the Moon right away,
then they would be open to an attack from behind by the Earth’s forces.

If she conquered the Earth first, then not only would she destroy any chance
of reinforcements arriving to aid the Moon Kingdom, but she would also have a base
to invade from. It was perfect. Now that the second part of her plan was underway all
she had to do was wait.

Unconsciously, a small wicked grin spread across her face, her fangs
glistening darkly in the pale light.

‘Ah, here it is, just where I left it.’

His training with Endymion finished - or at least he had learned as much as
Endymion could teach him - Ryoku had come back home only a few days ago. Now,
he was in his room in Jupiter’s palace, looking for his guitar.

He sat down on his bed and looked over his guitar. It was a sandy brown
color with a dark brown neck. The strings were well cared for; none of them looked
like they needed to be replaced.

Playing one single chord told him that even if no one had touched his guitar in
the time he had been gone, it had still gone out of tune. ‘No problem, at least it’s only
a little out of tune.’

After tuning his guitar, he started to play one of his favorite songs. Since he
hadn’t played in such a long while, he made quite a few mistakes. ‘Well, what else
did I expect? At least I can still play well; all I need is some practice.’

A few hours later, his playing had improved to his normal level of skill. Even
though his fingers were beginning to ache, he wasn’t making any more mistakes.

"That was pretty good," his sister said as soon as he concluded a final run
through some of his favorite songs. Makoto came into his room about a half-hour
ago and just sat next to him on his bed, listening to him play. "I guess you haven’t
forgotten how to play during that training, huh?" Ryoku noticed a teasing quality in
her voice.

"No, I don’t think I have forgotten. I’ve only been gone for almost two years."
he replied, rising from his bed. He walked to the place where he left his guitar the
last time and replaced it carefully. He then returned to his bed and sat next to his
sister. "That’s not enough time to forget something like playing a guitar," he said

Even now, he was still amazed that after being taller than Makoto for most of
his life, during the past year, she had grown to exactly the same height as him.
Needless to say, she was tall for a girl. Of course, she never minded that. In fact,
she enjoyed being taller than most girls. ‘It’s easier to see all the cute guys in the
room,’ she had said once, ‘and it’s just as easy for them to see me.’

"Ryoku, I was just teasing. Don’t take everything I say so literally," she said,
slightly annoyed. When she saw his slightly smug expression, which he wasn’t
bothering to hide, she realized that he had succeeded in baiting her. She promptly
proceeded to beat him mercilessly with one of his pillows.

"Hey, watch it!" he said, while laughing and trying to fend off her attack at the
same time. "Cut it out! Quit it, Makoto!"

"Do you surrender?" she asked, brandishing the pillow.

"All right! All right! Mercy!" he exclaimed, holding up his hands defensively,
still laughing.

Having fulfilled her revenge on her brother, she replaced his pillow. When
she saw what her continuous pounding did to his hair, she laughed at his disheveled

"Hey, what’s so funny?" he demanded.

"You should see how you look!" she gasped, pointing at his head.

Ryoku turned around in order to look into the full-length mirror standing next
to the wall behind him. His reflection showed that some of his hair had escaped his
ponytail and was strewn everywhere. He scowled at Makoto and quickly straightened
his hair. "Thanks a lot!" he said petulantly.

"Anytime, Ryoku!" she replied with a grin. She rose from his bed and stood
next to the doorway. "So, are you coming with me to tomorrow’s ball?"

"Another ball?" Ryoku asked suspiciously.

"Yeah. Come on, Ryoku. I want you to come with me."

Ryoku gave his sister a considering look. ‘So, Makoto, you’re still trying to fix
me up with one of your friends, huh? Well, this time I’ve got a surprise for you.’
"Well, okay," Ryoku said, smiling.

Makoto blinked in surprise for a moment. She was expecting to try to
convince him to come with her, but now found it unnecessary. "Oh, by the way," she
said over her shoulder, as she turned to leave, her voice thoughtful, "you should
wear that gray suit of yours. It goes well with your eyes."

He groaned and rolled his eyes in exasperation while she left, laughing. Just
like her to get the last word.

Luna exited Serenity’s room, still searching for her. ‘I bet she’s outside on the
veranda looking up at the Earth again,’ Luna thought, heading for the veranda.
Arriving at her destination, she found Serenity staring longingly at the Earth, just as
she predicted.

