Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ ALPHA UNIVERSE SAGA: JENSEITS VON GUT UN BOSE ❯ Chapter 03 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 03: Missing Link
“Calico….Spectra…!!?” Ave yelled and quickly activated his Argan's Rush Scythe. “Damn…in this kind of time where we still don't have any weapon…” Shinjiro cursed and he quickly helped Gemini to hide in one of the nearby ruined building. “So…so…so…struggling against the fate of Primal Reflection as you cannot achieve what the Original could achieve…right…!!?” Calico taunted. Ave just remains silent. “Alisa…let me borrow this…!” before Alisa could answer, Halko already climbed and enter GM Sniper II cockpit and close the cockpit hatch. “Ave…hold on…I will help you…” Halko quickly activated the GM Sniper II and being a newtype is a quite advantage for her.
“How if the copy beat the original…? Sound interesting isn't it…?” Ave replied with an evilly grin on his face. Spectra didn't waste anytime and draw his Aur Blade, dashed forward and slashed the weapon toward Argan. Ave quickly blocked her attack by using his Scythe. “It is interesting to see how Primal Reflection fight us…Originals in this hopeless battle…” Calico commented. Suddenly Calico realizes about incoming danger and dodge the attack by flew his Varuch Baal. A huge energy beam attack slammed toward him but it missed completely. Calico quickly realized that in front of him stood GM Sniper II.
“What the hell…!?” he saw everything in disbelief especially after the GM Sniper II discarded its beam sniper rifle and activated its beam saber. “I will never let you go near Ave…!” Halko yelled toward Varuch Baal meanwhile Calico just laughed when he heard that threat. “What's funny…!!!?” Halko demanded. “A mere obsolete machine want to fight against my Vessel of Time Diver…how amusing…and…I WILL TEACH YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE HAVE NO CHANCE TO SCRATCH ME…!!!” Calico taunted and he quickly drew his Aur Blade, dashed toward GM Sniper II.
Aur blade have been slashed but blocked by GM Sniper II's beam saber. “C'mon….no…the power output is too different…!” Halko quickly leaped to avoid the attack but it is quite late for her. One of the aur blade attacks slashed GM Sniper II arm and tear it away. “Kyaaa…!!!” Halko screamed when her GM Sniper II lost its balance and hit a nearby building.
“Haruko…!!!” Ave screamed but suddenly he forget that in front of him Spectra ready to attack him with her final attack, Lakad Ve Yarrah. “I am your opponent…not him…” Spectra replied in her cold tone and an energy beam being released from her Varuch Isher. “Ugh…!!!” Argan being engulfed in the blue flame and suddenly something strange happened. “So only this your ability…huh…!?” Argan releases itself from the blue flame and its devilish wings being spread widely. Its eyes suddenly turned into a deep crimson colour. “Maybe…I am too lenient to let you fight against this inexperienced fool…but now I will teach you something…” the mysterious voice appeared from Argan and the mechanical coffin of Dis Lev suddenly opened its chest.
“You're ceased to exist…return to the infinite light…Infinity Cylinder…launch…”
Anomaly black hole energy released and slammed to Spectra's Varuch Isher. “That's…Originals…Originals power…how come…!!?” Spectra screamed before her body and her unit being engulfed by the black hole energy. “I just released his potential…and also let him chose his new destiny by himself…” the mysterious voice replied and disappeared. Varuch Isher escaped from the attack but with a bad condition of the unit. “Damn it…damn…” Spectra glared toward Argan. Meanwhile inside Argan's cockpit, Ave stared toward Varuch Isher condition in disbelief. “Plitzken…is this really your will…letting me to chose my own destiny by using my own hands and letting me to posses the Original…?” Ave asked himself. Even he didn't heard Plitzken reply, he understand that he was given chance to escape the Golar Golem Syndrome and shape his own destiny by Ingram Plitzken.
It is his duty to maintain the karmic balance as Time Diver and after all Plitzken trust him as he trust SRX Team before. Suddenly GM Sniper II crashed near Argan and the young Time Diver stared at the mobile suit. “Who is the pilot…?” he question himself. “Spectra…damn…damn you Ave…!!!” Calico who just arrives quickly helped Spectra's unit. “Calico Mercredi…!!!” Ave glared back and activated his Rush Scythe one more time. “Heh, it seems I really mess up…” a voice can be heard faintly from GM Sniper II.
