SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Kibou Hoshi ❯ Revelations and Solutions ( Chapter 4 )

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<</b>p>Author's Note:

Guilly-GuiledDragon: Min’na, Min’na, Min’naaaaaa!!!

Typhen: You’d better switch to English so people who aren’t into watching Japanese dubbed things understand.

Guilly-GuiledDragon: I was PLANNING on it! *cough* Anyways, hey everyone!! I’m finally posting chapter 4! I am SO sorry about the wait! I seriously had part of it written but I just got stuck. Also, sorry that no real action happens here, I promise I’ll stick some action in the next chapter and that it’ll hopefully be longer! (It might be a while before that’s up since I start school next Wed.. GACK! A Senior! *dies*)

Also, sorry if you don’t understand what the folks from Kendra are saying. I’ll try to translate it most of the time, but if it’s easy to figure out, I’ll leave it, but I’ll write the translation at the end of the section so you know. : )

Disclaimer: I do not own SD Gundam Force. Karkan and Kharn (c) TDAT-CrystalDragon. Mysterious character(s) and Kendra belong to me.

Please leave a Review and enjoy!! ^w^

<</b>p>~*--------------------------- -----------*~ >

“You’ve been what?” Bakunetsumaru gawked, not believing that he heard. Zero had been receive distress signals from some random planet but he never told anyone?

“Why haven’t we gotten a distress call?” Shute asked, the brown haired boy feeling a bit relieved to know that there was an explanation behind Zero’s strange behavior and perhaps the mysterious visitor but wondering why no one else had received or heard the call.

“I think mainly it’s magic.” Zero was not sure himself but it seemed to be the only conclusion. The knight thought for a moment, floating gently above ground level. “I believe I was the only one who has been hearing these calls is because I possess magical powers and have a pact with Mana.” The Lacroan gundam waved his hand at the computer screen which had a very fuzzy image of the visitor that GunEagle encounter displayed. One of the cameras had captured the image but it was nothing to really go off of. It looked like it had gone through a washer machine. “Also, I believe this fellow comes from Kendra.” He indicated to the pixie like wings that were obviously magic.

“If that’s the case of him being from this, Carribla place, then why didn’t the guy just come out and say that he needed help?” GunEagle exclaimed, “He didn’t have to go wasting our time like that. And besides that, I think he needs to work on his vocabulary. He didn’t even pronounce ‘bye-bye’ right. It sound like an accent…”

“Hm.. To my readings GunEagle, apparently you were enjoying the chase.” Captain glanced at his comrade. The military gundam was now fitted in his V mode. Unfortunately he was finishing up with Kao Lyn while GunEagle had been dispatched to investigate. Fortunately he was not needed to be sent out so he had simply joined and waited with the others. “And an accent is not unlikely.”

“Well.. It wasn’t really much of a challenge….” GunEagle rolled his eyes, “I probably could have over taken the guy if I had kicked on my full flight power in the first place.” The rookie stretched, “I don’t think the peeps of Candri will be much of a problem if they’re all like him. Maybe give them some speech lessons though.”

“But you chose not to, and he got away. And it’s Kendra.” Bakunetsumaru replied to the point, correcting GunEagle’s mistake and ‘smiling’ lightly behind his mouthpiece. Even he got that right. “But Zero, why didn’t you say something sooner?” The samurai looked at the gundam from Lacroa.

The winged knight turned his attention on the samurai, “I could not remember anything about it. All I could remember was that something had been bothering me and that I had a headache that would not go away.” Zero brought his hand up, putting it over his orb mounted in his chest. “And it felt like I had a big weight on my chest and my sides hurt.” He paused for a moment, “It was as if some strength was being sucked out of me.”
“But you remember now.”


“Well that’s convenient.” GunEagle stated, looking rather bored.

Zero chose to ignore the younger gundam for the moment, “I think it had to do with my encounter though.” The blue gundam knew that this moment was vital where he let all this information out. Sighing, he continued, “When I disappeared and you couldn’t find me, I believe I ended up in another dimension. Or so I was told.”

