Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Orb Sega ❯ Volt Comes Thundering In ( Chapter 9 )

[ A - All Readers ]
In the dark castle of Dark Crystal the warriors were discussing the matters. Angeldaze said, "I still don't see why we have to drive the scouts out in the first place.." Black Raven snapped, "Because it is the queen's ordors, why esle?" Redclaw snapped, "We don't have to question her odors!" The queen appeared as she said, "You are all right. I have a new plan. I want them all driven out so I can get their ulminate weapons in one place and then take them away forever. Now anyone go, but I didn't except Death to be here so soon. One draw back." Meanwhile back on Earth it was a stormy and lighting day. Everyone once agian was at Raye's temple. Raye looked outside the temple as she asked, "Is it just me or is it the weather acting up with all thses distrubes?" Michelle answered, "I believe it does. The sea has been acting weird." Amara replied, "The wind also has been stress lately." Dark asked, "Then what does this all means?" Death answered, "Something is coming. I am not sure what though." Hortu replied, "I felt something too, couldn't place it though." Light asked, "Princess, what are they up to?" The princess answered, "I really don't know. They changed their ways, by now I figure they would have maybe got one of us..." Trisha replied, "We have no choice, but to wait it out." Serena replied, "I don't like that plan.." Amy piped up, "I agree." Mina and Mako piped up, "We don't care, just as long as we can fight back." "Then everyone agreed? We wait it out?" Energy turned and gasped, "Ice, I thought..." Ice snapped, "It not what you all think." Dark asked, "Then what is it?" Ice glared at Dark as she snapped,"Things are getting to dangerous! I decided that I am now going to be with you at all times, just be on the safe side." Light said, "Good. Now we have everybody toegther." After the meeting all the girl went to the school. The teacher said, "Students, we have a new girl. Her name is Volt." Volt entered as she said, "Hello. I am glad to be here." The teacher told her to find any seat that was aviable. She choose a seat in the back. Finally it was lunch time. Serena meet her friends in the back of the school. Mina asked, "So, what you think of the new girl?" Serena replied, "Didn't notice anything strange, if that was what you meant." Mina grinned as she replied, "You got me." Mako said, "I'll go talk to her." Dark snapped, "Sure you should?" Mako replied, "We all can't hide from her, forever. Plus I know that feeling feels like. I don't want her to feel like that just because we have no reaons at all not to apparch her." Light said, "I think that is a great idea." Mako walked over and said, "Hi, names Mako." The girl replied, "Names Volt. Your in my class, right?" Mako nodded as she asked, "What are you staring at?" Volt hestiated for a second as she replied, "The lighting, I like to watch the lighting. Somehow it calms me." Mako replied, "I don't find that weird, if that is what you are worried about, Volt." Volt smiled. Mako grinned back. Suddenly every glass broke in the school's buliding. Mako and Volt went out of the way. Volt snapped, "Who in the hell did that?" Redclaw laughed as she replied, "Me, names Redclaw. I found a strange energy reading here. Are you it?" Volt snapped, "I don't know and I don't care!" Mako yelled, "Go in the back, I can take care of her." Volt nodded as she went into the back. Redclaw yelled, "Claw Slash Strike!" Mako dodged as much as she could as the others transformed before anyone could see them. "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!" Redclaw screamed as it only maganed to hit her arm. She turned and glared at the scouts. Mako quickliy transformed. Redclaw looked back as she gasped, "Where did you come from?!" "Jupiter Oak Revultion!" Redclaw maganed to dodge it. Volt watching all of this had a sudden urge to join, but how? Suddenly she heard a voice yell out, "Lighting is in you!" Volt saw the lighting strike outside as she whisper, "Sailor Volt Power, Makeup!" Ice turned and yelled, "Make room!" Everyone was confused, but did what Ice said. Volt yelled, "Volt Elertic Shock!" Redclaw was surrunded in lighting as it caused her to be thrown out of the buliding. Sailor Jupiter said, "Nice." Volt stared at the shattered windows. Sailor Moon started to walk up,but than Dark walked up and said, "Welcome to the team, Volt." Volt nodded and smiled.