“Haruko…!?” Ave paled in disbelief. First he had a feeling that Halko will pilot this GM Sniper II to buy him a time to defeat Spectra and now his feeling come true. But the condition of GM Sniper II already beyond any recognition and lost all of its limbs leaving a main body and head intact. “I see…so you manage to defeat Spectra but…you will pay for this…” Calico grinned and he quickly releases an energy bolt toward the helpless Halko inside GM Sniper II. “NOOOO….!!!” Ave screamed but he cannot release a reflect shield since the time between the launch of the energy bolt are really quick.
Suddenly another shield formed before the energy bolt slammed toward GM Sniper II. “Well…we glad that we manage to arrive on time…” a familiar voice can be heard. “We already promised that we would fight alongside you after this plan being completed…” another familiar voice speaks.
“That voice…” Ave scanned toward his surrounding. “Behold the true SRX arrive…!!!” the last familiar voice can be heard echoing and suddenly from nowhere a giant super robot appeared. “SRX Altered…no the name of SRX is not suitable anymore…from this day forward…this unit name will be BANPREIOS…!!!” the last familiar voice can be heard one more time.
“Ryusei…Rai…Aya…!!!” Ave looked toward his Argan monitor in disbelief. “Ave glad you are alright…” there is another voice appeared. “Mai…!? Is that you…!?” Ave asked. “Yes…this SRX Altered are designed to be piloted by three Psychodiver and Rai…” Mai replied. “Who are you…no…you are the one mentioned by Him…!” Calico glared toward Banpreios. “Yes…we are SRX Team…and you are the bad guy from here right…you need to taste the blade of justice from Banpreios…!!!” Ryusei yelled at him. “Eat this…!!! T-Link Blade Knuckle…!!!”
Varuch Baal tried to block the attack but without success the unit itself lost its left arm and right leg in process. “How is it…!!?” Ryusei yelled proudly. “Unbelievable…” Ave just speechless meanwhile Halko already manage to escape from GM Sniper II's cockpit. “That unit…Messiah of Steel…Banpreios…” Halko murmured before someone pulled her left arm. “Stupid…what are you doing…quick hide…!!!” Alisa pulled Halko into a ruined building where she along with Gemini and Shinjiro hide. “Sugoi…ne Shinjiro…that new giant robot are really strong…waaaa…Neo Japan sure really magnificent…kyaaa….!!!” Gemini begins to drool over Banpreios in her “wanpase” mode again while Shinjiro just sighed.
“HOW DARE YOU RYUSEI DATE…!!?” Calico glared toward Banpreios. “IF ONLY YOU'RE NOT EXIST IN THIS UNIVERSE…IF ONLY YOU'RE EXISTENCE CEASED TO EXIST…ULTIMATE PSYCHODIVER…!” Calico screamed. Suddenly a mysterious voice can be heard echoing. “Calico…retreat…this is not the time you and Spectra can defeat them.” the mysterious voice ordered. “But…Shiva-sama…” Calico want to argued but the voice ordered him in a firm order. “Never questioned my order…you have a right to complain later…” he replied in a cold tone.
Calico glared one more time toward Banpreios and he disappeared along with Spectra. “Huff…finally everything is over…” Ave sighed. “Hey…Ave…who is he really…why he call me Ultimate Psychodiver…?” Ryusei asked. “I sense there are something mysterious happening here….” Rai added. “Calico Mercredi…he was something that similar to Plitzken…clone army of Ze Balmary Empire…” Ave replied. SRX Team just remain silent after listen Ave's explanation. “So…he was…major Ingram Plitzken clone…?” Aya asked. “More or less…Aya-san…but he is not the only one…there are hundreds of them…they called themselves Golar Golem…” Ave replied.
“How do you know all of this thing Ave…?” Mai asked. “Well, part of my own knowledge imprinted inside my brain…after I became Time Diver…” Ave answered and smiled. “By the way let's go to meet with the other…we better not make them wait for us…” Ave replied and SRX Team nodded in agreement with Ave. Banpreios and Argan fly toward the nearby ruined building and landed there. When Ave exited from Argan's cockpit, Halko, Alisa, Gemini and Shinjiro quickly run toward him. Halko was the first one hugged him and pounding his chest several times while yelling “Baka…baka…baka…baka…” several times. Meanwhile Ryusei, Rai, Aya and Mai just saw everything and smiled among themselves.