Shute’s green eyes grew large and he looked startled, “What!?” The brown haired boy glanced at his friend Captain.

“I believe I did observed unknown matter on Zero when he did return. I gave this information to Juli but she couldn’t come up with anything until now.”

Zero nodded, “I ended in a space between dimensions. A place between the Minov Boundary Sea and a dimension. Not even a space, but an existence? It is something that even I can not fully comprehend… but I managed to meet the one who has been calling out for our help.”

“Are we going somewhere with this?” GunEagle muttered, waiting to get to the action already. He could stand around for briefings and even file a report but long stories never really held the rookies attention, unless they were about battles and his heroics.

Bakunetsumaru shot GunEagle a look while Shute sweat dropped at the flight gundam’s response.

“Either way,” Zero continued, closing his eyes to help him suppress the vein that was pulsing in his head, “The encounter improved my recollection of the messages.” The knight moved his teal eyes to each of the members of the Gundam Force. “I was warned of an evil on the planet Kendra that is threatening to come here to Neotopia; possibly even my dear Lacroa and Bakunetsumaru’s homeland of Ark.”

“You mean like how the Dark Axis invaded and how Karkan tried to spread his forces to Neotopia?” Shute thought instantly of the evil General Zeong that almost destroyed all the dimensions and of Bakunetsumaru’s corrupt father who had been anything but a father. The human boy bit his lip and started to chew. They had just gotten over such takeovers a few months ago, couldn’t they just live in peace?

Zero nodded, “Yes, and they are in direr need of our help. The planet has already become frozen over.” A look of familiarity and pain crossed his face, “I am not sure how many survivors there are, just that time is running out and our services are needed. ”

“There’s no way I’m letting any fiend sink his claws into my homeland!” Bakunetsumaru looked serious, his brown eyes set and his hands resting on his twin katana swords. “I’ve fought for years to have it freed and no random villain is going to swoop in and seize it. Let’s go! ”

“Well, you heard, him, what are we waiting for then?” GunEagle took a step forward, “Let’s get going or do you want me to pack my bags? You know, I do have a lot of weapons I can bring along…”

“I agree with Bakunetsumaru and GunEagle but there is a problem.” Captain stated, looking at each with his blue eyes, “We have no idea how to get there.”

Just when Shute was starting to feel better, his heart dropped, “That’s right. The Zakorello Gate is not here right now and the Dimensional Transport Devise is not dependable enough yet to send large or multiple objects through.”

Juli nodded, “I can’t identify the dimension frequency and even Bellwood is having a hard time locking onto it with the DTD.” The purple haired woman looked down, “I don’t know if we have the technology to reach the planet otherwise we might be facing a signal jamming system like we did with the invasion from Kharn.”

A sense of gloom descended on the group even more. It really appeared to be a bummer week, not to mention confusing.

“Wait, isn’t there something Princess Rele can do!?” Shute suddenly cried out, turning to look at Zero with hope in his eyes, “Rele can use magic powers too, right? She sent you here to Neotopia years ago! Maybe she can help us!”

“Yes, the Princess does possess magical powers that surpass mine by far but she was only able to send me to another dimension though the powers of the four wise man and that took a lot of their power just for sending me alone.” Zero was looking a bit distraught now, “It even took her a great deal of time to summon Fenn to help me during our last battle with General Zeong.” The feather dragon of Lacroa had disappeared after the battle and Zero had no connection with him since though he could distantly feel Fenn’s presence.

“But how did you get back here after you ended up in that non-existent dimension? Didn’t the guy you met there send you back?” Juli asked, tapping her finger against her chin in thought.

“Yes, but his energy was fading. He could barely hold his form even in that place. I doubt I would be able to reach him again. Even if I can at this distance, I don’t think he has enough strength to summon us to the planet.” Zero touched the orb in his chest once more, remembering the strange feeling that had been there since he had connected through the caller in his dreams. “And I don’t think we have time to go through the non-existent space to the Minov Sea to Kendra.”