"Serenity, there you are. I’ve been looking for you," Luna said. "Your mother
wants to discuss the arrangements for your wedding to Prince Endymion with you."
Noticing Serenity’s expression, Luna grew concerned for her. "Is there something
troubling you, Princess Serenity?"

"No, I’m all right," she answered, turning to Luna. "Thank you for your
concern, though. Mother wishes to see me?"

"Yes. About your wedding."

"My wedding," Serenity said almost breathlessly, returning her gaze back to
the Earth. "Oh, Luna, I’ve never been so happy in my entire life. Endymion and I are
getting married. It’s like a dream come true."

Luna smiled at Serenity’s joyful reverie. "I’m very happy for you, Serenity. I’m
sure you and Prince Endymion will be happy together."

"Thank you, Luna," Serenity said, turning back to Luna again. "Would you
mind going on ahead of me and inform Mother that I will be with her in a few

"Of course," Luna replied and left.

Before leaving, Serenity took one last look at the Earth. ‘Soon, Endymion, we
will be together.’

Suddenly, a cold shiver ran down her spine from the base of her neck to the
soles of her feet. At the same time, a small feeling of impending doom washed over
her senses. She gasped in shock at the sensation, which had disappeared as
quickly as it began.

As short as it was, Serenity wasn’t completely sure if the feeling she had was
real. ‘Did I imagine it? I hope this isn’t some kind of sign. Oh, Endymion....’ Deciding
to tell her mother about the ominous premonition she had experienced, she quickly
tore her gaze from the Earth and started for the throne room.

Jadeite laughed as he drained the last of the energy from the humans whose
city he had just demolished with his army of Dark Kingdom soldiers. "This is just too
easy," he said, admiring the mass destruction that he had caused. "They didn’t even
put up a halfway decent struggle. If this is the extent of the Earth’s fighting power,
then it will be mere child’s play to take over this worthless planet."

Gathering all the energy he had collected from the defeated population and
sent it back to Queen Beryl. "One thing these humans are good for," he muttered
derisively, "is supplying energy."

Making sure that there was no one left to send forewarning to other cities,
Jadeite quickly gave orders for his army to advance to the next city. As the order was
passed down through the ranks, he glanced toward the direction of the Earth’s
capital city, somewhere past the northern horizon. ‘If the others are taking cities as
quickly and easily as I am,’ he thought to himself, grinning with anticipation, ‘then we
should reach the capital city in no time.’

He could hardly wait.

Reaching his destination, Nephrite gazed over the city from his location atop
the nearby hill. Concentrating, he raised his arms over his head, a crimson glow
igniting around him.

"I ask for power from the stars," he intoned, "Magnify my power tenfold!
Unleash Leo the Lion, Draco the Dragon, Taurus the Bull, and Scorpio the

When he finished, several small lights emerged from the crimson glow
surrounding him. The lights separated into four different clusters, each group
arranging themselves into a replica of a star constellation. Out of each group of
lights, a different beast appeared - a lion, a dragon, a bull, and a scorpion.

"You are to tear this city down to the ground," Nephrite ordered. "While you
do so, make sure to gather as much energy as you can from the humans. No one is
to escape. Now, go!"

Each of the four beasts made quick work of the city. In only a few minutes the
city was completely devastated. Recalling the beasts, he drained them of the energy
they had collected from the humans and sent it to Queen Beryl. "Hmm... these
humans certainly do possess a large quantity of energy," he mused to himself. "If
what I’ve collected is any indication, these humans have more than enough energy to
supply Queen Beryl with what she needs."

Nephrite turned his gaze to the east. Just barely over the horizon, Nephrite
could see the very top of what had to be the Earth Palace, which meant that the
Earth’s capital city of Tokyo wasn’t very far away. He could just imagine the palace’s
walls crumbling as he laid waste to it. It wouldn’t be long before he would make it

He could hardly wait.

Upon their arrival at the next city, en route to the city of Tokyo, Zoisite and
Kunzite sent out their army of humans imbued with Dark energy. The energy that the
humans were saturated with not only made them into powerful warriors completely
loyal to the Dark Kingdom, but also turned them into deformed, hideous monsters.
The best part was that a great deal of the Dark energy that they used to transform
the humans was created by using the energy that they had collected from other
humans. The irony was truly wonderful.

