Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Medic Dodgeball: FF7 vs. InuYasha ❯ Changes ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Medic Dodgeball: Chapther 2: Changes

Disclaimer: Do I REALLY have to do this! If I owned FF7 or Inuyasha, I wouldn't be sitting here writing a fanfic know would I?

Katana: WELL! It's summer time, sorry it's taken me so long. I get depressed in the summer because I never see any of my ya go......

"I know you'll probably have a lot of questions and I will answer them now..." Katana said happily. "Team Inuyasha, you may go first..."

Inuyasha stepped forward. "Fine, who the heck are you?" he shouted.
Katana sighed. "I told you, I'm Katana. Next?"

Kagome stepped forward. "What do you want with us?"

Kagome backed away slowly. Then Sango stepped forward. "Does Miroku love me?" she asked.
"Nope." Katana said bluntly. "Shippo? You wanna go?"

Shippo stepped forward. "Yes. Can I have a hug?"
"Maybe later..." Katana sighed.

Miroku was next. "Will you bear my children?"
"Sure.' Katana said. "But I love Sephiroth more..."
Miroku then recieved a whack from Sango with her Hurikotsu (K: is that how you spell it?)

Kirara stepped forward and meowed.
"Well...ok then..." Katana said sounding comfused. "I'll let you.."

Kikyo stepped forward. "I just wanted to say that I will kill you all."
"Thanks for that..." Katana said. "Any questions from Team Final Fantasy?"
Cloud stepped forward. "Yes," he said. "What if we refuse to do this?"
"If you refuse, I will have all the guys chained to a the walls in my basement...and the girls? They go to....JOEY!!! (K: Sorry, inside joke)" Katana said with an evil grin. "The same awaits the losers...The winning team will go free..."
"YES!" Cait Sith said pounding on RedXIII's head. "How are we supposed to play? We got no hands! Or none big enough!"
"Hm...Good point..." Katana said. "Well then..." Cait Sith and RedXIII dissappeared. "In the place of them will be....Yuffie and Vincent..."

At that instant, a very confused, Yuffie and Vincent appeared in the court. Cloud and Aerith briefed them on what was going on and when they got the idea, everyone turned again to Katana. "You shall now proceed to the team locker rooms to get a briefing on the rules and to get your equipment and when you come back out, the game will begin!"

Katana: Well, that's all for now. I apologize for the short chapters, I have a short attention span. I put in Yuffie and Vincent at the request of my friend and co-writer Ashley, so if you like Cait Sith and RedXIII, sorry again. Please write me or said me a comment with who you'd like to win the tournament. And by the way, I DID write the next chapter to my Disney fic...but...MY BROTHER SET IT ON FIRE!!! ARGH! I WILL kill I'm sorry....I will rewrite it when i get a chance, and please be patient with me and my slow writing.....Until next time!

Next: The Game finally starts and both teams have very...unique ways of fighting....ur..playing....Who will win? That depends on you!