SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ I am The Brother Of The Winged Knight ❯ Imposter ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whoo! Another fixed chapter! I FINALLY have some inspiration, and I have a plot once more. This time it's (hopefully) totally original! Anyway I'll get right into it.
Zero appeared lost in thought as he quietly flew to the place the letter had specified. He was unaware the others had followed him. His mind constantly drifted off to the one whose name was signed on the mysterious letter.
“I can't believe it's him. It has to be a lie! Oh, why does someone make me remember that fateful day? Does someone think this pain amusing? I can't live through this memory again, I just can't! ” Zero said to himself. He mentally went back to Lacroa and that dark day……
“Zero are you ok?” the little Gundam asked.
“I'm fine. But what are you doing here? You are too young to be in a fight let alone a war!” Zero replied.
“But Zero! I want to help your tired and need some rest you haven't slept in forever.” The little gundam frowned as he saw Zero raggedly get up.
“No! Go back to the castle and protect the princess ok? You want to help so much then do that.” Zero ordered the little Gundam.
“Ok…” The little Gundam started to leave from where he came and Zero walked the other way towards the sounds of strange weapons hitting swords, or, metal bodies. Suddenly, Zero felt a sharp pain on his head then all went dark.
“I can't believe I was so foolish!” Zero said. He was only about 20 feet away from the bridge that Bakunetsumaru and Ashuramaru had fought. This bridge seems to be a good enemy meeting place; totally cut off from the outside world, no one could hear anything that happened on this bridge. “I must find out who is behind this I will wait here until this villain shows himself. They shall rue attempting this cursed plot.”
“Man I can't believe we lost him!” Shute groaned.
“I told you he went to the right!” Baku boasted.
“Don't worry my sensors show that Zero is coming this way.” Captain said.
“No way, how soon will he be here?” Shute asked a bit surprised.
Right now!” A voice said. They looked to see Zero, plain, normal, Zero. However, something seemed a bit awkward. It was the kind of feeling no one could truly explain, but, yet, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. His eyes were the same, his cape, his color, everything. Even his voice was it's same, cool tone. However, it almost seemed youthful, more so than normal.
Zero! Fancy seeing you here, we were just going to the candy store. Uh, you want to come with us or, do you want us to bring you something?” Baku tried as hard as he could to make up a good story.
So you decided to buy candy at the candy storein the complete opposite direction of town, not to mention the store, is that right?” Zero asked. They all knew they had been caught.
“Sorry we followed you Zero. We were just curious.” Shute said as the knight floated down.
I suppose it was expected with my hasty leave.Although, do not worry my good friends, all is well. The letter was just a fake, someone cruel joke. All is well.” Zero said with a grin. Baku, his worries about his friend no longer in mind, he resumed to his playful arguing.
“Oh, sure I bet it was a challenge to a pansy contest, and knowing you would win-and I'd never let you live it down- you decided to back out, am I right? I know I'm right.” He teased. Zero scowled.
Be quiet! Bak…..” Zero struggled for a name. Everyone noticed too. He quickly tried to recover. “Baka”.
“Okay, okay. Relax you too. Let's go back to my house.” Shute said.
“Right” the three gundams said.
Zero remained for a moment. He snickered to himself as he spoke. “Arrogant little fools! Do you really believe I am your friend the Winged Knight? Well, thou will learn from your mistake!” He grinned evilly as he fallowed them. He hoped some what that this human's house was far away from the bridge…….