Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What in The?? ❯ You Really Got Me ( Chapter 1 )

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What In The....?!-A Crossover Story
1 You Really Got Me

"Cold...." That was his first though. Then a moment later, "where the hell am I?" Emerald eyes opened slowly.
:: Kunzite?! ::
The mindsend was confused and sounded small and lonely, echoing endlessly in the inky blackness.
Dark blue eyes opened groggily. "What...who..where in the name of the Gods of Darkness am I?" The man looked around. "Gods," he thought with a grimace, " I feel like I've got the mother of all hangovers." His hand absently went up to brush wavy auburn hair out of his face. "Where are the others?" Was his last thought before he lapsed back into unconciousness.
Cold, pale blue eyes stared around, darting from corner to corner. The man stood up and walked around, testing the limits of the space he was enclosed in. "Now," he thought," how the hell am I supposed to get out of here, hmm?"
:: Nephrite, Kunzite, Zoisite? Are any of you out there? ::
The only reply was the empty silence. Feeling very small and insignificant, he lay back down on the remains of the ice crystal that had been imprisoning him when he had first awoken.
He woke to a silence so complete that it seemed to have a life of its own. He groaned and sat up silently. "What in the.?" he thought as he heard ice breaking as his form lifted itself from the barren ground. He looked down at himself. Ice was coated thinly over every inch of his body, giving it a strange blueish-whiteish sheen. When he shook his head to clear it, icicles clinging to his hair chimed together merrily, sounding like mocking silvery laughter, before breaking and crashing to the ground in a million pieces. Still half-asleep, he noticed that his cape, his beloved cape, was missing! "This is just *too* much," he thought. "First, I wake up in some godforsaken void with ice all over me, and now my cape is gone!" A faint mindsend interrupted his furious tirade.
:: Kunzite?! ::
"Zoisite!!" He croaked out hoarsely, his voice unused to talking after so much disuse. He almost smacked himself when he realized that his lover wouldn't be able to hear him that way. He tried again, this time telepathically.
:: Zoisite, are you out there? ::
:: Kunzite?! :: The voice came back inside his head; he could feel his lovers sheer happiness crashing over him like a tidal wave through the link, echoing his feelings.
:: Zoisite! Where are you? Are you OK? :: It all came out in the minds equivalent of a jumble of strewn together words.
:: Erm, I mean, how are you? ::
Zoisite's amused chuckle (giggle?) shone clearly through.
:: I'm fine Kunzite. Where are we? ::
:: I don't know. Can you tell if Nephrite or Jadeite are here somewhere? ::
:: Hmm, don't know. Let me try, OK? :: His send broke off as he tried to locate the other two generals.
Soon, his thought came back.
:: I found Jadeite, but I can't find Nephrite :: Kunzite thought that Zoisite didn't sound too terribly displease with this last.
:: Let me try to find him love, :: he sent, before breaking off the message. He pushed his awareness out into the darkness, searching. Ah, yes, there was Zoisite, a bright spot of emerald fire. Jadeite as well. Now, where was Nephrite? He sent his consciousness out still farther, expending his resources. There!
:: Nephrite!:: Kunzite mindsent the word to the others life force as loud as he could.
:: Kunzite? Leave me alone.. ::
:: Not a chance. We've been trying to locate you for what seems like forever. Well, at least I have. I used up a considerable amount of my strength locating you. There's not a chance I'm now just going to go away and leave you alone. ::
:: All right, all right, just shut up already. You sure you don't want to leave me in *peace*? ::
:: Hmm, well Zoisite *would* like it if.. :: He was broken off by Nephrite's mindsend.
:: I will never give him that pleasure. Sorry to disappoint the little sakura but I'm not going to let him win that easily. I.. :: His mindsend ended abrubtly.
:: Neph :: Suddenly Kunzite's mind broke the contact as all of his senses were permeated by a brilliant white light. "Interesting," he thought as he was steadily engulfed by the rising tide of white light, " it's not at all like the Silver Crystal. It doesn't hurt at all!" After this thought, he was gone, along with the rest of the generals. The only witness to testify that they had ever been there was the indifferent silence and the consuming blackness.
**~_~**End Ch. 1 **
------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------End Notes: I can't spell so, please, forgive my many spelling errors. Thanks! I used Silver Crystal because I don't know how to spell the proper name. Let me know what you think! Please, please, please, please, please!! Gomen Arigato! Later!