Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Will You?...I Will! ❯ Chapter 4- Kunzite & Mina ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]
By Sailor DKC

Chapter 4- Kunzite and Mina

Mina stood backstage, taking deep breaths of excitement.
The popular music producer Moroboshi Takiya has called her a week
before to test out a new song he created and wrote. He remembered her
passing the final round of the idol audition in which he himself was
a judge. He admired her strong will and her ability to shine like an
idol so he asked her to come over to his music studio to try out his
new song.
Wearing an adorable short yellow gold dress (a similar
version to her princess gown), Mina shifted from one foot to another,
unable to contain her glee. She peeked into the empty audience and
saw Moroboshi and her boyfriend, Keith (Kunzite), sitting at the
front row. Keith came over to give her moral support, and she loved
him for that. ‘He even cancelled his publisher’s meeting to be here
for me!’ she thought as she gazed at him lovingly.

Keith turned, saw her, winked, and gave her a thumbs’ up.
She waved back and ducked backstage. ‘Ok,’ she thought as she
breathed in and out. ‘Be calm, sing out your best, and have fun!’
“Mina!” called out Moroboshi. “We’re ready when you are!”
‘Here goes!’ She walked out on stage and stood behind the
Moroboshi called out again. “Cue music!”
As the song filled the auditorium, Mina looked at Keith
and smiled. As he smiled back, Mina swayed bodily into the music and

Stirred by impulses
That there’s nothing I can do
That has begun for me now
Feelings searching for you

Just like predictable movies
And books are boring
When life is a little bit off
It might be more fun

The warm feeling is
C’est la vie
As long as I am me
C’est la vie
I want to keep on being in love with you…

As Mina sang, she felt so exhilarated that she actually
visualized the full audience, cheering and clapping for her. It was a
great feeling to be onstage. When she finished, she looked at the
front row and was puzzled to see only Moroboshi there. ‘Where did
Keith go?’ she thought.
The music producer was shaking his head. “Mmm, I don’t
know, Mina. You sang pretty well, but we’re thinking of another
person who might be the one we’re looking for.”
“Huh?” Mina gave an outrageous look. “Who else could there
be? Why didn’t you tell me I had competition?”
Moroboshi smiled, then snapped his fingers. Instantly the
whole place went dark. “Hey!” yelled Mina. Then a spotlight appeared
on her, and a new song began playing, and it sounded familiar to her.
‘That’s my song, “Route Venus”!’ she thought. Then another spotlight
appeared a few feet away from her.

In the spotlight was Keith, flinging aside a white cape
from his shoulder, making him look so general-like, along with his
simple light blue shirt and grey slacks. He started singing, and Mina
smiled, realizing this was all a fun setup. ‘But for what?’ she
Keith stared at her seriously as he sang this part:

Your duty, don’t forget
Who you love the most
It’s hard but
Looking away from here
The desert’s dawn

Open that window
It’s your turn to start
Close your eyes
You wanted this
Last night’s kiss
Remember it…

Mina’s heart thumped wildly as Keith continued singing.
When he was done, she clasped her mouth with her hand as he got down
on one knee. “Mina,” he began, “first of all, the producer and I
planned all this, but importantly, you were already chosen to sing
‘C’est La Vie’. Also, this is so I can make your dream come true.”
He produced a small gold velvet box, and she gasped as he opened it.
In it was a gold ring with a kunzite for its stone.
“Mina, this is the start of your idol career. I don’t want
to stand in your way because I know this is your dream. And I’ll wait
for until you are ready. And when you are, Minako Aino, will you…” he
bent his head “…marry me?”

“Oh, Keith!” Mina flung herself into his arms so hard that
he fell backwards on his seat with her in his lap. “Of course…” She
kiss pecked all over his face. “…I will! I love you, Keith Etiznuk!”
“And I love you!” He placed the ring on her finger.
Touching his face to get his attention, she said,
“And you don’t have to wait for me. Next to being an idol star,
getting married to you is my dream come true.”
They kissed tenderly.
Smiling, Moroboshi got up from his seat, snapped his
fingers again, and left. “Route Venus” played instrumentally while
the couple still kissed onstage.


To be continued…Epilogue