“Ban…Prei…Os…Banpreios…?” Gemini asked. “Yup…the real ultimate super robot beneath the Heaven…and Banpreios…he contains 26 secrets abilities…!!!” Ryusei explained. Rai just sighed meanwhile Aya giggled. “Ryusei…that joke is already lame…” Mai replied. “Re…really…ahahaha…” Ryusei just grinned and stared toward Mai and everybody meanwhile Ave and the other just laughed. “By the way…is it possible to contact Hagane now…?” Shinjiro asked. “Don't worry…not only Hagane…but since AEGIS Project already succeeded, you people also have the full support of Rhine Maidens…the victory will be easy to be achieved…”Aya replied.
“THE RHINE MAIDENS…!?” Gemini shocked in disbelief. “What is it…?” Alisa and Halko just asked since both of them didn't understand about what they are talking about. “Rhine Maidens…private army of Vector Enterprise…consist of one hundreds battleship and one huge mobile colony fortress…” Ave replied. “And we also have a message from chief Uzuki addressed to you…” Aya added. “Huh…?” Ave asked. “She said…KOS-MOS and the others will be arrive along with the Rhine Maidens…the chance to win this battle is very high…” Ryusei replied in Aya behalf.
“There is one thing I am worried though…” Ave stared toward SRX Team. “What is it Ave…” Rai asked. “There is an involvement of Balmar in this battle…and it seems that the full scale battle cannot be avoided…Balmar might attack with their full force as well…” Ave replied. “Maybe not…” Halko suddenly replied. “Huh…?” Ave and Rai looked at the newtype girl. “The Flamers are just pawns in front of Balmarian and I doubt their emperor will waste a lot of resource just to win this battle…although I cannot think a way where they will let this battle lost in a meaningless battle…” she replied.
“It is quite logical…but now what we can do is wait for the others to arrive…hopefully nothing will be happened and everyone will be saved…” Shinjiro replied. “You're right Shinjiro…” Gemini nodded in agreement to her captain. Ave just remains silent for a while before took a deep breath and stared toward Aya. “Ave…what's wrong, is there something happened here…?” Aya asked. “No…Aya-san…I just need to speak with you privately somewhere else…” Ave replied and everybody presented there stared at them in shocked expression.
“Ave…what happened…it is too sudden for me to…” Aya blushed. “Aya-san…don't get misunderstanding…it is not that kind of stuff…it is about other important matter…Ryusei too…if you want to listen…come with me…” Ave glared toward the others and walks toward the other building. “What happened with him…?” Ryusei keeps wondering and he just followed the young Time Diver. Aya also do the same thing. “Huh…it is not about romantic thing…so maybe it is about love triangle…” Gemini guessed. “Maybe not that corny Gemini…” Alisa replied meanwhile Rai and Mai just sighed. “It is about the entity of Time Diver…” Halko suddenly replied. “Huh…what is it again…?” everybody quickly jumped and stared toward the girl. “As what I said before…it is about….Ave's own existence as Time Diver…but I cannot see more than that…” Halko replied.
Another ruined building…
“Aya…Ryusei…I met Plitzken before…several times after I landed on this planet…” Ave speaks. Both Ryusei and Aya shocked after heard about what Ave said. “But major Ingram is already…” Ryusei sentence being cut by Ave. “Yep, he die bravely in the battle before…but his spirit still haunt me…in attempt to take over this body…” Ave answered. “But…for some unknown reason…he left after give me the Original and…Aya…he told me that he said sorry for everything to you personally and all of SRX Team…” Ave replied. “I see…” Aya remain silent for a while and her face looks sad. She later on stared at Ave. “It is alright Ave…if you ever saw him again…just said that I will continue to fight…no we as SRX Team…” Aya smiled toward the young Time Diver.