In moments, the entire city was crushed by the overpowering forces of the
Dark Kingdom. After the city had fallen, Zoisite and Kunzite drained the energy the
humans/warriors had built up while ravaging the city. The collected energy was then
sent to Queen Beryl.

"That went very well, wouldn’t you agree, Kunzite?" Zoisite asked, smugly.

"Yes, Queen Beryl should be pleased with the progress we’ve been making
as well as with the energy we have collected," Kunzite agreed.

"Let’s move on to the next city, shall we?"

"A great idea, Zoisite. The sooner we get to the Earth Palace and destroy it,
the sooner Queen Beryl will be able to move on to the next part in her plan to destroy
the Moon Kingdom," Kunzite said, grinning maliciously, "starting with the Moon

As they both looked out to the horizon, they could see the capital city just over
the horizon to the southwest. It was close. Very close.

They could hardly wait.

Queen Beryl was pleased. Her generals were taking city by city, gathering
tremendous amounts of energy, bringing her closer and closer to reviving Metallia.
Gazing into the crystal ball floating in front of her, she monitored the progress of her
four Generals as they continued their relentless march towards the city of Tokyo and
the Earth Palace.

Everything was going according to plan. Soon, the Earth would be hers and
nothing would stop her from completely wiping out the pitiful Moon Kingdom and
dominating the entire universe! Victory would be hers!

She could hardly wait.

Coming out of hiding and looking out a window, Umino viewed the devastation
that had taken place just a few moments ago. "Wow, this looks terrible," he said,
astonished and slightly terrified by the mass destruction he had witnessed, "And I
thought it was supposed to be peaceful out here. Now I wish they never sent me.
Well, I’d better see if anyone else is alive."

Adjusting his glasses, he exited the communications building and proceeded
to look around. There was nothing but broken buildings and debris everywhere. As
he surveyed the extent of the damage, he suddenly heard a pair of voices conversing
with each other. ‘Could it be that there actually are other survivors out there?’ he
thought. ‘I’d better go see if they’re all right.’

He silently ran towards the source of the voices. He wanted to yell out to them
to let them know he was coming, but for some reason, he had a strong feeling that
doing so would be a very bad decision. As he turned the corner, he came to an
abrupt stop and jumped back around the corner before he could be detected.
Carefully peeking around the corner of the building, he took a more careful look at
what he saw.

A huge army of twisted creatures was steadily marching past; following the
orders of two figures whose gray uniforms he didn’t recognize. As he listened to
them talk amongst themselves, he realized that their voices were the ones he had
heard earlier. Now that he was closer, he could hear them clearly.

"Do you think that Jadeite and Nephrite are succeeding as easily as we are?"
the female asked.

"If the pitifully weak struggle these humans put up is any indication, then they
should be," the male answered. "We should reach the Earth Palace at about the
same time. With Jadeite to the south, Nephrite to the west and us to the northeast,
we should be able to surround and destroy the city of Tokyo easily."

"Then, the Earth will belong to Queen Beryl," the female replied.

‘Queen Beryl? So, she’s the one behind this destruction. I’d better warn the
palace before it’s too late,’ Umino thought, quickly dashing back to the
communications building. ‘I just hope I’m not too late already....’

"Sir, we have a incoming signal, Priority One. Origin is forty-five miles, due

Motoki grew concerned at the news. A Priority One signal is something rarely
used, since it was reserved for the direst of emergencies. To use such a signal
could only mean it wouldn’t be good news. "Let’s hear it," he told his communications

"Yes, sir," the officer replied, turning on the receiver. The sound of static
permeated the message, distorting it, but it was still somewhat understandable.

"This is communications officer Umino... grrrzzz ...mergency! We have just
been attacked... grrrzzz ...der the command of someone named Queen Ber...
grrrzzz ...been totally destroyed! They’ve even managed to turn people int... grrrzzz
...gainst us! There are three separate forces, each... grrrzzz ...Palace. One is to
the south, another... grrrzzz ...west and the last one is to the northeast. They...
grrrzzz ...surrounding the palace and destroying... grrrzzz ...warn Prince

"So," a female voice suddenly shouted, cutting in mid-sentence, "it seems
that we have found a survivor... grrrzzz ...already contacted someone!"

