Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Sailor Earth Saga 4- Banishing The Wiseman ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Banishing the Wiseman-Part 6-The Past Revealed

Author: Ellie Shields

"So now comes the big fight, huh," Raye said.

"Exactly," Guardian Demitri said.

"Dad, we want to help." A young man and a boy a few years older than Reenie
entered from the other room. They both looked like Demitri, but the older one
had brown hair like his mother.

"Oh, Sailor Senshi, I'd like you to meet my other two children, Demitri Rain and
Dominic." Guardian Demitri smiled. "Would you guys terribly mind if they
accompanied you?"

"No, no problem," Serena said.

"Okay, everyone, let's henshin." Demitri's face was stone cold in expression,
filled with determination to get his love back.


"Demitri," Queen Serenity said to the young boy, "we have created you to protect
the Princess of Earth." Next to Queen Serenity stood Queen Endiana of Earth,
holding the small princess in her arms. "You are not like the other protectors.
You are not human. You have the lifespan of a human, and you look like one, but
you are different from them. You have the ability to control the dark energies."

"Okay," young Demitri said.

"Would you like to see your princess, Demitri?" Queen Endiana said. Demitri
nodded. Queen Endiana bent down low and Demitri came close to see the girl he
would be protecting. Baby Ellie's eyes were closed, as she was sleeping, but as
soon as Demitri caught his first glimpse of her, her wide brown eyes opened and
she smiled at him.

"I think she knows you're her protector," Endiana said with a smile.


"Demitri?" A young girl's voice called through the halls of the palace.

"Coming, Princess!" A boy of about 12 years of age ran to where the voice was
calling from. He entered the room to see a beautiful young girl, about 7 years
old, sitting on a bed, under the blankets. The girl had shoulder length brown
hair pulled up in double odango, and beautiful brown eyes that stirred up
unknown emotions in the boy.

"Demitri, can you get me some kleenex?" she said sweetly.

"Of course, Princess." He ran down the hall to the supply closet and ran back
with a box of kleenex.

"You're lucky, this is the last box."

"Thank you, Demitri." She gratefully take the box, opened it, took a kleenex
out, and blew her nose. "Come on, Demitri, have a seat."

"Oh, I can't..."

"You're my protector and you should do what I tell you," Ellie said with a
giggle. Demitri smiled at the girl's act of mock control and sat down on her

"Demitri, why aren't you sick? Everybody else is..." Ellie drew her blankets
around her and moved closer to Demitri.

"Well, you could say I'm kinda special."

"In what way? We're all special, we all have the blood of the Silver Millenium
running through our veins and we have an eternal lifespan."

"Well, I'm not...human."

"Oh,it's okay," the non-judgemental princess said. "I still love you."

"Love?" Demitri said. He had never experienced love, only hate, anger, and the
small bit of tenderness he recieved from his princess.

"Yes, love. It's what happens when you care about somebody a lot." Ellie leaned
her head against Demitri's arm.

" about me?"

"Yes, I do."


"And I love you." The little princess snuggled in Demitri's arms and fell

"Love..." Demitri said to himself.


"Princess!! Are you ready for the ball?"

"Almost! And Demitri, I told you not to call me Princess anymore! I'm Endia!!"

Ellie and Demitri had grown, Demitri at the age of 21, and Ellie at the age of
16. Ellie had taken the royal name of Endia.

"No, I think I'll call you....Ellie."

"Quit it, Demitri! Or I'll shut you up."

Ellie stepped out of her room, wearing a beautiful verdant green gown with no
sleeves and a low-cut neckline. Her brown hair was done up in it's usual double
odango, but it had grown much longer and flowed down to her knees. Needless to
say, Demitri was drooling.

"Wow...." was all he could say. Ellie giggled.

"One of the perks of being my guardian, huh?"

"Yeah.....Oh, Ell, before we go to the ball, Can I talk to you in the gardens
for a second?"

"Sure, Demitri." He took the beautiful princess's hand and led her to the
beautiful gardens. He stopped before a patch of pink roses, the ones Ellie cared

"Ellie, I have a question to ask."


"Do you still love me?"

"Yes, I've loved you from the moment I saw you when I was a baby."

"Well, then..." Demitri reached into his pocket and puulled out a small box. He
put one hand on Ellie's shoulder, and with the other he took Ellie's hand.

"Ellie, I've never been sure of what love was, until recently. I am in love with
you, and I'm sure of it. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life." He
opened the box, and in it was a ring with a beautiful diamond on it. He took his
hand off of her shoulder and gently took Ellie's left hand. As he did that, a
feeling of warmth and extreme emotion shot through them both.

"Ellie, my soulmate, will you be my wife?" he said as he slipped on the ring.

"Ohh....yes, yes, I will..." Ellie said softly. She looked at him, saw the love
in his usually emotionless crimson eyes, and threw her arms around him.

"Oh, Demitri," she whispered into his ear. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said.


Ellie woke up in a dark room, shivering.

"The truth..." Ellie said. " wasn't a dream...."