SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ SD Gundam Force Adventure ❯ History Revealed! The Dark Side of Axis ( Chapter 39 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Shute here! Last time, we found ourselves being beamed into this deserted city, separated from each other. What's worse, we've lost those mystery disks as well! What are we going to do!? I hope everyone at home will be alright
History Revealed! The Dark Side of Axis
Shute's eyes fluttered open. As he felt the surface of something hard and cold against his head, he realized he was lying on a floor. He also felt annoyed. This business of vanishing and waking up somewhere else was getting old.
“Where am I now?” Shute wondered aloud. The room he was in was very dark, with light coming from a single lamp hanging on the ceiling overhead.
Shute's eyes widened. HE couldn't believe his ears. Whirling around, he saw none other than the Zakrello Gate!
“Help…me..” The gate moaned.
While the unexpected reunion was occurring, something odd was happening in the mysterious city. Each building was beginning to hum…the way a computer would when being turned on.
No one noticed, however, as everyone was busy heading toward one place; the white tower.
“That villain went this way!” Zero yelled as he flew toward the tower, Grappler and Destroyer on his heels.
(Note, each group is in a different area, not together.)
“Onward, Entengo!” Bakunetsumaru commanded as he rode his horse, “We must catch up with that brigand!”
Captain said nothing as he rolled toward the tower, with the Zakos following close behind.
“Wait for us, Zako!” One of them yelled.
Eventually, all three groups met up at the white tower.
“Captain?” Zero asked, landing.
“Zero?” Baku' asked, riding up.
“Bakunetsumaru?” Captain asked, coming to a stop.
“Zako?” The Zakos asked, looking back and forth.
Destroyer looked upward and a question mark appeared over his head. “Huh?”
Zapper landed on Grappler and Destroyer, causing all three to end up in a dizzy heap. Above, Princess Rele and Genkimaru poked their heads out of the portal Genkimaru made.
“You okay?” Genkimaru asked.
Genkimaru leapt down, landing on top of the dogpile. Princess Rele looked a little uncertain(She was much higher than she wanted to be!) until Zero flew up and helped her down. After getting Zapper off him, Grappler scanned the area.
“So the gang's all here,” He mused, “I don't suppose any of you know what's going on here?”
There were negative responses all around.
“Do you have any theories, Shute?” Captain asked. It was then he realized that the gang WASN'T all here. “Shute?”
Everyone looked around.
Instead of the sound of the boy's voice(which would, in these circumstances, be very pleasant) the only answer to Captain's call was the sound of a light flickering on as man appeared higher up on the tower's wall. High, but not so high up that out of sight, looking as if he was standing on a ledge. It was the mystery man. On the chest of his black outfit was a symbol Captain had seen before.
On Commander Sazabi.
Princess Rele cocked her head. “Who is that?” She asked aloud.
While Rele did not know the man, and neither did the gundams, Zapper's gang reacted with shocked recognition.
“You!” Zapper growled.
“It's him?” Destroyer asked.
“Zako?!” The zakos looked confused.
“You're still alive? How?!” Grappler demanded.
“Let's say I got lucky,” the man responded, “How else can I explain surviving the vacuum of space?”
“You know this man?” Captain asked, shocked, “Who is he?”
“He made us,” Zapper replied grudgingly, “All of us. The Commander, the General, the Zakos, Grappler, Destroyer, me…everything in the Dark Axis!”
“What!?” The Gundam Force and Genkimaru couldn't believe it.
“I'd thought we'd got rid of him when we tossed him out of that airlock in space,” Grappler continued, “How'd you get out of that one,Ciphyr!?”
“Like I said,” Ciphyr(As was his name) replied, “It was luck. If I had better explanation, I would have used it.”
Well, what're you doing here?” Zapper questioned, his eye glowing ominously, “Shouldn't you be, dissecting a puppy or something? You did a lot of stuff like that back at the base with the other humans!”
“There were humans at the Dark Axis base?” Zero asked, amazed. Judging from what little he'd seen of it(he only saw Zeong's chamber), that floating fortress did not look like the place good people would live in.
