Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Top Symptoms For Being a SM FREAK!!! ❯ MORE MORE MORE! ( Chapter 1 )

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MORE Symptoms of being a Sailor Moon FREAK!!!!

I love this list!!!!

1. When you get mad at your teacher, you jump on your desk and start to sing Moonight Revenge -starts to sing and recieves stares but ignores them-

2. You have all the Sailor Moon paraphenelia that you've ever seen

3. You ignore the dress code at school & you wear the Juuban or Azabu school uniform

4. You work at a temple

5. You say that your last name is the last name of any of the Sailor Moon Charachters

6. When you gat a locket, you cry out one of the scouts henshin calls but it dosen't work so you use your ripped fuku

7. Your napster list is all the Sailor Moon songs in many different languages

8. You want to go to Juuban Junior High

9. You always ask the best cook in your class for lunch [that's from one of the episodes...]