“We can’t just sit here! What are we, sinking ducks?”

“Uh, Baku, I think you mean ‘sitting’.” Shute corrected, taking some light at the error.

“Well, that too!”

Silence fell over the room like a damp blanket. Everyone looked tense and unsure. GunEagle was busy cracking peanut shells that he had found laying around somewhere, imagening them as the future foes he would take down. Shute was busy fidgeting and biting his lip, glancing at Captain at times in hope that the military gundam would come up with a solution. Bakunetsumaru had a serious look as he tried to think of something.

After a few moments Chief Haro spoke, “I think we should take a break for a while and meet back in a few minutes. Hopefully we’ll have come up with something by then.” He put a hand on Zero’s shoulder as he turned to leave the room, “Don’t worry, Zero. I’ll have the whole staff look up on the situation.”

Zero said nothing, just nodding his head at the chief’s words.

“Come on, Zero. I’ll be okay, we’ll think of something! I’m sure of it! We always do!” Shute tried to sound cheerful though he had doubts himself. Options for transport were nothing but a sliver. What a time for the Zakorello Gate to decide to not visit Neotopia.

“Yes, but will we be in time?” Zero turned to look at Shute with despair in his eyes, “I fear I might have delayed too long.”


“IR 17;m sorry, Shute but this is my fault.” The blue gundam kept his gaze on the ground, “Please, I need to think.” The winged knight turned and floated out the automatic doors and into the halls, leaving Shute and the others in the room to conjure up some plan.


A few weeks ago…

“-se…Please…someone… here my call. Please…”

Zero blinked sleepily as the voice echoed through his head. “Hm? Hwms daher? Who are you?”

“I… I am a voice calling out in despair. Please, hear… no heed my plea and warning.”

“Warning?” Zero replied groggily, starting to wake up, “What do you mean, warning?”

“There is an evil on my planet… my home world of Kendra…. We are of a magic sort of gundam who live mostly in peace with our arts. However there is a dark ruler who threatens us all, and even your world to.”

“What? What are you talking about? Who are you? What’s your name?” The winged knight was starting to become more awake now, the fuzzy sounding buzzing in his circuits starting to fade.

“M-my name… it belongs to the sky, to the heavenly bodies above. I am captured by our… tyrant… My strength is slowly being drained. I am fortunate to have made a connection with you… You have a strange... presence… what is your class?”

“Class? Err.. I suppose you mean knight gundam?”

Kishi? A knight?” The first word sounded foreign to Zero. “A knight that can use magic powers then? Even a spirit or summon of some kind?”

Zero was startled, “Yes, I have a pact with Mana. I am Zero, the Winged Knight of Lacroa. I am also the chosen one of the sacred animal spirit, the Feather Dragon.”

“I guess that can explain the connection then… no one else has heard my pleas… I am focusing most of my powers to transmit this message but I had almost lost hope. Even the stars seemed to have lost their brightness… until I connected with you.”

“Me?” Zero wasn’t sure if he was fully awake yet or he was still dreaming, “What do you mean?”

“I think you’re the one who can help us. Who can save this now frozen planet from the tyrant who’s soul it reflects. You are the brightest light in the dark. The shining star in the sky. You are our star of hope. The hope star. Kibou hoshi.”

“Well, I was the Savior of Lacroa but I don’t think I’m meant to save another planet…”

“But you are! I think you are! Otherwise I would not have connected with you… and doom would fall upon many a dimension and planet without warning.”


“Nn gh!” A grunt of pain rippled through Zero’s head, “I’m sorry.. I can’t maintain any more focus. The pain is getting worse and my strength is leaving me once more.”

“Wait! Wait! How am I suppose to find you? Or why should I even believe you? This could be some trick! Heck it could even be a dream.”

“This will be just a dream and nothing else if you do nothing! Then it’ll become a nightmare…” Another sound of pain escaped the alleged magical gundam. “I’m… slipping… focus… I’m not sure if I’ll be able… to connect.. with you again… He might block me… Or even try to interfere with you. It’s dangerous to hold a connection for this long…”

“Wait? Who? What? Who will interfere? Your tyrant?”