“Uh huh,” Destroyer put in, “A lot. They left to another planet when we took over, though.”
“Yes…save one.” Ciphyr said softly, “I was the only one not to escape your uprising, and suffered greatly for it. I should have seen it coming, but was too preoccupied with the little details of my own take-over. Which is why I've invited you to this,” He spread his arms out, “My ultimate conquest.”
“What do you mean?” Captain asked.
“The disks you have collected over the dimensions for me,” Said Ciphyr, “contain great amounts of data on dimensional travel. Combining that data with my own research and technology allowed me to create my grand dimensional transit,” He waved his hand, “This place.”
Captain suddenly knew why the `buildings' were uninhabited. They weren't buildings at all! They were giant processors, similar to the ones on Lab C's Dimensional Transport Device.
“Soon, a dimensional link will connect all realities to this place, providing me with unlimited knowledge and power,” Ciphyr allowed himself an evil smile, “When the process is complete, I will be like a god- only more powerful and more all-knowing.”
“And why tell us?” Princess Rele queried, giving him a cockeyed look.
“Because you,” Ciphyr glared at the Gundam Force, “took away my revenge. And you,” He turned his gaze towards Zapper's gang, “Caused me such suffering. For that, the greatest torture is knowing your fate and being unable to change it.”
“And what makes you say that?” Grappler challenged, aiming his missile-launcher arm. He fired his missile, which appeared to impact Ciphyr(and the tower!) with a loud boom. However, when the smoke cleared, Ciphyr was still there.
“I need to monitor the process personally,” Ciphyr said calmly, as if nothing happened, “But I'll make sure you won't be neglected.”
With that, Ciphyr `winked out'. He had been a hologram the whole time. Suddenly, three beams of light shot down, and, pixel by pixel, Pysco C, Z, and B appeared in place.
In almost every dimension imaginable, people of any and all forms and colors noticed a change. Like a hole had been cut open in the fabric of the world.
In Neotopia, the SDG's sensors were going haywire from the change in their reality.
“Sir! This is unpresidented!” An SDG officer yelled as he typed at his console, “It's like the entire world's become a dimensional gate!”
“Try to isolate the rift,” Chief Haro ordered as calmly as he could. Of all the days for the Gundam Force to go missing-!
“Chief Haro!” Juli called, “I've found where the disturbance is strongest!”
Over Neotopia tower, too small for anyone to see, a black vortex opened.
“Help you?” Shute asked, confused.
“Please…” The Gate moaned.
Upon further inspection, Shute realized that the Zakrello Gate had numerous cables plugged into its sides. Shute also noticed that the Gate's eyes seemed to be tearing, suggesting it was in pain.
“What happened to you?” Shute asked, “Is this where you went to?”
Last time he had seen the Zakrello Gate, it had vanished to whatever dimension it came from, following the destruction of General Zeong.
“No, brought here was.” Paparello(as was the giant gate itself was called) replied in its usual broken grammer.
“When went to last place before Zeong took over,” A tiny voice piped up. Shute turned around and saw Chobirello, the smaller handheld device used to call the gate in different dimensions. The Gate's `son' seemed to be incased in some kind of metal locks on a stand. “Was captured and taken here, both me and Paparello.”
“Brought here? By who? And what colony?” Shute asked. He didn't know what either of them were talking about.
“Long ago it begins…” Paparello said, “The story of our existence and purpose.”
ZakozakoPaparello NArrationzakozako
Long ago… Zakrello was created. The creator was human, who lived with other humans in a place called a space colony. The creator made Rello for the purpose of taking his people to where they came from, their home. But while he did this, another did something else. Creator's assistant, Aaron Ciphyr began to experiment and create. He created robots to do his bidding- his, no one else's- and made three robots with special cores. Soul Drives. He installed an extra-large Soul Drive in the colony core itself, giving it a new life and name. ZEONG. Ciphyr began to experiment on human minds, hoping to find answers to brains mysteries. These experiments created ill feelings from the unwilling subjects, and were absorbed by the Soul Drives. More and more ill feelings were absorbed, and soon the Soul Drive robots began to emulate these feelings. And Zeong, who had the largest and absorbed the most, took control of all robots in the colony and took over. Was Awful. Humans that survived take-over went to different planet, one like Home. Robots took Chobirello and use to control Rello. They came to emulate the Dark side of the colony. The Dark side of Axis…
ZakozakoEnd Narrationzakozako
Shute was floored. The Dark side of Axis?!