“By the way Ave…that cute girl…is she…someone special for you…?” Aya suddenly asked. “What…what make you think like that…!!?” Ave quickly blushed and in his defensive mode. “No need to be shy…you know…I am curious as well…” Ryusei grinned. “She just…comrade…” Ave answered. “Really…? Only that…?” Aya smiled toward the young Time Diver. “Aya-san…since when you sound likes lieutenant Excellen…?” Ave asked. “Ah, now you mention it…” Aya just pretending not to realize about it and Ryusei laughed very hard. Ave sighed and smiled toward both Aya and Ryusei. “Thanks…both of you…” Ave replied. “Don't mention it…we only fulfil our promise…by the way…shall we go back…I think everyone already waiting for us…” Ryusei just put his right hand on Ave shoulder. “Ore tachi…nakama desou ne….!?” Ryusei smiled. “Yep…me…you…Aya-san…Rai-san and Mai as well…” Ave answered.
Meanwhile, Throne Room of Cursed Pinnacle…
“So…they are failed…more rats appeared…” Maryu-sama just glared toward her crystal ball. “That two IP and Nonith also gone and there is no news about them…what the fuck is going on…!!?” she was filled by anger and quickly slammed her crystal ball. The crystal ball shattered and she saw her face on the surface of shattered pieces of the crystal ball. “Everything just fuck up and always steal everything from me…” Maryu-sama quickly turned her body and saw Maria Tachibana crystal. “Aaaah…Maria…my love…my guardian angel…you know how I longed of you…” Maryu-sama leaned herself on the crystal surface. “Those people who have ability as Imaginer always trying to steal your spotlight…but rest assure…you will be fine with me…since you're mine…and my only precious….” Maryu-sama grinned devilishly and quickly returns to her throne.
“If those two failed…I still can use her…after being refitted with the power of Red Flamer…” she then laughed maniacally as thunder echoing outside her throne chamber. Meanwhile inside the deepest dungeon, screams of young woman can be heard. It was a process to create a magnificent soldier. Combining technology and alchemy possessed by Red Flamers sect, they want to re-create her as an ultimate fighting machine. The poor girl just can scream in agony as the process to convert her as a fighting machine continues. The only thing left for her at the moment is how she must experience this and she began to blame everybody toward what happened to her.
Evelyn swears that he will kill Ave for sure. Including IP and Nonith who betray her. At least that's what she remember before she lost her conscious after a long pain and fear that she feel upon her body. Nobody knows about what happened to her later but Maryu-sama already has her wicked plan.
Back to The Lost Village…
“Huh…what's wrong…?” Halko asked but Ave quickly trying to look into different direction. “Nothing…nothing, it just your imagination…that's it…” Ave replied. Ryusei and Aya trying not to laugh meanwhile Gemini, Shinjiro and Alisa giggled. It was a relaxing night after a long battle. Almost one week since Ave, Shinjiro and Gemini landed on this planet, the battle still continues but that time everything was very difficult for them. The defeat of New York Kagekidan, Hoshigumi along with the appearance of Balmarian who aid those Red Flamers just make situation became worse and worse.
But, thanks to SRX Team who is able to arrive in the nick of time, save them from total destruction. When trying to remember all of these events make him realize about how lucky he is. It just not that, but he meet old friends and new friends in this planet. At least he feels that he never regret not to forget this planet forever. Meanwhile he also realize that he need to return with SRX Team after this mission over actually make him little bit sad. After his encounter with Halko and the other such as Aniki and Kageyama begin to make him fond with his home planet one more time, now he realize that he might cannot return. It was his destiny that he chose by his hands and he doesn't want the others get involved with this.
“What are you think at the moment Ave…?” Mai asked. Ave just stares for a few second toward the younger girl and smiled. “Nothing…I just reminiscing about my life in the past and enjoying this peaceful night…” he later on saw both Gemini and Shinjiro already fall a sleep. “They must be really tired…” Ave commented. “Ave…a lot of thing also happened there when you left…but we are trying our best to help you…” Mai replied. “I know about that Mai…and thanks to you and Ryusei…I am able to enjoy this peaceful night…” Ave smiled and he caressed the younger girl head that leaned on his right shoulder. “Love…love…urayamashi desu….” Halko whispered on the young Time Diver's left ear and Ave just blushed.
“It is just not like that…just not like that…” Ave replied.
