Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ Just a randomn pointless fic about nothing... ❯ ...skool.....AHHHHH! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

LaH: Who's doing da disclaimer?

Sk cast: Not me! *runs*

LaH: AwwW! Come back I was just kidding!!!

Sk: *runs even faster*

LaH: *pouts* Fine be that way! I DON'T OWN ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LAH: I like reviewing! I don't remember who I reviewed though...

Ren: Didn't you just review someone??

LAH: I did?

Ren: yes.

LAH: Are you sure?

Ren: Yes.

LAH: Positive?

Ren: YES!

LAH: -reads top over again- I reviewed?

Ren: -.-` your hopeless.

LAH: ok then what was it?

Ren: I'm not quite sure..

Lyserg: I remember one! I was there. So was that guy from Yu-gi-oh.

LAH: you mean Ryou?

Lyserg: yea. Anyway it went kinda like this.



Ryou: you have the giggos again don't you?

Lyserg: what are the 'giggos'?

Ryou: When she goes on a laughing frenzy and doesn't stop for three days...

Lyserg: o...kay...

Lyserg and Ryou: O_OU


LAH: How come I don't remember that?

Lyserg: Well because after three days you passed out because of the lack of air from the laughing

Ren: O.o

Manta: shouldn't you be shopping for school supplies instead of spending sooo much time watching Anime and reading load and loads of manga.

LAH: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! school less than thirty day don't want to go back...-twitch- O.- -twitch- O_-

Yoh: geez Manta look what you did! You know how much she has been avoiding the fact that she's going back to school.

Jun: yeah..she's been avoiding the back to school sections in every signal store..and every signal back to school commercial.

Ren: She tries to avoid those commercials. `Tries' is the keyword.

Lyserg: there was that time that wal-mart commercial came on and she went scrambling for the remote... sadly she couldn't find it so she screamed and ran upstairs and locked herself in her room and read five manga books in ten minutes.

Yoh: her moms a all these schools supplies around the house for the beginning of the year.

Horo :-walks in with a bag of chips-....she's gone all insane with that school is in a month insomnia again hasn't she....

Lyserg: sad.....

LAH: -twitch- O.- school......homework........projects....-hides in corner-..... schools not here ....-hears `IT'S THE BACK TO SCHOOL SALE AT WAL-MART!'- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! -Runs around like a crazy maniac-

E.o.E: -anime sweatdrop-

Anna:-walks in- Someone get the strait jacket -walks away-.

E.o.E: -looks at each other-....-looks at LAH-

LAH: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!I"M NOT GOING YOU CAN"T MAKE ME!!!-Laughs evilly-MWAHAHAHAHAH-goes all crazy again because of the Wal-mart commercial again-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!-Runs around holding a pointy pencil- MWAHAHAHAH!!!FEAR IT!!! FEAR THE MIGHTY PENCIL!!!!!!!!!!NOOOO!! IT'S A #2 PENCIL!!!!-throws it out the window-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

E.o.E:-is scared- I'm not doin' it!