“Z-Zakrello Gate,” Shute said slowly, “Can…can you tell me the name of your creator?”
“The other humans called him,” rumbled Paparello, “Professor Shelly.”
Shute couldn't believe. He lost the feeling in his legs and fell on his rear with a plop. As this revelation ran through his mind, everything suddenly made sense. Why the leaders of the Dark Axis had Soul Drives, a device only a certain scientist knew how to make...And how the Dark Axis had gotten their base, even though they allegedly could not make things for themselves…It all came from the same source.
Space Colony Axis.
“All Rello wanted,” Paparello continued, “Was to do what was made to do.”
Shute didn't really hear him, though. He was too wrapped up in his own thoughts. “I…I can't believe it,” He said, somewhat in a daze, “The Dark Axis came from Earth…my home.”
Shute looked up. Did Paparello sound…intrigued?
“Earth,” Paparello asked, “is Home?”
Back at the city, things were not going well. Captain, Zero, and Bakunetsumaru had found themselves in heated combat against the Pyscos and were not fairing well. Not only were their doppelgangers stronger and faster, but now they had no reason to hold back. They were being beaten, battered, and in Captain's place, blasted around. The rest of the gang could only watch in helpless terror.
“They're too much!” Princess Rele gasped, holding her hands to her mouth.
“We need to help!” Genkimaru yelled, and was about to charge in when Zapper grabbed him.
“Cool it!” Zapper growled, “You'll just get in the way! We need to take care of Ciphyr, that'll stop this!”
Genki' kept moving his legs, even though he was being held above the ground. At Zapper's words, he calmed down and fixed him with a penetrating gaze.
“But where is he?” He asked.
“There!” Grappler pointed upward, and everyone followed his direction. High up, distant but not out of sight, they could see Ciphyr on the top of the white tower. He seemed unaware and uncaring of the excitement going on below.
“What's he doing up there, zako?” A Zako Soldier asked, confused.
“Showing off, I bet,” Grappler sneered, “He likes to do that.”
“Then let's get him!” Destroyer said eagerly.
“Right! Final Deadly Screaming Chaos Catastrophe!” Powering up, the trio fired their massive beam at Ciphyr. The beam hit Ciphyr with a massive THWOOM!, but when the smoke cleared, there was a purple/red wall blocking view of Ciphyr. The wall afterward de-pixilated to reveal a smirking Ciphyr.
“HUH?!” Zapper's gang an Genkimaru cried in disbelief. Princess Rele merely rolled her eyes before closing them and beginning to chant.
“O Mana, which encompasses all living things in the universe…” She began to say.
On the top of the white tower, Ciphyr congratulated himself for the quick reaction time. With the incoming data and energy from the dimensions, he could now use the 3rd Dimensional Materializer instantly and without power charging. The technology used to create Titans like Long Marasai and Bermuda took who knows how long to make, but he knew it would be worth it, now more than ever. The process was now 33% complete…
Back on the ground, Bakunetsumaru was sent flying and upon landing on the ground, he skidded to a halt on front of the gang.
“Bakunetsumaru!” Genkimaru shouted.
Bakunetsumaru, struggling to get up, called to them, “Get out of here! Now!”
“Why should we?” Grappler asked, “You're the one in trouble, you should be the one running!”
“If I run…it will only chase,” Baku' huffed, glaring at Psyco B, “And I will have wasted my energy for nothing. I will not back down! I will not turn away! I will face this head-on! I will FIGHT!”
Something inside of Bakunetsumaru exploded, and he burst into flames!
