Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ When Destiny Changed ❯ Reclaiming ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi again! For my readers from "Forever", if you do decide to read this one as well, no, I have not dropped off the face of the Earth. Just hanging off the side ^^; Any way, this is a different step for me so I hope it all goes well. It's been bugging since I watched all the Stars series in subtitled. Yeah, I bought them from VKLL, great place to go. So, I hope this all goes well. And I so made up my mind Mamoru and Usagi should be together. Until I happened upon the wonderful Stars series. Oh, I'm so undecided. Well, for you who hope for a certain character to pop up, you'll be in for a surprise. Cha! ^^


Disclaimer: Don't own SM. The wonderful Naoko does. ^^

Chapter Two

The window blew open suddenly, ceasing all talk in the bedroom. Raven hair flutter about my face like little wisps of branches on a weeping willow. My skin went cold and my eyes narrowed. Standing, I went to the window, thinking I saw a flash, heard a distant rumble. Approaching the window, I saw nothing. Nothing but a clear night and a soft breeze. I sighed.

"Something the matter Rei-chan?" Makoto asked concerned.

"I'm not sure," I whispered as I closed the window a bit, leaving it open a crack. "Must be a storm coming, or so I thought but I don't see anything. Did you feel it?"

Makoto blinked as did Minako, "No, not really. It felt a bit cold for a minute, that's all. Just the wind."

I turned back to the window, whispering, "I hope so."

They started chatting again when Makoto suddenly perked up, "Humph! Sounds like sirens again. Wonder who broke into Osako's this time?"

I felt cold again, very cold. My cup dropped, shattering to the ground. Words, soft words. I heard them.


"Rei-chan," Minako jumped up, "What? What's wrong?"

"No," I whispered, I could feel hot tears coming to my eyes, "No."

"You're scaring us," Makoto jumped in, "What-"

Before she could finish, the sound of rushing feet tripping and hitting the ground hard could be heard, getting closer to my door. The door slid open with such impact it almost broke. And there stood a very pale and shaking Ami, the look of complete fear and surprise in her eyes. Her words came haggardly, "Rei-chan, Minako-chan, Makoto-chan! Something…I don't know how…It can't be…!" She dropped to the floor on her knees, tears pouring, something I never saw on Ami so fervently.

Minako went to her side as she looked up and I saw in her eyes what I knew in my heart. Warm tears trickled down my face as I gripped Makoto hand hard. "I know, Ami-chan."

Looking at the once again open window, the curtain blowing gently, I swallowed hard.

"It's Usagi."