Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction ❯ saiyuki mix up ❯ the beginning ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: no I don't own saiyuki
“Get back here monkey!” Goku burst through an open window, smashing the screen, with a very angry Kenren at his tail. Goku ran through the bathroom he had landed in and came out the other end wet. Karai looked up from where she was laying to see what the noise was. “What the hell?” she said when a young boy and a red haired man burst through the bathroom door of her and Sasha's room, “why are there boys in our room” snapped Karai, “get out!” “Monkey! Get back here Goku!” “No way Kenren, make me” shouted Goku back. They ran out the front door and then heard “You stupid boys”, they turned around to see two very angry girls speeding in their direction. “Crap” said Kenren before bolting down the hallway with Goku trailing behind him closely. “Sasha, shouldn't you get clothes on?” Sasha halted and looked at the towel wrapped around her waist, “nah, it'll do for this” she said. Then Goku crashed to the floor as he ran into Konzen and Tenpou coming out of the library. “What did you do now monkey?” “Nothing” whined Goku. Tenpou apologized to the girls and they walked back to their room, muttering to each other. “Stupid boys” said Karai as they reached their room, flopping onto the bed. “They can't help themselves” replied Sasha, she grabbed some clothes and put them on just as they were summoned to the palace by the Jade Emperor. The messenger said that it was something about causing havoc to the god's temple. Sasha and Karai walked to the palace and stood before the Jade Emperor. “What?” asked Karai, crossing her arms, Sasha copied the action and they both glared at the man sitting on the throne with a shocked look on his face. The room gasped at their apparent rudeness. “You both have caused much trouble in the heavens. So I am sending you to the lower world where you were will be frozen in the age you are now and locked away in caves till I say otherwise. This is your punishment” the Emperor declared. Karai frowned before muttering something to Sasha and then she laughed evilly. Sasha smiled and said “fine but we need to `pack' first”. “Fine, go and pack” replied the emperor, missing the quotations around pack. Karai and Sasha looked at each other, smiled, and then walked out. Just then there was a BANG. “What was that?” yelled someone as the floor shook. A messenger boy ran in covered in soot, he said “the god's grand building have just been blown to pieces, everything of value was destroyed” before collapsing. While someone helped the man out of the room the Emperor frowned, “those girls are menaces and have to go”. He summoned the girls again, while guards held them still he snapped a metal choker around Karai's neck and a metal bracelet on Sasha's wrist. “these are binders” he said standing back and motioning forward the guards holding the only thing that could knock these two out, solid steel clubs. “The first person you touch, you will be bound to them. You will be unable to hurt or kill them and must do what they say”. “Teme!” shouted Karai before the guards hit them hard and even then it took at least five hits to knock them totally unconscious. Then Sasha and Karai's world blacked out.
Two Hours Later:
“Ugh, damn gods”, Sasha sat up and looked around. She was in a mountain top cave with talismans' on the rock bars. “Weaklings, you can't get rid of us so you lock us away, right Karai”. It was then she realised that Karai wasn't there. “Bastards, they knew that together we would break out easily” Sasha said before leaning back on the rocks and closing her eyes. “We will grow stronger, break out and then destroy this world and then the heavens, we won't destroy one room next time, we will completely destroy the heavens”. Sasha lay back into a more comfy spot and looked at the thing on her wrist, on it said `bound for life'. Well that sucks thought Sasha since we are immortal still, then she went to sleep.
“Damn, damn, damn” shouted Karai, punching the rocks around her. “I am so going to kill every single one of those gods when I get back to the heavens”, Karai stopped and looked at her knuckles, they were red, raw and bleeding. “Shoot” said Karai, leaning back to sit on the ground, she concentrated and watching the wounds heal and then were fine. “First I will grow stronger and break out of this dumb cave and then I will find Sasha, then we will destroy this measly world”. Karai lay back against the wall and closed her eyes. “Oh, and then I will break out of this stupid cave”. “Stupid gods” muttered Karai before going to sleep.
Please review, this is my first fic.
To be Continued..