Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ Hasta Mañana ❯ Prolouge ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hasta Mañana
Disclaimer: Shaman King rules! But sadly I don't rule it. One can always dream, though…
“Hao, I really don't think this is a good idea.” The girl turned her iridescent blue-violet eyes towards her brown haired companion, her long silvery gold hair swaying slightly with the wind. “We're so close to one of their villages; if they were to catch us up there I know something bad would happen. We'd be cornered!”
“Don't worry, Kohana-koi. I'll keep us safe.”
“That's what I'm afraid off.” She murmured. “You would have to hurt them, and knowing you, you'd end up killing them.” She sighed, she hated death. Hao pulled his intended closer to his side, understanding and sympathetic. He had always tried not to kill, especially when he was around her, knowing what pain it caused her. It wasn't always possible, however; not with those weak humans always trying to kill them because of there shamanic abilities. Sometimes he just got so angry…
“Kohana-koi,” He whispered in her ear, grinning. He knew a way to cheer her up. “Why walk all the way up to the top when we can go have the Spirit of Fire take us?” His grin widened. “Or we could have one of your spirits take us. I'm sure Rayenth would love to fly us up there.”
She stared wide eyed at him, a slight smile tugging at her lips. “You know that Rayenth doesn't like doing things like that. She thinks it's silly.” She giggled, imagining her spirit's complaints at being forced to do such a thing. “Thanks Hao. I needed that.”
“I know. Come on, I really meant it when I said I'd have my Spirit of Fire take us up.” With that his spirit appeared, surrounded by flames that were not intended to burn. After a few moments the flames died down, leaving the Spirit of fire a shimmering red color traced with its stark white markings. Carefully the spirit knelt down, allowing Hao to jump up onto its large hand then help his fiancé up. The Spirit of Fire warped up to the top of the crag then gently set the two Shamans down on the hard, rocky earth.
Hao waved his hand at his spirit, dismissing it. With a nod of its head, it disappeared into a raging torrent of flames. He then turned to Kohana, who was busy staring at the sunset. He kissed her lightly on the cheek, startling her out of her reverie. She looked at him questioningly. “Why did you bring me up here anyway, love?”
“This is the perfect place to look at the stars.” He smiled, having seen her eyes light up. He led her over to a large pine tree, its thick branches reaching towards the moon. Pointing at a branch that was high up and slightly thicker than the rest, he asked: “Do you think you could climb to that branch? I think that from that one we would be able to see them best.”
“Yes, I think so.” She said slowly, nodding. Then she tensed up, frowning. “Hao, did you hear that?” Then she saw a flash of color amongst the smaller trees that were behind the pine. “I'm pretty sure that I just saw something moving out there!”
For a moment he let his senses search the surrounding area; nothing. “Don't worry Kohana-koi. There's nothing here, it was probably just an animal. You have to relax; you're safe here with me. Come on, let's start climbing.”
It took them about five minutes of climbing to get to the chosen branch. By the time they were settled on the large, mossy branch the sun had already completely set and the stars were shining brighter than ever. “Hao, you were right, this is perfect.” Kohana sighed, leaning against her fiancé and love. His arm went around her waist, pulling her closer. She closed her eyes for a moment, reveling in the feeling of having her love's strong arms holding her, protecting her. Then, all of a sudden, the perfectly peaceful moment was shattered by a shout from down below.
“Come down, Hellspawn! We know you're up there! We're going to send you back to where you belong, Hell!” Hao looked down at the mob of people standing at the base of the tree, a look akin to pity in his eyes.
“How pathetic.” He murmured, shaking his head. He eyed one of the archers that were among the number with disdain. They would have to be the first to go. He could not allow such a threat to his Kohana as that to stand.
Kohana collapsed against him, trembling. “Please don't kill them. Please!” She begged quietly. His eyes softened slightly when he turned to look at her.
“I will try not to.” He reassured her. He ran his had through her hair. “I will, however, have to if they try to hurt you. First and foremost in my mind is keeping you safe.” Then an arrow came whizzing by their heads followed by many others. He narrowed his eyes, preparing to call forth the Spirit of Fire, when he heard a scream. His eyes widened; a look of shock and maybe even panic crossing his chocolate brown orbs. He reached out, trying to catch Kohana's hand as she fell from the mossy bough, an arrow protruding from her shoulder. He winced every time one of the pine's branches caught her for a moment, partially breaking her fall before snapping and letting her continue her decent.
He jumped down, lightly landing beside the broken body of his love. He knelt by her side, carefully gathering her into his arms, murmuring little comforting nothings into her ear. She, with much effort, raised her slender hand to his cheek, where he covered it with his own. “Hasta Mañana.” She murmured painfully before letting her hand drop back down to her side. A few moments later she went limp in his arms, surrendering herself to the inevitable darkness.
Hao's eyes were full of furious fire when he turned back to the now frightened villagers. “Spirit of Fire!” His spirit obediently appeared before him, causing few of the villagers to recoil in horror. “Destroy them!”
Half a night latter found him sitting on a ledge overlooking the human village, looking on as the whole village was burned to ashes. The flames were reflected in his half-mad eyes, eyes that were filled with the blood lust. That night he swore that he would have his revenge on the race that so carelessly murdered his fiancé and love.
A/N: Well, isn't this a bit fluffy? Aw… I've always loved fluffy bits. You will come to notice that a lot of my stories almost always end up with a whole load of fluff- that is, after I put them through hell first! When I posted this on, I was so kindly reminded that Hao didn't have the Spirit of Fire during his first life. I would like to inform all my readers that I have changed that little bit-writer's license it's called-to fit my purposes. Hope it doesn't bother any of you too much! And for those who don't know, `Hasta Mañana' means `until tomorrow' in Spanish, roughly anyway. Once you've read a few more chapters you'll all see why that fits the story so well. And last, but certainly not least, please, I'm begging you, put up a bit a comment!