Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ Devoured ❯ One-Shot

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Disclaimer: Shaman King does not belong to me. Shaman King belongs to Hiroyuki Takei as well as, but not limited to, Shonen Jump, Viz, Funimation, and 4Kids TV. I am not making a profit on this story.
Spoiler Warning: Slight spoiler for end or series.
Word Count: 150
Dying wasn't so bad.
He felt cold. Odd really, since he was being devoured by one who controlled a fire spirit. It was different from what he expected. He wasn't surprised when it happened. He supposed he should be shocked really, angry even, but he wasn't.
He was very calm. It wasn't so bad dying. There was no pain, no burst of agony, no nothing. He saw his body lifeless, limp, devoid of his essence.
He expected to see his life flash by or visions of the world engulfed by flame, but he didn't.
He saw flowers and heard laughter and music. He felt serene, at peace.
But that was wrong, wasn't it? He should be worried, scared, frightened for his friends on the other side, concerned for humanity. But he wasn't.
It would be okay, it would work out, it always did. Right?
No, dying wasn't so bad.