Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Why I love Fish Eye ❯ Why I love Fish Eye ( Prologue )

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Why do I love Fish Eye? Why should you love Fish Eye? Well let me first explain how I came to be in this position with Fish Eye. It was February of 1999, how I know I can not say. I had just discovered the wonderful world of anime in June of the previous year (1998), so my eyes were clouded from the true nature of anime. At that point in time, I had just gotten the internet at home, I was just discovering chat rooms at school, and I was learning more about one of the only animes that I knew of at that time: Sailor Moon.
If some of you have been fans longer than I, you may recall a quite wonderful site: Now I was a big Sailor-V/Venus fan, so when a friend referred me to the site, I admired the layout, and just everything about it. Including the fanfiction section. Fanfiction was new, and different to me, but I thought it was pretty cool. I even started writing a few of my own. It was all Negaverse stories though. Most were funny, but there were a few sagas. Unfortunately for me, at that time, I stayed away from quite a few simply because in my stupid head, I had no idea just who the "Kings" were.
Thinking I wouldn't understand I just didn't read them. Now that is gone I wish I would have. There was one though, that I took a chance with. It was Bishounen No Mori: Forest of Pretty Boys. I discovered many things from this. I read a few lines, and realized I didn't recognize half the characters, but the other half I did. I found a name conversion chart for Sailor Moon, and I was well on my way. For a while I was convinced that the author had made up these weird people named respectively: Hawk Eye, Tiger Eye, and Fish Eye. It was also here that I detected the fact that Zoicite was a man.
Now my friends and I had speculated. Because for a woman (in the dub) we had thought that "she" had a pretty small chest size. Not that we go around comparing anime women's bust sizes, but compared to the overly-matured 14 year old senshi, we thought there was a possibility that something was not right. As I stated, our suspicions were confirmed. While surfing on the net one boring afternoon I was flabbergasted to find that in fact Hawk Eye, Tiger Eye, and Fish Eye were not fiction at all!
Okay perhaps and exclamation there was a tad inappropriate, but anyways. While reading the fic, I had simply fallen in love with Fish Eye. Yes perhaps he was gay, but his comedic remedies were simply too hilarious. It was not only his comedy, but his charm, and blue hair, and just the way he was so naive, and open to life. After doing research I found that his personality seemed to be correct. It was then that I launched a search for anything, and everything Fish Eye. I came across Memoirs of a Fish, and Stakya's Bishounen Gallery, which a have been great assets to this establishment. Few other web-sites offered insight into the mind of this funny "guy". Which is a sad thing, because not many know of just how great of a person he really is.
In closing I would just ask you all to think about the characters that you deem your favorites. Ask yourself how many others out there worship them as well. If the answer to that is few, then give yourself a pat on the back for adopting someone who needs followers as much as the rest. If the answer is a lot, then do some work, look through your favorite animes, I'm sure there are likable, even lovable characters whom nobody has paid much attention to.
In the end nobody wins when it comes to Fish Eye. His dub job was terrible. Though I was glad to see him on the small screen, and we all knew it was inevitable that he would be dubbed as a female, nothing can compare to the original. The original Fish Eye that opened my eyes, and brought the world of anime closer to my heart. Perhaps by reading this I have convinced you that Fish Eye is a good "guy", or that you should love the little guy as much as the hero, or maybe nothing at all. But even if the latter is the case, maybe you'll leave here today, and tell yourself that you need to broaden your horizons of anime. And any of these things are an accomplishment to me. So thank you for reading, and if you see Fish Eye, tell him I said hi. ^_~
~Sailor @ngie 10-4 & Out =)
|Trio Images|Villain Fan Fiction|Amazon Trio Links|Amazon Trio Victim List|Why I Love Fishy|Fish Eye's Profile|Tiger Eye's Profile|Hawk Eye's Profile|

(c) Sailor @ngie 2000

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