“HOT!” Cried Zapper's gang as they dived away from the erupting fire.
In all dimensions, the black hole was getting larger. It was now as big as the sun in the sky.
In Ark, almost everyone couldn't help but stop what they were doing to stare at the shadowy vortex in the distance.
Lord Britainmaru, age old, diminutive ruler of the country, sat out on the balcony of Tenchi Castle, meditating on the strange happenings with his generals, Kinkaku and Ginkaku, when a Zako Busshi ran up.
“Lord Britainmaru, busshi!” It said.
Britainmaru and his aides turned to address the Zako Busshi. “What is it?” Kinkaku asked.
“The, the Bakushin Armor, busshi,” the Zako Busshi gasped, “It's-!”
There was a noise like a bomb going off, and next the four watched as the flaming armor flew into the air, disappearing into the black hole.
“Ahh, busshi, nevermind.” The Zako Busshi said meekly.
“It went directly into the darkness!” Gasped Ginkaku.
“Hmmm,” Britainmaru thought deeply. The Bakushin Armor was connected to the thoughts and feelings to it chosen wearer, which meant- “Bakunetsumaru is involved in this.”
Bakunetsumaru felt the increase of power as his normal armor was replaced with the Bakushin Armor, transforming him into Bakushinmaru.
A bit away and directly in front of him, Psyco B watched the change with mild confusion. This meant nothing, right…?
As if to answer its silent challenge, Bakushinmaru launched himself at it with newfound speed. The two clashed swords, and Psyco B found the edge it once had gone. Baku's enhanced abilities allowed him to push back his doppelganger, which was a refreshing change of pace for the samurai. Suddenly he noticed a change in Psyco B's style. It was no longer trying to attack but was dodging and staving off blows. Suddenly, Psyco B jumped aside and charged past him.
“What is he-?” The answer hit Bakushinmaru in an instant. It knew it couldn't beat him, so it was going after easier targets!
Princess Rele!
Zapper's gang!
Baku' took off after Psyco B. He had to intervene! Bakushinmaru soon caught up with Psyco B, and grabbed hold. Then, in a flare of power, he jumped high into the air. Flipping around, Baku' positioned himself so he was over Psyco B. Gathering his power, key points on Bakushinmaru's armor began to glow as he back wings opened up. Bakushinmaru had a feeling that if he tried this under normal conditions, Psyco B would have run away. But this way, there was nowhere to run!
The awesome power of Bakushinmaru exploded out from him, the force of which blasted Psyco B away, driving it into the ground. A moment afterward it de-pixilated.
Baku', still in the air, nodded. “Right. Now, onto Ciphyr!”
With that, he blasted away toward the top of the white tower.
Meanwhile, Zero wasn't doing well against his opponent. For the duration of the fight, Zero had been forced on the defensive, doing his best to parry and avoid the blows from Psyco Z. but it wasn't enough. Zero quickly angled himself upward to avoid being his by Psyco Z's variation of the Lacroa Crescent at point-blank range. But it did little good. Psyco merely kicked him away.
On the ground, Princess Rele kept chanting. She hands glowed blue and her eyes opened.
Back in the air, Zero's eyes widened as he saw Psyco Z's sword glow with dark energy. But instead of sweeping across like it did before, Psyco Z merely pointed. Like one of Captain's rifles, a beam of the dark power shot out, directly at Zero…
The air was split by a fearsome, and to Zero, roar, and a beam of the purest light shot between him and Psyco Z, canceling the purple shot. Both of them looked to where the light had come from…
It was Fenn! The Feather Dragon of Lacroa had appeared in the airspace. Not giving anyone time to react, Fenn dived at Zero. The Knight Gundam and Spirit Beast merged together, creating Zero, Knight of Silver Wings.
On the ground, Rele smiled and wiped her forehead in relief.
“Thank you, you majesty!” Zero called to her. Then he turned his attention back to Psyco Z. The doppelganger had charged its sword with energy again, but his time was flying at him, spinning.
“This fight will end differently than the last,” Zero said evenly, not flinching. He spread his arms out. “Come to me, Twin Buster Swords!”