“Nah…it is okay with me anyway…after everything finished…I doubt you will stay here with me…but I believe in you anyway Ave…good luck whenever you are going and doing…” Halko replied and smiled toward the young Time Diver. “Halko…” Ave stared toward the cute girl but she just slammed his back with his left hand causing Mai who leaned her head on Ave's shoulder almost fell down in surprised. “C'mon…cheer up…it is not like you anyway….” Halko smiled cutely. Meanwhile Aya, Ryusei and Rai just smiled when they saw what happened but keep pretending to be already slept. Alisa herself also already fallen asleep besides Gemini and Shinjiro.
“At least I want to believe one more time…” Ave murmured. “Huh…?” Mai and Halko stared toward him but Ave just smiled to both of them. “Nah…it is nothing…you two better to sleep now…tomorrow will be a hard day for us since we must fight back…” Ave replied. “Alright Ave…good night…” Mai smiled at the young Time Diver and quickly pulled her blanket. She closed her eyes in the dim night before gazed toward the stars for a few second. “You two better to have some rest Ave…don't push yourself…” Halko smiled at him. “I will…” Ave answered. Both of them quickly trying to have a rest since both of them realize tomorrow would be a hard day for them.
Meanwhile at Earth's Atmosphere Orbit…
“This is Hagane…please respond…roger back…” Rio tries to communicate one more time meanwhile Amuro and TD Team already launched with their respective Nu Gundam and Altairlion. “This is captain Matthews of Elsa along with Rhine Maidens…Hagane please reply…” finally there is someone replying Rio's message. “Rhine Maiden…captain…we are having reinforcement….!” Rio quickly informed captain Onodera. “Alright…inform Rhine Maidens…we are gladly accept their help…and we need to prepare full scale assault on the Blue Star…” he informed Rio. “Full scale assault…?” Rio asked. “Yep…it will be called Operation Gaia Saviour…Operation March Wind was failed but not Gaia Saviour…!” captain Onodera assured his subordinative to trust him. Rio nodded and quickly relays the message toward Elsa and Rhine Maidens.
“The final battle will be begins but first we have a special present for Hagane…” captain Matthews replied. “Special present…?” captain Onodera asked. “You'll see when we land on that Blue Star and make contact with your subordinates down there…” captain Matthews smiled and cut the communication. “How rude…” Rio quickly glares toward the monitor while captain Onodera just giggled. “He is not a military captain anymore ensign Rio, so please bear with us…” captain Onodera smiled. “Sorry captain…” Rio replied and blushed.
Finally Hagane and Elsa descent the atmosphere meanwhile Rhine Maidens waited for backup. The final battle will begin without anybody knowing about it not even those Red Flamers. They are never thinking a frontal assault would be aimed toward them. But, is it just a normal military operation or there is something behind all of the Rhine Maidens involvement? There is something moving behind all of these incidents, since Aerogaters war at L5 Campaign into the latest incident. But nobody could prove it and suspect each other. Captain Onodera himself has a feeling about there will be something happened later on. Something that beyond humanity could face, connect all of the missing link and led humanity toward the true end.
Somewhere unknown…
“Why you still helping them…Irui…?” a mysterious voice asked her. “It is my choice…I have faith with them besides…sooner or later…someone will find out about the sleeping God in far away…” Irui replied. “You don't mean there is someone who will able to control the power of IDE…” the mysterious voice countered. “It is not the case…but humanity already chose their own destiny…as a mother…I should look toward my children…or else humanity will perish and I regret everything forever…” Irui replied. “It is so nice of you…Goddess of Creation, to act as if nothing bothered…while they killed my kinsmen…” the mysterious voice countered back.
“It is something you might regret…but at least they do it or else they would be perished…” Irui answered. “How dare thou…Nashiim…!!!” a mysterious voice showed himself as a man wearing deep crimson mask and deep crimson robe as well. He tries to grab Irui's neck but failed after someone or something slammed him back and protected the Goddess. “Irui…are you alright…?” the mysterious saviour asked the young Goddess and Irui just nodded and smiled. “Thanks Guy…nothing harmful happened to me…” Irui replied. “Guy Shishioh…!!? The Evoluder…how dare you to interfere…but this time will not our last time to meet…next meeting…I would crash you down….” The mysterious figure standing backs and disappeared into nowhere.
