Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Sailor Earth Saga 4- Banishing The Wiseman ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Banishing the Wiseman-Part 3-Tension

Author: Ellie Shields

Sailor Earth stood there stunned.

" does he know my name?"

"Hey, who are you?" Sailor Uranus called to the figure in black. Sailor Earth
spun around and saw the mysterious figure. All she could see of him were his
gauntlets, crackling with black lightning.

"I'm a friend, that's all you need to know." And he disappeared.

"Well, whoever he was, he sure did help," Sailor Moon said.

"Why in hell did the Wiseman want to come back for me? What does he want me
for?" Sailor Earth said.

"Hey! Little girl! Wait!!" Tuxedo Mask yelled after the little girl the Wiseman
was attacking, who was now running away.


Elie, tired but unable to sleep, walked down the hall to Darien's room. She
stopped and shighed as she saw the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door. 'He must
have Serena and Reenie over over for the night,' Ellie thought to herself. She
sighed and debated if she should wake Demitri up.

"Can't sheep?" a voice said from behind her, and she jumped and whirled around.

"Ohmigod, Demitri! You scared me!"

"Sorry." He grinned deviously.

"Yeah right," Ellie said. "Well, I really can't sleep..."

"Come on," Demitri said, putting one gauntleted hand on Ellie's shoulder. She
felt a familiar jolt, not like the one she felt from Damien, this one was
different. It brang back half-hidden emotions she knew nothing about.

"What was that..." Ellie said quietly.

"Huh?" Demitri said as he led Ellie to his room.

"Oh, psychometry is going crazy lately." (Note- in the manga,
Darien has the power of psychometry, and apparently it runs in the family.)

"Okay, whatever..."

The two of them entered his room, and Ellie sat herself down in his desk chair.

"Here, have a blanket," Demitri said and threw her a blanket.

"Thanks," she said as she pulled it off of her head.

"Sooo, what's on your mind, kiddo?"

"I don't know if I can tell you."

"Babe, I got lots of secrets. If you share yours with me, they'll never leave
this room."

Ellie sighed. She nervously looked atround the room, and then her eyes fell on
Demitri's gauntlets.

"Hey, Demitri, do you wear those all the time?" she said, motioning to the
studded gauntlets, that looked oddly familiar. These days, though, everything
looked oddly familiar. An image then flashed into her mind, of those same
gauntlets surrounded by black lightning.

"Heeeeeeyyyy.......You were the one who helped us out tonight, weren't you."
Ellie smiled at him.


"Oh, come on. I'd know those gauntlets anywhere."

"All right, all right, it was me..." Demitri said. "You seem to get me to tell
you anything."

" I can tell you why I can't get to sleep..." Ellie sighed. "How did
the Wiseman know my real name? Why does he want me? God, I don't even feel safe
in my own bed anymore."

Demitri sighed. It hurt him so much to not be able to hold her. But he had to
keep his distance...for now. He had to protect her, and then maybe she could
know the truth....


3 years ago...

"Demitri, why do you have to leave?"

"I just have to go, Ell. I need to."

"But..." Ellie sobbed. "You can't leave me."

"I can and I will."

"Please, Demitri, we're soulmates!"

"I don't want to do this to you."

"Then don't!"

"It's gonna kill me to do this..." he held out one gauntleted hand to Ellie's
forehead, and a bluish energy flowed from it.

"You will forget me...forget that I even exist." Demitri watched as Ellie's
pained expression and teary eyes changed to a calm and emotionless face and
dull, distant eyes.

"I will forget..."Ellie said in a monotonous voice.

Demitri then removed his hand from her head, and, catching one last glimpse of
her beautiful face, turned and teleported away, a lone tear rolling down his
face. It was the first time Demitri "Jet" Shields had cried.


"I'm sorry, Ell," Demitri said.

"Why?" Ellie said.

"Oh, nothing."

"You can tell me," Ellie said, her face caring. "As you said, nothing leaves
this room." She smiled hopefully.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

"Okay." Ellie sighed.

"But back to your problem..." Demitri said. "Y'know, this is weird that Wiseman
knows your name..."

"It's like he knew me from a past life of his or something."

"Hmmmm..." Demitri said. "Well, it is possible. I mean, he could be from the
future, and he might know you from there, and, oh I don't know.....Ellie, are
you listening?"

He turned his head, and saw that Ellie had fallen asleep, curled up under his
blanket. He got up from hit spot on the side of his bed, carefully picked up
Ellie, and carried her down the hall to her own bedroom. He set her gently down
on her bed, pulled the blanket he had given her over her sleeping body, and
gently kissed her forehead.

"Soon you'll know the truth."