In his hands, two blades(that looked like they could be put together to form one big blade) appeared in his hands. A magical sphere appeared around Zero, acting as a forcefield, and the Knight of Silver Wings charged at the spinning Pysco Z. The two clashed with a crashing flash, and when the light rescinded, Psyco Z was flying backwards, its sword and shield de-pixilated. Looking more shocked than it was capable of, Psyco Z turned on its heels(even though it was floating in the air) and fly away.
“We are not through!” Zero said, and brought his two swords together. In a fantastic flash of light, the two swords merged into one. Then, raising the Twin Buster Sword into the air, he said, “Fenn, grant me your power!” The hole at the end of the Sword began to fill with magical energy. “Super Spirit Magic…Infinity Winds!” The sword projected energy versions of itself at Pysco Z, slicing the doppelganger in half. One half de-pixilated before the other.
Taking a moment to stare at where Pysco Z used to be, Zero flapped his wings and took off for the top of White Tower.
Captain's battle seemed to be going the worst of all. Psyco C kept him constantly on the move, firing every chance it got. Captain repeatedly had to change the direction he was flying in to avoid being hit. It was a dogfight, one that Captain was losing. It was also one that reminded Captain of his fight with Madnug. If the Option Z hadn't shown up when it did and Shute hadn't-
Shute. He had forgotten all about Shute when Ciphyr revealed itself. He suddenly remembered all the times Shute had, in his own special way, come to the rescue of the team, one way or another.
And it was then he realized how weak and pathetic he was. If Shute hadn't found him(or he had landed in Shute's workshop) Zapper Zaku would have destroyed him. He was designed to be the sole protector of Neotopia…but he needed the help of a child to succeed.
This time, however, there was no one to help him, no one to give him confidence, no one to supply him with the tools he needed…
Suddenly, it occurred to him that with Ciphyr opening a link between all dimensions, calling for help wasn't all that pointless.
“SDG Base!” Captain yelled through his communicator, “This is Captain Gundam! Please respond!”
In Neotopia, things were getting hectic. The black hole was now twice the size of the sun, and getting bigger. People on the street had stopped what they were doing to stare at it.
Chief Haro was feeling very frantic at the moment. Never had he felt so useless. He had just contacted Bell Wood to see if the Dimensional Transport Device could stop the expanding hole, but couldn't do anything himself.
“-Tain Gundam! Please responde!”
Haro's ears flapped like a humming bird's wings. He quickly pushed a button on his desk. “We read you, Captain!”
“Please launch Option Z!” For some reason Captain sounded relieved.
“What?” Haro didn't have a clue what Captain was going on about. “Launch it-? Where? What's going on!?”
“There's no time to explain,” Captain's voice over the communicator replied, “Just have it lock onto my tracking beacon!”
Chief Haro didn't react at first, but a minute afterward he sent the order to the launch catapult. Afterward he slumped into his seat. After this he was going to spend a loooong vacation with his family…!
Meanwhile, Option Z, upon being launched from Blanc Base, flew into the black hole…
In the city, Captain was almost at wits end. He wondered whether or not his theory was correct while dodging beams from Psyco C when a barrage of missiles suddenly swamped it. Captain looked behind to where the missiles had come from. It was Option Z!
The weapons/rocket pack flew at him at high speed. Captain disengaged his flight boosters and felt the Option Z connect with a `clunk', barely audible over the roar of the rockets. Not wasting any time, Captain unleashed a slew of missiles at Psyco C, who countered by firing repeated beams to destroy them. However, Psyco C had a surprise when the smoke cleared. Captain, with both gattling guns in hand, fired a steady stream of bullets into the doppelganger, not stopping until he ran out of bullets. By that time, Psyco C was de-pixilating. After making sure it didn't teleport to a safer location, Captain turned and flew to White Tower.
Ciphyr was there.
On the top of the White Tower, Ciphyr turned away from the console. He saw three Gundams flying towards him, looking much different than before. It didn't matter, though.
The process was 59% complete…