“Who is he anyway Irui…?” Guy asked.
“Executioner…seven wisemen…nobody knows their identity…but they are related with Holy Spirit Emperor Ruach of Ze Balmary Empire…” Irui answered. “So…they are Aerogaters…!?” Guy stared toward Irui. “No…I don't think so…they might related…but no in my opinion…” Irui replied and she notice other Alpha Numbers appeared. “What the hell is going on here…!?” Domon asked. “Someone sneak in and try to do something toward Irui…but he manage to escape…” Guy replied. “No…really…it is okay…” Irui smiled toward Guy and Domon meanwhile the two Alpha Numbers just sighed.
“They already noticed something…” Crimson Executioner spoken and removing his mask. “Ah…but alas every single things already being counted as players in this stage…and only Yeshua left…” a mysterious figure smiled. “But…isn't everything too risky in this stage…even for us…if we cannot control Balmarian as well…and they suspecting something…” Crimson Executioner stared toward the mysterious figure. “I am Red Testament not Crimson Executioner anymore…” the Crimson Executioner suddenly changed his voice waves and the mysterious figure just smiled. “Ah…my apologize…but everything more according the plan…Rhine Maidens…no this Dammerung Mobile Colony will be the part of the massive stage ensues later…” he smiled evilly.
“As you wish…Director…” Red Testament bowed down and disappeared. “Well, now if we shall begin…” the mysterious figure smiled and he sat on his director chair.
To Be Continued
Theme Song: CASTAWAY
Performed By: Tamaki Nami
Kyou mo doko kade deau unmei to omoeru shunkan...
Mitsukete mata ushinatte
Omoide dake samayotte...
Hito to hito wo musubu kagi ga subete itami da toshitemo
Itsuwari no nai shinjitsu da yo ne
Ano hi futari ga sugoshita yoru wa...
Kimi no te de kizutsukete
Nido to yume wo minai you ni...
Hiki saite kokoro koto
Aisareru koto nozomanu you ni...

Karadajuu no nukumori wa
Subete kimi de dekiteru...
Mou modore naikara
Mou hanasa naide...
Yosete kaesu nami no you
Ano hi no you ni dakishimete...
Hitotsu hitotsu kimi wo shitte
Aisuru koto wo oboete
Kowai mono nado nanimo nakatta
Tada kimi ga inakunaru no ga kowakatta...
Kimi no te wo mamotteta
Chiisaku hosoi kono ude wa...
Shiawase wo tsunai deta
Gamushara ni mamotteru watashi ga ita...
Kanashimi mo yorokobi mo
Subete kimi de dekiteta...
Sayonara to ieru made
Mada kimi wo omottete mo ii?

Sayonara to wakaru made
Mada kimi no koto sagashite mo ii?
Kimi no te de kizutsukete
Nido to yume wo minai you ni...
Hiki saite kokoro koto
Aisareru koto nozomanu you ni...

Kimi no te wo mamotteta
Chiisaku hosoi kono ude wa...
Shiawase wo tsunaideta
Gamushara ni mamotteru watashi ga ita...

Kanashimi mo yorokobi mo
Subete kimi de dekiteru...
English Translation
As we meet again somewhere today, I think about fate...
about finding, and then losing
The memories just wander...
Assuming that all keys that tie us together are made of pain
Then it must be the truth wihout lies
On that day back then, on that night we spent together...
Because I was hurt by your hands
I can't have this dream again...
I cast away the feelings in my heart
because I don't want your love no more...

The warmth inside me
was there because of you...
Because I can longer return
I can no longer let go...
Moved aside like a returning wave
like the day how we embraced on that day...
I slowly started to understand you
and I remember when I loved you
I wasn't afraid of anything
I was just scared of you not being there...
My small, thin arms,
were protected by your hands...
Hapiness bound us together
but I was protected by a reckless person...

Both sadness and joy
were all there because of you...
Untill we say goodbye,
is it okay to still think about you?

Untill I know it's goodbye,
can I still search for you?
Because I was hurt by your hands
I can't have this dream again...
I cast away the feelings in my heart
because I don't want your love no more...

My small, thin arms,
were protected by your hands...

Hapiness bound us together
but I was protected by a reckless person...

Both sadness and joy
were all there because of you...