Samurai Deeper Kyo Fan Fiction ❯ Difference ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okuni thinks Yuya is not pretty. She's got these big, unusual green eyes and blond hair, but Okuni has big eyes too, and her hair is longer.
So it nibbles at her, gnaws away at her insecurities, whispers in the dark corners of her mind while she watches the little chit try to keep up with the thousand slayer, and she wonders why Kyo likes her better.
It is when she is also wondering why Kyo liked Sakuya better than her that she realizes.
Yuya is very much like Sakuya. Both are reasonably attractive, but don't turn heads quite the way the fallen miko does, achieving male interest with just an extra bounce in her step.
But Okuni thinks again, and she cannot quite pin the likeness, because they look nothing alike, except for the average figures.
She thinks, though, it has something to do with her preferred treats with tea at Sakuya's, and Yuya's calls that night near the village of deserters when the wild dogs hit.
She thinks it has something to do with their smiles.
She sees Kyo stop the girl from tripping, setting her back of her feet and calling her dexterity into question in the same movement.
She thinks maybe she is right.