"We may have lost... grrrzzz ...of surprise, but that hardly matters," another
male voice added. "It’s already too late... grrrzzz ...taking over your planet for Queen
Beryl. Now, to take care of you... grrrzzz...." There was a small muffled explosion
and then nothing but static.

Motoki was the first to snap out of the stunned silence that seemed to take
hold of everyone in the room. "Turn it off," he said quietly, running his right hand
through his blonde hair nervously.

‘What just happened?’ he thought worriedly. ‘This Queen Beryl.... I’ve never
heard of her before. She just came out of nowhere. We need to inform Prince
Endymion of this at once.’

"Naru, I need you to take a message to General Sakurada immediately," he
said to the palace messenger standing nearby.

"What’s the message?" she asked, waiting.

"Tell her that this is an emergency. We have received a priority one message
of an attack against one of our cities. Although only one message has been
transmitted, there may have been several other attacks where our communications
officers were unable to send an alarm. We need to inform Prince Endymion of what
happened at once. We should also inform Queen Serenity of these attacks as well.
We may need assistance from the Moon. That is all. Please hurry."

"Yes, sir," she replied and left quickly.

"This is disturbing news indeed, Naru," General Sakurada said worriedly. She
had almost finished reviewing a stack of reports from yesterday when Naru rushed
into her office. After hearing Naru recount the message she heard earlier, she had
completely forgotten about them. "Right now, Prince Endymion is on the Moon
attending tonight’s ball. We can’t wait for him to return. We must meet these
invaders before they get here," she said, rising from her desk. "How much time did
Colonel Furuhata say we have until they get here?"

"He didn’t say. He just told me the message to take to you."

"I see. Well, what do you think?"

Naru blinked in surprise for a moment then considered the question. "Well,
I’d guess maybe sometime tomorrow."

"Yes, I’d guess that, too," Sakurada agreed, nodding. She walked over to the
wall where she hung her sword and stared at the blade. It was a medium length
sword with a double edge. On the hilt was engraved the insignia of her office as the
First General of the Earth’s army - a crescent moon with the symbol for Earth
placed in the hollow. I’ve never really had to use this thing before. Now, my life may
depend on how well I can use it. She sighed and turned back to Naru.

"Three separate groups and they all have to be stopped at once? This is just
perfect," she muttered irritably, starting to pace back and forth. "I guess there’s just
no choice but to split the army three ways take them all on at once." She stopped,
sighed again and sat back down at her desk. "Thank you, Naru. When you reach
Prince Endymion, please let him know what’s going on down here. I think it would be
best if he asked Queen Serenity for some assistance as well. We’re going to need it.
Now, please hurry."

"Yes, ma’am," Naru replied and rushed out of the office as fast as she had
previously entered.

Sakurada’s expression darkened as she brooded over her situation. ‘Three
groups to fight at once? I don’t like it one bit, but I don’t have any say in the matter.
These invaders have to be stopped or at least stalled until Prince Endymion could
arrive with reinforcements. Now, what did Naru say? One group to the south, one
to the west and one to the northeast? Well, I’ll take the group to the south. Hmm... I
think I’ll send General Nagashima to the west and General Akiyama to the
northeast. Now, that that’s decided, I’d better go make preparations.’

As she left to prepare for the upcoming battles, she sighed softly at the
realization that the long era of peace they had enjoyed was now over. Even worse,
their own people were being forcibly turned against them. Not only would they have
to fight Queen Beryl’s forces, but they may have to fight their own people as well.

‘One thing’s for sure, Queen Beryl won’t get away with this!’

Disclaimer: All original materials belong to their respective owners. Sailor Moon belongs
to Naoko Takeuchi and is also Copyright © Kodansha, Toei Animation, TV Asahi, Bandai, DIC,
Cloverway, Pioneer, etc. No copyright infringement is intended. This story belongs me, so I
would appreciate it very much if you would ask for permission before posting it anywhere else.

Thank you.

Earth Scout Chronicles, Kino Ryoku:
Copyright © 1999-2003 Jason C. Ulloa.
All Rights Reserved.