Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ Revenge and The pit of Despair ❯ Awakening of a vampire ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
DISCLAIMER :(sometimes i find no point in writing this but....)MoonCrest does not own Shaman King!


An ocean of swirling darkness.a young girl stepped out of the thick mist ,panting.She was wearing a cloak,made of high quality silk that reached to just above her ankles.The dark blue cloth was lined with silver trimming,her dark blue hair,slightly damp from the running,was tied up in a high ponytail.Her soft boots crunched on the forest fllor.As she unsheathed her sword that hung at her waist,a shadow moved past her,faster then the human eye can track.Turning around,she found herself face to face with her pursuer.Hissing,she swung her sword forward to meet thin air.He had vanished.almost immediately,she felt a sharp pain in her neck.blood trickled into the vampires mouth....the young traveler felt energy drain out of her like water from a running tap,soon,she did not have enough energy to resist.
The vampire lifted its mouth,licking its lips as its meal fell onto the forest floor,unconscious.A savage flash of fangs retreated into the lone light of the crescent moon,returning to its normal state.Bending down,he saw that the victims neck had healed faster than he expected.All that was left was a slightly visible pink scar where he had biTten.Picking her up,he murmured strange and ancient words so powerful you could shiver and a orb hung in the air.It expanded enough until it was big enough for the two to walk in.The vampire rushed in with incredible spped,the unconscious girl in his arms,bridal he stepped into a large room,coming out of nowhere,he could see his companions sitting around him.a small girl,her skin dark and her ankles and neck tinkled with rings of gold,she ran towards her master on her short legs,rejoicing.
"Hao-sama!you are back."she exclaimed.jumping with joy,she suddenly peered at the girl in her masters arms.her eyes were closed and her long blue hair loosened from its ponytail,was smooth and shiny.there was a slightly pink scar on her neck which the young girl noticed immediately.
"Opacho.bring this girl into my room.There is a strange aura about her."hao said.opacho nodded and she said to three girls who were leaning against the wall nearby,"clean the girl up.ha-sama wishes to examine her when she wakes.."the three girls nodded once and lifted her towards a door in a corner of the room.