“Yes. Him… the one of nightmares. You most not let him cloud your mind! You mustn’t!” The voice as fading now.

“How will I remember? Wait!”

“Look to the stars…”

Zero blinked in confusion. What had just happened, as was it even real? The knight rubbed his head. He had to tell the others about this.

Just then a new voice came to him, deeper and more soothing though there was something menacing behind it.

“Sleep…” The voice echoed in Zero’s head and he tried to push it away but it the sensation started to creep over him. “Sleep in unsuspecting slumber… Do not pay heed to that voice in the dark calling. It is all just a dream…”

“You’re wrong, it’s not a dream! You’re trying to make me forget!” The knight gundam tried to summon his strength so he could warn the others before his memory circuits were wiped.

“SLEEP.” The voice became more stern now and a force seemed to be holding Zero down on the spot. “You will forget as if a fog has descended upon you. Lost in the fog, you will not recall. You will not be a hindrance to me.”

“No…” Zero tried in vain to fight back but instantly was over taken by sleep, memory of what had just happened fading away. “Just… a dream…”

“Yes… Oyasumi nasai, dare mo…” The voice hissed and with a laugh it faded away, leaving the Winged Knight passed out once more with no memory of what had happened.


Zero let out a frustrated sound and smacked his hand against the rail; The knight gundam stood outside of the ground base. Such dreams had been happening for weeks now but he had forgotten all about them until his encounter in the nonexistent space. Each time he had the dream, he would start to remember the previous message before and even the first dream but each time the unnamed tyrant would swoop in and snuff Zero’s memory. However Zero remember everything now, recalling that he even shared some short information with the distress caller.

“I was too weak to resist him!” The Winged Knight told himself bitterly, “Thanks to my weakness, precious time has gone by and all I know is that Kendra could already be doomed.” Zero paused for moment. “No, I don’t have time to wallow in the past. I have to find a way to Kendra. Even if a lot of damage has been done, I have to help fix it!” A determined look reflected in his teal eyes as he gazed up to the sky.

“Zero! Zero!”

The Lacroan gundam turned to see Shute rushing toward him.

“Zero, you have to come quickly!” The human boy called out, panting, “We’ve found a way to Kendra!”

“What?” Zero spun completely around, a look of shock and disbelief now in his eyes.

“A new portal is starting to open; it might be your friend’s doing!”

“Or a trap…. In any way, it’s our only chance to get to Kendra.” The Winged Knight looked serious and hurriedly floated past Shute, “Either way, I’m taking it.”

~*--------------------------------------*~ <</b>/p>

Author's note:

Guilly-GuiledDragon: *shakes fist* Zero and your memory.. Don't worry, he gets better about it. XD .... Yeah, it’s so short and is mostly talking..... Sorry.. ^^; And sorry about the cliffhanger! I figured, end it where I have it so I can start off the next chapter with a jump start and just give you guys what I had so you weren't starving anymore (for those who aren't dead yet). And yes, they will be going to Kendra in the next episode so don’t go “Oh, no! Now we have to wait like, 3 more chapters before the plot actually happens.” But if you protest, I'll put some of ch. 5 in here so it's longer, kk?

Also, Japanese words/native language of Kendra will be in italics unless I used italics for that person’s speech, then it will be regular so you can see the difference in language.


Oyasumi nasai, dare mo…: “Goodnight, nobody.”
--the villain calls Zero this meaning that he is no threat to him, a low being= a nobody.

So, ja ne for now!! Also, anyone seen 'Dark Knight' yet? I've seen it twice!! XD Man, I love the Joker's 'tricks'. He's insane but MAN is he good! Btw, I am into a new anime… Shugo Chara.. It’s so cute!!! x3 I love Ikuto and Yoru!! Hopefully I can get ideas from that along with Tales of the Abyss (video game, which I am REALLY close to beating, but an anime is coming out of it!! *squee*) too!